How to choose the best construction mixer for repair


We tell about the peculiarities of this tool, the selection criteria and give the mini-rating of the best models.

How to choose the best construction mixer for repair 1700_1

How to choose the best construction mixer for repair

During construction or repair, pastes and mastics, made of dry mixtures, apply. So that they get high quality and have not lost their properties, the thick mass is carefully laid. It is very difficult to do this manually, so you use different devices. We will analyze the important characteristics that determine the choice of a construction mixer and get acquainted with the mini-rating of the best models.

How to choose a building mixer

What it is

Criterias of choice

Mini-rating of popular models

What is a building mixer

The device is intended for mixing the components of building mixtures based on different binders. Its main element is an electric drive that rotates the nozzle. For convenience, the case with the drive inside is equipped with a handle. It typically contains the activation button and the retainer, with which the operation mode is selected.

The form of the case is designed to reduce the vibration load on the user and protect the mechanism from vibration. Equipment is powered by a battery or from the network. The first option is a convenient and mobile, but long work is impossible without a break. It is chosen for small mixing volumes in small power. For professional work, a tool feeds from the network will fit. It is more powerful and reliable.

Two types of equipment arrive. The drill mixer is a standard low-unique shock drill. Its peculiarity is the presence of a quick-release or key cartridge, which alternately inserted the drill or nozzle-mixer. Like any combined device, it does not work in the best way. The drill is too heavy, so it's inconvenient to use it. Long mixing mixtures, especially concrete, is impossible. Lack of power. For infrequent repair work, this is a good choice.

The building mixer is intended only for mixing. The devices for the preparation of viscous and moving compositions are available. It depends on their technical features. Tools of this type choose professionals, because the correctly selected apparatus is able to replace a small concrete mixer. He is practically not inferior to her in performance, and it is much more convenient to use it.

How to choose the best construction mixer for repair 1700_3

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Criteria for choosing the best building mixer

To do this, we must take into account several significant criteria. We will analyze each of them.


Determines the performance of the apparatus, its ability to interfere with heavy and viscous masses. By power, all tools are divided into three groups.

  • Low power. Consume from 600 to 1,000 W, equipped with a single-speed engine and the only spindle. The speed of its rotation is from 500 to 900 revolutions per minute. It is used for mixing paint materials, plastering pastes and movable low-viscas compositions.
  • Average power. Consume from 1,000 to 1,800 W. Their engines are usually two-speed, which allows you to work in two modes. Spindles are also two. They are inserted in a mixer nozzles, they rotate in opposite directions. This makes it possible to effectively interfere with different composition consistency.
  • High-power. Consume over 1,800 W. The equipment can work in two, more often three speed modes. Mixes pastes of different viscosity with any fillers. Designed for long-term intensive work. The unit from this group will be the optimal solution, which building mixer is better to buy for concrete.

It is necessary to know exactly what formulations it is assumed to be mixed. Under the paints, adhesives or putty choose low-power units. For concrete and other heavy solutions, 1,800 W devices are required. For infrequent use, it makes no sense to buy expensive professional high reliability techniques, but also household models are not always suitable. They are not designed for long-term loads and heavy mixtures. Optimally choose a semi-professional model with good characteristics and at the same time an affordable price.

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Type of nozzle

The equipment is equipped with nozzles-mixers. It is necessary to know that for each type of mixture is "its" nozzle. This is explained by the properties of the composition. For example, heavy fall down, lungs, on the contrary, rise. For high-quality mixing, different forms of elements are used.

  • With straight blades. When mixing, air bubbles are removed from the mass. Used to prepare adhesives of different types.
  • With spiral blades. Release right and left spirals. The first in the process of rotation is lowered by pasta down, so they are used for light solutions. The second, on the contrary, lift the mixed mass. They interfere with heavy ingredients. In doubles, it is sometimes used oppositely directed blades for paints and varnishes.
  • For heavy solutions. Detail with a spiral of left rotation with small additional shape changes. Made of particularly durable materials. Due to this, it can stir sand with gravel or rubble.

The choice of nozzle determines the performance of the equipment and the quality of the finished product. In pursuit of durability at it is worth choosing details with various special supports. They quickly erase during the mixing process. It is good to have several whims for any materials.

How to choose the best construction mixer for repair 1700_6

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Mini-rating of models

Choose the tool will be easier if you familiarize yourself with the mini-rating of equipment.

  • Bosch GRW 18-2E. Two-speed high-power unit with the possibility of adjusting the speed of rotation. Differs high productivity, reliability, durability. Completed with one nozzle-stirrer. The disadvantage is considered a high price and weight slightly more than 7 kg.
  • Bison MR-1600-2. Main power equipment with two modes of operation and one spindle. Rotation frequency is adjustable. Included one whine. The dignity of the power tools of the domestic producer is considered low price.
  • Hitachi UM16VST. High-performance unit, two rotational mode. It is possible to regulate the number of revolutions per minute. Differs in low weight, copes with mixtures of any type. Of the disadvantages, there are a high price and a complete set by one whisk.
  • Makita UT1200. Middle power tool with one operating mode. Designed for a long intensive load, equipped with a comfortable ergonomic handle. Undoubted advantages include low weight, high-quality assembly and durability.

The choice of power tools is determined by the set of factors. We must know for what purpose it is purchased. If frequent and active use is assumed, professional equipment is necessary. For household purposes, it is better to choose selection of semi-professional aggregates. The type of mixtures with which will also have to work are also important. For heavy, you need to choose a powerful technique, a low-power fit for mixing lungs.

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