Interior of a small apartment in which modern trends are collected


This apartment is 55 square meters. The owners are planning to lease. And they wanted to make an attractive interior. Designer Ksenia Kharkov used current actuators for this.

Interior of a small apartment in which modern trends are collected 16357_1

Interior of a small apartment in which modern trends are collected

Customers and tasks

The owners of the apartment in the LCD "Heart of the Capital" in Moscow - married couple. They invited designer Ksenia Kharkov to issue an interior to pass the short-term lease. Potential tenants were represented as a young couple or one person leading an active lifestyle. The object is in promising from the point of view of putting the place - in the center of the capital, not far from the Moscow-City complex.

Of the functional wishes, customers voiced a separate bedroom, a dressing room, a kitchen-living room and a laundry unit.

A significant role in the interior & ...

A significant role in the interior designer takes the doors. "Doors are one of the most expensive positions in the project. High partitions and canvas in the ceiling always specify the tone in the interior, make it majestic and richer. Sliding mirror doors in the hallway occupy the entire wall. They managed to perform a single web into the ceiling. Elegant black profile helped abstract from the image of a typical cabinet. Mirrors in the shade of copper emphasize the idea of ​​the interior, "says Ksenia.


The apartment passed the developer empty, without partitions. Two risers were provided at different ends for the design of the kitchen and the bathroom, which simplified the work on the development of planning. Thus, a space of 55 square meters was divided into several zones: equipped an input zone with storage, a spacious bathroom, a bedroom with a dressing room and a kitchen-living room. The overall and private zone (bedroom) separates the sliding glass partition that visually increases the space, makes it more air and free.

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For decorations, they chose practical and inexpensive materials. The walls were colored, the sofa in the living room zone was blocked seamless wallpaper. According to Ksenia's stories, the customers first wanted to issue this zone with wooden slats, but they abandoned this idea in order to save. The wall in the headboard is also framed with wallpaper, but with a marble pattern.

Interior of a small apartment in which modern trends are collected 16357_5

The floors are laminated, in wet areas, including kitchen-porcelain stoneware. The bathroom is also decorated with porcelain stoneware, combined three types of finishes: under the tree, gray stone and black marble. "The bath zone turned out to be elegant, - comments on Ksenia. - And, I must say, very practical. On such a colors, there are practically no drops and leaks on the walls. "

Storage systems

The apartment is not intended for permanent residence, but there is enough storage sites, even if the customers someday will decide to pass it into long-term rental. Thus, the bedroom decorated quite spacious wardrobe is the main storage area for things and home textiles. At the entrance it is high (under the ceiling) a wardrobe, where you can store upper clothes, suitcases and economic equipment - for the latter there is a separate unit, and the washing machine is built there.

Kitchen apron attracts OS

The kitchen apron attracts special attention in the kitchen-living room. It is decorated with copper sheets made to order. Natural metal looks simultaneously brutally and luxuriously.

The kitchen set is small, but spacious. At the same time, the designer managed to accommodate even a kitchen island, which is not typically typically for a small area of ​​the room. "Usually such a solution is used in the apartments of another area, a lot of space is needed for the island to bypass it from all sides. In this project, we took the minimum size of the island and chose a small cooking panel for it. The ceiling extract is a home need - immediately turned into another bright element of the interior. Such solutions always look spectacular and stylish. For a commercial project, which needs to be constantly selling is the necessary quality, "the opinion of Kharkov's Ksenia is shared.


In the interior formed two light scenarios: general and decorative. The total (main) resolved by track magnetic lamps. "The tracks with their position set planning interior axes: from the entrance to the bathroom and from the entrance to the window. A bedroom-dressing axis is also read, "the author commented on.

The decorative light is decorated over the dining table (chandelier), in the sofa (lamp), in the bed (suspensions). The bathroom actively used the backlight. And although it is considered a decorative component, in brightness and volume in this project can also perform the main scenario of light.

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Designer Ksenia Kharkov, Auto & ...

Designer Ksenia Kharkov, author of the project:

Initially planned a modern, bold interior. But the customers constantly dragged into a more rich decor, Ar Deco. Therefore, the specified strict vector somewhat changed the direction. Appeared velor curtains, sofa, armchair and chest of drawers on elegant legs. However, the interior can still be attributed to the modern style.

Interior of a small apartment in which modern trends are collected 16357_9
Interior of a small apartment in which modern trends are collected 16357_10

Interior of a small apartment in which modern trends are collected 16357_11

Interior of a small apartment in which modern trends are collected 16357_12
The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

Interior of a small apartment in which modern trends are collected 16357_13

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