Strict Men's Apartment in Fashion Color Gama


In this apartment, despite the strict gray base, there is a place for bright engagement: in textiles and decoration.

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Strict Men's Apartment in Fashion Color Gama

Customer and tasks

The owner of a three-bedroom apartment with an area of ​​86 square meters - a man is slightly older than thirty. While he lives alone, but the interior wanted to make it so that he could be transformed for the family. Among the main wishes there were equipment of a comfortable bedroom with a dressing room, a combined kitchen-living room, as well as a cabinet - with the ability to reform it to the nursery.


According to the developer plan, three isolated rooms, a kitchen and two bathrooms. The layout was practically not changed. Laid one of the doorways leading from the corridor to the kitchen.

On a small site of the hallway & ...

On a small site of the hallway at the wall, where there used to be the entrance to the kitchen, there is a console. The door to the guest bathroom was invisible to, according to the designer, avoid the feeling of the tambour in this area.

Between the kitchen and the living room was carrying a wall, but with the opening from the developer. To completely remove the wall, of course, it was not possible, but the presence of the opening made it possible to realize the wishes about the united kitchen and the living room.

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"The color palette is quite pastel, as a background for the future interior," says Anna Nikitina, the author of the project. - I often use such a move so that it is possible to play with the colors of upholstered furniture, accessories and decor. "


The apartment surrendered to the decoration from the developer, but, according to the designer, the owner did not want to live with laminate - he didn't want to live with natural and natural materials. Therefore, the whole finish was dismantled and chose a new one.

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The main "hero" of the living room of the project calls a large gray sofa. We chose the model on the legs to, despite the massiveness, the furniture looked easy.

The floor in all rooms, with the exception of the bathrooms, laid the parquet board. The walls were painted, and for wet zones, tile was chosen. Partially walls of the living room and bedroom decorated with moldings painted in the color of the walls. This added the space of classic notch.

Interesting stroke in decoration Guests & ...

Interesting move in the decoration of the living room - "flowing" moldings from one wall to another. Also, the designer applied one of the trend techniques today - Blankets-Blanket. "The living room is traced the game textures of the same color - gray. But there are still accents: a chair and picture on the wall, "says Anna Nikitina.

Furniture and storage systems

In the hallway, there was a large storage cabinet, where there is a place for outerwear, household accessories, household chemicals, towels and linen. The kitchen is designed by the corner. On the one hand, the column cabinets under the ceiling with integrated equipment, on the other - the upper and lower row of cabinets combined in color.

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"I have tried a client for a long time to finish the facades of kitchen nut, he was not sure what it would suit him," Anna Nikitina shares. - I managed to "defend" the facades, as a result, the kitchen looks great, in contrast with the color of the walls, and the client is satisfied! Also, the chip of the kitchen is that the ends of the facades are painted with copper, and despite the fact that this is a very subtle moment, he also cost him to fight for him. "

The living room remained without storage systems - there is a large cozy sofa, a chair and a couple of coffee tables. The office, by the wishes of the customer, it was necessary to make such a thing in the future to transform it into the nursery, so there are few furniture.

Furniture in the office - working ...

Furniture in the office is a working group and a sofa. In this case, the table is not at the wall. "This allows not to feel stiffness," says the author of the project. "The possibility of a circular approach to furniture subjects is a very nice bonus."

The main storage system in the bedroom is a dressing room without a door with a high opening.

The dressing room was ordered in the table

The dressing room was ordered in a carpentry workshop. Cabinets and shelves collected on a metal frame - it creates a feeling of airiness. "The dressing room is built on the principle of the contrast of a brutal metal and a soft tree," says Anna Nikitina.

"Furniture items, like the interior itself, were planned calm, not screaming, but at the same time modern, since the house is a place for recreation: both physically and morally," said Anna Nikitin.

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"The base of the bedroom is the contrast of gray and heavenly blue with elements of copper. The cozy space, where there is no place to be superfluous, "the author says about the interior.


The owner of the apartment is a tall man, so the suspended lamps in the lighting scenarios were not considered. The designer used the built-in light and track lamps as the main lighting, in the living room on the ceiling there is also an accent chandelier, in the chair - the flooring, in the bedroom, except for light under the ceiling - two table lamps on the bedside tables.

In the master bathroom scombiner

In the master bathroom, several types of tiles were combined: under concrete, which creates a fairly cold impression, and with imitation of warm wood. "The bathroom turned out to be sufficiently brutal, but at the same time standing down," said Anna.

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"Guest bathroom wanted a little variety," tear off "from the rest of the apartment. He is hidden behind the door-invisible, as a secret room. A decor with gold honeycombs from designer Dima Loginova is used on the wall, "says the author of the project.

Designer Anna Nikitina, author ...

Designer Anna Nikitina, author of the project:

Moldings on the walls respond to the interior to the classics, but the furniture remains in modern times, it is a very frequent move in the interiors - a classic shell with modern furniture.

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Living room

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Living room

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Living room

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View from the kitchen on the living room

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View from the kitchen on the living room

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The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

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