Unusual layout: how to arrange a pentagonal house


The prepared cottage acquired at the housing exhibition with an unusual, pentagonal project composition completely answered the needs of young spouses. Before moving, they needed only to determine the purpose of two private premises.

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Unusual layout: how to arrange a pentagonal house

Annual Finnish Housing Fair - an event, equally beneficial for all participants. The organizers fill the empty land plot with residential buildings, built according to the latest science and technology, participants - company-enterprises - demonstrate the possibilities of their design studios and production facilities "on nature", and potential buyers are studying and comparing proposals without leaving the location of the settlement.

The capabilities that last year's summer exposition in Seinäjoki in the town of Seinäjoki, which in the West Suomi did not fail to use our heroes - a young married couple who decided to move from an apartment building in their own cottage. They preferred not to build a house from scratch. Suitable accommodation was found on the second day of dating with the exposition - spouses, a one-story house was attracted, built of profiled glue bar. Thanks to the original design composition and unusual layout, the construction really attracted all attention.

The cottage in terms is an elongated pentagon with a narrow base; Inside it there are two rooms - an entrance hall and living room. The two side robers of the base geometric shape are attached by rectangle. In one of them, a kitchen-dining room and a large room (14.1 m2), in the second - another residential premises, smaller (10.7 m2), a complex of wet zones (bathroom, shower, sauna) and a technical compartment were placed. To the top of the pentagon, along the two glazed walls of the living room, adjusts the impressive in the midway (about 43 m2) an open terrace, to its foundation - porch. (To the newly seller of our heroes, the smaller room will turn into a bedroom, most - in a two-time Cabinet. Well, to the appearance of a child, the working room is planned to be converted to the nursery. The area, configuration and level of illumination of the room allow you to easily equip three zones in it: for sleep and recreation, games, classes.)

Unusual layout: how to arrange a pentagonal house

Uniform lighting of all the premises without exception provide lamps built into the tail ceiling. For focusing from different zones and their illumination response suspended and floor lamps.

Nontrivial and used construction technologies used to implement the facility. So, the cottage erected on a warmed swedish plate. In its asset - high rates of thermal insulation, drainage, resistance to seasonal ports of the soil. In addition, in such a foundation, laying of communications and a draft floor with an elevated water heating system are allowed. The base is raised quickly (usually within a month) and costs 10-15% less than the ribbon functions. First, it is organized and removed from the vegetable layer a depth of 0.3-0.5 m, then the geotextile canvas is placed on its bottom and slopes with an overwear. On top of the last layer, crushed stone and sand. At the same time, sand is also layered with water, after which it is trambed and seal with vibroplites.

The next step is the installation of mortgages (under the injection of water), drainage and sewer pipes (they fall asleep with rubble and sand) and laying of concrete preparation and waterproofing. On the perimeter of the future foundation, it is satisfied with the formwork from the upper and lower boards, vertical racks and pods. Along its walls on the inside, plates of the heat insulator are placed, if necessary, their lower part is buried in the sand. Thus, it turns out a formwork with solid sides. After that, over its entire area, inside the rotor laid a solid horizontal layer of plates of the heat insulator. Inside place ribs of stiffness and mounted layers of XPS insulation. The slab part of the foundation and ribs of rigid reinforcement. According to the laid by the reinforcement grid, the pipes of a warm floor, which necessarily fill in the coolant before the fill of concrete.

To level the dimensions of storage systems with sliding flaps, they entered into existing or specially equipped niches. For example, in the office there is a three-minded cabinet occupies the entire end wall. Used to fill sash mirror elements optically increase the room volume. Among other items of the situation are two identical desktops, each of which is installed under the window. Thus, high insolation of countertops in the bright time of the day is ensured. The nominal boundary between jobs is the unusual outdoor lamp, which is a powerful rectangular base and "wall" from LEDs. The latter do not provide a proper level of lighting (this function is assigned to table lamps), but in the evenings they create a romantic mood. Thanks to the sliding couch, the cabinet can be used as a guest bedroom.

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The area of ​​the kitchen-dining room is impressive, so the headsets managed to place according to the P-shaped diagram, while organizing a zone for breakfast and fast snacks - a bar counter.

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The furnishings of the living room is freely mobile - if necessary, furniture items can be regrouped, released space, for example, for dancing or yoga classes

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Usually, the hallways are deprived of natural insolation, but in this room the sunlight penetrates through the window and the glazing elements of the inlet door

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As in all rooms of the cottage, when the complex of wet premises was used by the advantage of materials and furniture of white.

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Coloristic accents were placed using textile articles and accessories. In addition, for the finishing of the bathroom, which is at the entrance to the house, has been involved in the small format tile of red and as active by tone mounted cabinets

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The main entrance to the cottage is located in the backyard

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On the street, the house looks an outdoor terrace, from where you can go to a living room or a shopping room combined with shower.


Total area of ​​the house

121 m2 (excluding Summer Room Square)


Building type: Wooden based on profiled glue bar

Foundation: reinforced concrete stove, horizontal waterproofing - waterproofing membrane, insulation - extrusion polystyrene foam (thickness 200 mm)

Outdoor Walls: Profiled Shaded Bar Section 230 × 220 mm (spruce), Outdoor Decoration - Paint

Interior walls: frame, natural heater based on wood fibers Ekovilla (thickness 100 and 200 mm), outdoor decoration - paint

Roof: scope, multi-type, vapor barrier film, insulation - natural heater based on wood fibers Ekovilla (thickness 450 mm), waterproofing - waterproofing membrane, roofing - metal tile

Windows: Wooden two-frame Piklas

Doors: Kaskipuu.

Life Support Systems Water Supply: Centralized

Sewerage: centralized

Power Supply: Municipal Network

Heating: centralized, water warm floor with ethylene glycol as a coolant

Ventilation: Natural Supply-Exhaust

Additional equipment: wood fireplace, electric heater

Interior decoration

Walls: water-based paint, porcelain stoneware

Floors: Ceramographic

Ceilings: Lining (spruce), water-based paint

Furniture: Kaluste Päivärinta

The enlarged calculation of the cost of arrangement of the house with a total area of ​​121 meters, similar to the presented *

Name of works Number of Cost, rub.
Preparatory and Foundation Works
Marking axes in accordance with the project, layout, development, recess and backflow of the soil set 148 350.
Sand base device under the foundation set 24 200.
Device of monolithic reinforced concrete slab foundation with viscous reinforcement grids, frameworks and formwork devices set 145 200.
Insulation of the foundation plate polystyrene set 48 400.
Waterproofing foundation set 12 100.
Other works set 18 950.
TOTAL 397 200.
Applied materials on the section
Sand for construction work set 133 100.
Concrete solution, fittings


244 100.

Polystyrene foam (200 mm)


84 700.
Waterproofing membrane set 30 250.
Other materials set 24,600
TOTAL 516 750.
Walls, partitions, overlap, roofing
Build house from a glue bar set 450 950.
Scope Roofing Metal Roofing set 208 950.
Installing window and door blocks set 196 500.
Other works set 42 850.
TOTAL 899 250.
Applied materials on the section
Profiled glue timing segment 230 × 220 mm (spruce), natural heater based on wood fiber EKOVILLA (thickness 100 and 200 mm), paint set 735 750.
Steamproofing film, natural heater based on wood fibers Ekovilla (thickness 450 mm), waterproofing membrane, metal tile set 489 750.
Wooden two-frame piklas windows, Kaskipuu doors set 570,000
Other materials set 89 800.
TOTAL 1 885 300.
Engineering systems
Electric installation work set 71 250.
Installation of the heating system set 120 800.
Plumbing work set 144,000
TOTAL 336 050.
Applied materials on the section
Materials for electrical work and installation of the lighting system set 95 500.
Equipment and materials for installation of water supply and sewage systems set 260 650.
A set of equipment and materials for mounting the heating system (water warm floor with ethylene glycol as a coolant, wood fireplace) set 194 200.
TOTAL 550 350.
Device flooring and cladding of walls from porcelain stoneware, cladding of ceilings with clapboard, painting and other works set 383,000
TOTAL 383,000
Applied materials on the section
Water-based paint, porcelain stonework, lining (spruce), other consumables set 609 850.
TOTAL 609 850.
TOTAL 5 577 750.

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