6 shopping for the house, from which it's time to refuse (if the cabinets are so crowded)


Before buying something new to update the interior, analyze whether you do not have a similar thing, whether this new purchase is suitable for what is already there, as well as, is it possible to take this subject for rent. Then it turns out to keep the house is not lit.

6 shopping for the house, from which it's time to refuse (if the cabinets are so crowded) 1643_1

6 shopping for the house, from which it's time to refuse (if the cabinets are so crowded)

1 Droke Things

Make a list of things you already have: dishes, cooking, cleaning, cleaning, bed linen, curtains, and so on. And before pressing the "Buy" button in the online store or go to the cashier in the real store, remember this list. Do you need another saucepan of the same size? A new set of bed linen, if a few already lies in the closet, and they are in excellent condition? Come to the question more rational. So you will save not only your money, but also save the order in the cabinets - after all, all new purchases will have to keep somewhere.

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2 What is not suitable for anything

Stylists and fashion experts constantly say that it is not worth buying a thing in the wardrobe, if you know that you have nothing to wear with. The same rule can be applied to home purchases. Do I need a lid that does not suit the existing pots? And the same bed linen, which will be knocked out of the interior of your bedroom? Be sure to ask this question, then it will be possible to avoid an excess of things and crowded storage systems.

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3 What can be rented

We are talking about technology for home. For example, a steam cleaner is undoubtedly the desired thing in everyday life. It is convenient to clean my furniture, a carpet with it. And even wash the windows. But every day you will not use it. Perhaps even every week you will not. And it will have to keep it somewhere. Today, special equipment can be leased - on the websites of ads. Mass such offers. You do not have to look for a place to constantly storing a pretty overall device, but you can always use it.

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4 Specific items

This also includes various household accessories, especially kitchen. For example, the eggs - she has a very narrow destination. Is it necessary? Or still you can cook eggs in a saucepan? Or toaster. If you do not eat toasted bread every morning, you may not need this device. Whenever you want to purchase something narrowly specialized in the house, think twice.

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5 Non-functional accessories

We talk a lot about what is important to watch not only for aesthetics, but also on the function. Even at the decor. You can afford to bring a statuette from travel or other accessory, and admire it on the shelf, remembering a good vacation. But the habit of buying such things specifically only for the sake of decorating the shelves can play the evil joke - and without that overcrowded storage systems just cracked. Of course, we are not talking about collecting - if this is your hobby, it is impossible to refuse it in the name of the idea of ​​racking.

6 shopping for the house, from which it's time to refuse (if the cabinets are so crowded) 1643_7

6 things on sale

At a reduced price there is a temptation to buy everything and more - in general, the brands and shops are calculated. Therefore, before you still buy a new plaid or a set of dishes with a discount, weigh all the "for" and "against". Of course, we are not talking about global shopping - the technique you have planned to buy for a long time, and specially waited for lower prices.

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