12 Interesting and convenient ways to store coffee and tea in the kitchen


The selection of our ideas will be delighted with tea lovers, coffee makers and everyone who is used to keeping many species of these drinks and wants to clean up the kitchen.

12 Interesting and convenient ways to store coffee and tea in the kitchen 16896_1

12 Interesting and convenient ways to store coffee and tea in the kitchen

Tea drinking is a special art that takes time and brings not only physical but also aesthetic pleasure. The same can be said about fragrant coffee. We propose to spread aesthetic pleasure not only on the tea party process, but also for storing and organizing the corresponding accessories. Arm yourself with our ideas.

1 on the shelf

If you have a shelf in the kitchen, it can be safely used for storage of coffee and tea. So they will always be at hand.

Corner form will allow sakoe

The angular form will save space on the work surface. And at the same time, and fill the empty angle, if there is such.

2 on the tea station

If the place is on the table top, make a beautiful zone for tea and coffee. You can hang some thematic decor there.

Do not overload this section L & ...

Do not overload this area with superfluous details. Limit only the most basic to avoid the feeling of litters.

3 on an open shelf

Also place everything for tea drinking can also be on an open shelf. In this case, you will need beautiful banks in the same style, or, as in this case, transparent containers for the capsules.

In transparent boxes, comfortably temples & ...

In transparent boxes, it is convenient to store coffee and tea in categories. In other cases, for convenience will have to make signatures.

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4 on the prestings for desserts

The mini version of the tea station can be left directly on the table top. For example, in such a circular shelf. It can store desserts or jars with tea and coffee.

Multi-storey stand convenient

A multi-storey stand is convenient to use. Rearming it to the dining table, you will get a ready-made service, will remain add only to dishes.

5 on a tray

Tray is an ideal assistant in organizing order and small jars. It can be left directly on the tabletop or on any open shelf.

Special tray for tea and ko ...

A special tray for tea and coffee will get rid of the need to rearrange a bunch of cans and boxes during cleaning. Just rearrange the tray from place to place, and calmly wipe the surface under it. Take care of the same cans for tea, coffee and sugar, so that the composition looks aesthetic.

6 in the box

A comfortable wooden box with compartments is ideal for the systematization of tea and coffee bags.

In the closed form, the box can be ...

In the closed form, the box can be stored anywhere. Minimalistic design will not distract attention. By the way, in addition to tea and coffee in such a box, you can store related accessories, such as a whisk for matches.

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7 in a wall organizer

The excellent option for the owners of capsule coffee machines is to store capsules in a wall organizer.

For example, in such a wooden cf ...

For example, it is immediately visible in such a wooden, which capsules are available, and which you need to buy. And they are comfortable to quickly get them, not swinging in boxes and banks.

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8 in separators containers

Transparent plastic containers with multiple compartments can be accommodated, for example, under storage of tea or coffee bags.

By the way, such containers can be ...

By the way, such containers can be put in a box under the tabletop and equip the closed storage of tea and coffee. And there put it there, for example, sugar.

9 in the stand-stand

It will not take much space, but will greatly facilitate the task of organizing coffee and tea.

Thanks to the transparent lid with

Thanks to the transparent lid, the contents of the container will always be in sight. You can replenish coffee or tea in time. You can deliver such an organizer to any place in the kitchen. For example, under the coffee machine is the most ergonomic option.

10 in cosmetics organizer

A large number of small compartments is ideal for fractional storage.

Convenient to use Organiza

It is convenient to use the organizer with retractable compartments. This model is not even necessary to get out of the box - it is enough just to push the desired compartment and get a bag.

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11 in jars for croup

Use different sizes to conveniently decompose capsules, sachets and welding.

These banks will organically fit into ...

These banks will organically fit into the kitchen interior, especially if the cereals and pasta are already stored in such. The same design of storage containers will make the kitchen more ordered.

12 in a special tea compartment

When designing a kitchen, you can plan similar boxes for storing tea or coffee.

And if the kitchen is already ready, allocate ...

And if the kitchen is already ready, highlight a small box for tea, for example, in which cutlery is stored. They, in turn, can be transferred to a vertical organizer or shifting into another wardrobe.

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