6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget


For the Scandinavian style is relevant simple finish, wooden textures and there is no need to use designer items. It will help save. We tell more.

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_1

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget

Scandinavian style is considered one of the most democratic due to its conciseness. Suitable furniture and decor can be found in budget, and in expensive manufacturers. The decoration in the scandian interior is also extremely simple, as if the canvas, and therefore a pair of shades of paint and inexpensive laminate you will be enough to design the entire space. Today we give advice that will reduce the estimate for repairs.

1 Choose a monophonic wallpaper or paint

The most popular type of finishes in scandinists is paint. This finish will cost cheaply if you have enough flat walls. Another option is a monophonic wallpaper with a paint effect or painting wallpaper. Choose wallpaper without a texture - due to simple design, no one will determine their cost, and the budget finish will look elegant and beautiful.

Wallpaper is better to choose if you make repairs in the new building. Over time, the new house will give a shrinkage, and it can manifest itself with unpleasant cracks on colored walls. Wallpaper leveled these cracks, and the coating on the walls will remain in perfect condition.

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_3
6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_4

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_5

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_6

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2 Place laminate or tile instead of parquet

There is an opinion that in the present Scanda without parquet can not do. But modern realities dictate their own. You can use a simple laminate in residential areas or tiles under the tree. And the wet zones lay out another tile. The combination of tiles and laminate, for example, in the kitchen-living rooms or hallways and corridors look good.

Designers even recommend not trying to pick up the tile under the color of the laminate, trying to immediately repeat it. Therefore, if you have residues from previous repairs, you can save and use them.

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_8
6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_9

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_10

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_11

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3 Choose neutral colors

If there is a style in nature, which allows for the finish of all rooms alone with white paint - this is Scandinavian. The neutral light palette looks worthily and does not draw attention to itself, at the same time filling the interior of freshness and visual space.

There is another plus in this: the more neutral palette is used in the finish, the easier it is to pick up the furniture, because they almost do not need to be coordinated by colors. In turn, the decor can also enter different: from the colorful retro, which is inherited from the grandmother, to dynamic simple bright items that can be found in any mass market.

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_13
6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_14
6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_15

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_16

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_17

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_18

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4 Save on lamps

Again, the democracy of the scandian interior does not assume the presence of complex road lamps. Instead, you can hang sobs or use LED tapes. And also use simple lampshares. What is really worth paying attention is to work out a variety of lighting scenarios.

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_20

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5 Free windows

Refuse curtains and tulle, or at least hang the easiest curtains. Clean window sills. Nordic interiors love natural lighting, and what is more, the better - the light from the windows adds a special charm from the windows, and still saving on electricity during the day.

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_22
6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_23

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_24

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_25

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6 Do not dwell on brands

Do not focus on well-known furniture brands and decor in scandium style. Look for other, less well-known brands. Scandinavian style is so popular now that it uses a variety of brands. Make a bet on simple forms and optimal quality, and you do not lose.

In the end, you can restore the furniture that got from parents, or find something on the bulletin boards and try to give the subject a new appearance with your own hands.

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_27
6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_28

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_29

6 ideas for creating an interior in Scandinavian style with minimal budget 1650_30

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