5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care


Hoya, Clivia, Decembrist - These flowers will decorate your interior and will not require special care.

5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care 16452_1

5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care

Do not like to care for plants, but would like to settle in a house of some beautiful flower? We found several options that require mainly sufficient moistening and comfortable temperature.

Listed unpretentious and beautiful indoor flowers in video

1 Hoya

This plant is not so often found in the interior, although it looks very attractive and cozy. If you want to add greenery and natural notes to the apartment, this tropical liana is perfect.

The plant does not require special care. It also works well with other indoor colors. To Hoya felt good, it must be kept in a well-ventilated room at a temperature not higher than 30 and not lower than 20 degrees (such easily in the apartment), as well as take care of drafts. It is also necessary to regularly spray and wipe the leaves of the Liana. It is best to put a pot with a flower on a lit, but not sunny windowsill.

Determine whether Hoye do you like at home, easy: with a favorable climate and proper leaving the plant will bloom.

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5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care 16452_4

5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care 16452_5

5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care 16452_6

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2 Bromelia

The indoor plant is a small herbous bush, in the center of which a bright beautiful flower is formed. The way does not imply any complex actions. In the room where Bromelia grows, it is necessary to regularly venture, avoiding drafts. The plant is watered depending on the season: in summer, watering can reach daily, and in winter it is reduced to one time in seven days. Like other tropical plants with large leaves, bromelia needs to be wiped once a week with a damp cloth and regularly spray from the sprayer. If you have an air humidifier, you can put it in a room with bromelia, the plant loves moisture.

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5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care 16452_9

5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care 16452_10

5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care 16452_11

3 Orchid phalaenopsis

This orchid, in contrast to related species, is not demanding in care. The only one pot with a flower is better to keep away from direct sunlight - the western or northwest windowsill is perfect. Orchid phalaenopsis does not require special air humidity, she is comfortable in a regular apartment. The same applies to the temperature regime, orchid feels great at a temperature of from 40 to 12 degrees above zero. Once a week, the plant must be fed, and water only when the soil dry out.

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5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care 16452_13

5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care 16452_14

5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care 16452_15

  • 5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care 16452_16

4 clivia

The exotic plant from the tropics was perfectly accustomed in the conditions of urban apartments. Clivia looks very effectively thanks to bright green leaves and a beautiful large flower, which grows straight from the middle of the rosette of the leaves. Clivia can bloom up to two times a year, if it is necessary to maintain it. But at the same time, the flower is not required for its special conditions for lighting and humidity. The plant only does not like permutations, transfers, loosening and other soil transformations, so the less you touch it, the one will be more comfortable. It is necessary to water as needed, to ensure that water does not accumulate in the pallet. Feed clivia only during flowering and growth.

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5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care 16452_18

5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care 16452_19

5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care 16452_20

5 Decembrist

The plant received its name for the flowering period, which falls on December-January. The pot with the Decembrist does not put on too bright sun. If the plant is located on the southern windowsill, during the brightest sun, it needs shading. Decembrist watered abundantly, but not often, as the soils drying in a pot. So that the bush looked neatly, unnecessary shoots should be broken, it can be done manually. The Decembrist loves moisture, so it needs to spray it, in the summer it is more often done, and during the blooming spraying is not recommended.

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5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care 16452_22

5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care 16452_23

5 spectacular plants for home, which are actually very easy to care 16452_24

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