So it was possible? 6 non-standard solutions for interior from new design projects


The kitchen cabinet with an exhaust, which hung over the island, color slopes, a budget table for the sink - collected interesting ideas from projects published on over the past few months.

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So it was possible? 6 non-standard solutions for interior from new design projects

Designers often apply unusual solutions in their interiors. Sometimes they are only decorative, but more often - tribute also functionality. Collected in the article and those and others.

1 Colored window slopes

In the project of an architect-designer Anastasia Struve a lot of interesting decisions. In our selection - two points from this interior, and both worthy of attention.

The first item is not shocking on novelty, but unusual, as it is used rarely - color slopes. In this apartment, the designer designed in color slopes on the windows, doorways, and chose different shades for different rooms. For example, in the living room it is shades of green, in children's two colors on slopes - pink and yellow.

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2 plasterboard box over bright kitchen

When the kitchen does not reach the ceiling, or when you need to hide communications - the exhaust pipes, for example, designers choose drywall cortic. But in his project, Anastasia Streve decided to paint this section into a juicy burgundy color, which attracted our attention.

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3 table under the shell of foam blocks

In this project, the studio designer Irina Bebein offered to make a table in a bathroom from foam blocks. It was built with tiles - the same thing on the walls, it turned out a stylish item, which perfectly fit into the interior. This decision was chosen in order to save - the project budget was small. But, as you can see, it is not an obstacle to create a stylish interior.

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  • 5 apartments in which they refused the living room

4 Color "Portal" from cabinets

In the apartment on the design of Designer Daria Kurcanova a lot of gentle shades. For example, the living room is decorated in pastel pinkish tones. And special attention here attracts a design from bookcases around the doorway, painted into a mint color. This focus is intentional - it is needed in order to correct the proportions of the room, long and elongated. In addition, cabinets decorated around the doorway visually occupy less useful space. Take a note this technique.

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5 Magnetic Paint on Sleeps

The apartment in the old house on the project Olga Grigorieva was created multifunctional. There should be a place for recreation and reception, and a bedroom, and a cozy kitchen, and jobs. And all this - on a small area of ​​48 square meters. The place for work was provided on the wide window sills in the living room and the kitchen, which made wooden. And to arrange the space even more convenient, the slopes were colored magnetic paint. They can attach notes, recordings. This greatly saves space - you do not need to hang any additional boards on the walls.

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6 "Parenting" Hood

The kitchen in the apartment for the Darya and Leonid Solovyov project is made by P-shaped. One of the modules zonizes the kitchen from the living room and serves as a Bar Rack Peninsula. Here they placed the cooking panel, and above it, by tradition, extract. That's just the design looks completely unusual. This is a standard kitchen cabinet with a built-in extractor, which "carries", suspended, as if, only on the pipe. Designers told that a pipe with enhanced studs instead of cables.

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