6 large plants that will decorate your interior


Monster, Calatei and Hovoya - show beautiful and unpretentious plants that are definitely not lost in the interior.

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6 large plants that will decorate your interior

1 Ficus Benjamin

Fikuses are very unpretentious plants that do not require special care. Ficus Benjamin is distinguished by very beautiful foliage: it varies with warm dark green to light salad. Ficus grows pretty quickly: in 6-7 years, it can reach a height of two meters.

The flower is worth putting in a shaded place with a scattered light. Despite the fact that this is a tropical plant, the straight sun rays Ficus does not tolerate. It is necessary to water it with moderately warm water. The flower loves a wet environment, so it is necessary to spray it often: ideally - once a day. If he won't be enough moisture, he will begin to dump the leaves.

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2 Monster

This is a popular plant that can often be found in the photos of stylish interiors. Flowers love it for unusual large leaves, in length they can reach 1.5 meters. They also have a characteristic form, the Monster is easily distinguished from other plants.

Under favorable conditions and proper care, it is capable of growing very large. Therefore, before you start, think if there is enough place in place. After some time it may be, in the room it became too closely. However, due to its size, the flower produces a lot of oxygen, it is enough to enrich the entire apartment.

Monster grows perfectly in half. But too dark angles do not fit for her: instead of strong large leaves, small and weak will begin to grow. Under the direct sun rays, it is also better not to put, they can leave burns. Since the plant is from the tropics, it loves rich watering and frequent spraying. They are especially necessary in the hot season.

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3 Diffenbahia

This plant is from South Africa. He has unusual large leaves with an interesting pattern: on the edges of the color is dark, and inside - gently green. He has an unusual feature: it grows from above, the lower leaves gradually disappear. Therefore, after some time, the Diffenbachia begins to remind the palm tree on the leg.

It does not require special care. Watering stands when the top layer of the soil is completely dry. You can check it with a conventional wooden stick. During the period of active growth, a rich watering is necessary, and in winter, during the period of rest, it must be reduced. It is impossible to fill the plant, otherwise the stem will start rotting.

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4 category

Calatei has very beautiful extensive leaves, they have an interesting painting color. Depending on the type of plant, the drawing and color of the leaves can change.

It is worth putting a settlement in a half-day, find a place where there will be no drafts and temperature drops. It should be regularly sprayed. In hot weather it can be done several times a day, in the cold - just once a week. Watering is needed moderate: do not let the soil dry dry. In winter, you can water once a week, in the summer to do it a little more often - every 3-4 days.

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5 Hamedoriya

Hamedoria refers to shrub palm trees, in nature they grow up to two meters altitude. The plant does not require special care, so they often decorate the interiors of the houses, and also put in offices and halls.

It should not be placed under the right sunlight, since then the leaves will lose a beautiful appearance. It is better to leave the pot in a half, for example, in the corner of the room near the window or next to the sofa.

It is worth avoiding drafts and sharp temperature drops - the tropical plant does not like them. It is necessary to water it regularly, not to give the soil to dry completely. However, it is not worth pouring it either, in this case the roots will begin to rot. Therefore, the moisture accumulating in the pallet needs to be poured.

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6 Hovei.

Hovemy is a single-barre palm tree, which is very unpretentious in care. Therefore, it is suitable for both experienced gardeners and beginners. Plants are often sold already high and grow pretty slow: only a few leaves appear during the year.

Indoor conditions are ideal for growing Khovei. So that she felt good, she needs warm and light. The lighting of the room may vary from 35 to 80%. Under the bright sun, the plant is better not to put, otherwise burns will appear on the leaves.

Throughout the year, Hovoe needs a moderate watering. Regularity depends on the drying of the upper layer of the soil. In summer, the soil dries faster, so water can be watered more often.

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