How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas


Beautiful cans, dishes, even paintings - suggest that use to decorate open shelves in the kitchen, if you have.

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_1

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas

As a rule, open shelves in the kitchen are chosen for several purposes. The first and main economy on the upper modules. So it turns out to significantly reduce the budget for the purchase of a kitchen headset. The second reason is the lack of need for storage systems, the desire to decorate the kitchen with the help of open shelves. And the third is visual relief of the interior. Choosing an open shelves, you need to remember that they decorate the interior only if they support them and ... to decorate correctly.

Important moment: For decoration, something is rarely chosen by something - only plates, only vases or cans with croups. More often combine several things. We have collected the ideas of the decor that can be combined.

1 identical banks with inscriptions

If for you the main purpose of the shelves is still storage, put banks in there with croups, cookies, flour or coffee. So you will save space in kitchen cabinets.

And so that it looked aesthetically, choose the same banks and complement them with stickers with an indication that it is in this bank that is stored. It will be easier to maintain order.

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_3
How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_4

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_5

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_6

2 Retrodetali

Fashion on retro continues. If you are sympathetic to this style, you can dilute the composition on the kitchen shelves with one or two retro items.

It is desirable that such details will not be knocked out from the overall kitchen interior. If you have modern minimalism, then Vintage will not fit into the style. But in the Scandinavian style, Country or Mid-Century Modern - yes.

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_7
How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_8

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_9

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_10

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3 Beautiful dishes

Sometimes the shelves can perform the role of a server, where they put everyday dishes, and beautiful specimens. But this is not quite practical. There you can store that utensils that you use constantly, but of course it should be aesthetic. Consider that the dishes on open shelves inevitably collects dust. It will have to wash before use.

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_12
How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_13

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_14

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_15

4 ceramics

Vases, figurines and other ceramic decor can also be used to decorate open shelves. But do not overdo it. The fact is that such a decor looks organic when it is expensive to the owners - for example, you brought a statuette from traveling or received a gift from a loved one. Buying specially vases and figures only for the sake of decorating - a direct way to litter the kitchen space.

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_16
How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_17

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_18

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_19

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5 paintings and posters

The kitchen also has a place for paintings, photos or posters within. Moreover, it does not have to be something in the kitchen topics, such as fruit images or cups with coffee. Choose a picture in accordance with the interior style. It can be landscapes, abstraction - anything.

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_21
How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_22

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_23

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_24

6 Plants

About whether living plants can be put in the kitchen, there are disputes. Some believe that this is superfluous, as humidity and elevated temperatures in the cooking zone may affect the greenery.

  • 11 perfect plants for decorating open shelves (compact and beautiful!)

If the open shelves are not located over the stove and you know how to properly care for the flower, you can solve this step. But if you are not sure, choose artificial analogues - such that they are as much like externally on real greens.

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_26
How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_27
How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_28

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_29

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_30

How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas 1680_31

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