Than to wash the refrigerator from smell: instruction that will accurately help


We tell what means to use to get rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator.

Than to wash the refrigerator from smell: instruction that will accurately help 1702_1

Than to wash the refrigerator from smell: instruction that will accurately help

It seems that some odors impregnate the refrigerator through: they smell the shelves and even rubber seals. From such a get rid not so simple, but maybe. For this, conventional home remedies will be suitable, which will be easily located in the kitchen. We tell than to wash the refrigerator from the smell and what you need to do.

All about cleaning the refrigerator

Causes of the appearance of odor

Preparatory stage

Tools for cleaning

How to wash:

- Shelves

- Camera

- Drainer

- walls outside


Causes of appearance

The refrigerator chamber is a closed space, so there are unpleasant flavors in it and spread very quickly. Rubber gaskets, as well as plastic, from which shelves are made, can easily absorb the smell. Therefore, even if you are regularly my surface, problems are sometimes not avoided. It is unpleasant to smell can even a new unit that you just brought from the store.

More often, the problem occurs due to spoiled products that you forget inside the chamber. They could have pee. The fungus is also able to settle inside the rubber pads, with this misfortune will have to fight more carefully. Wrong care, breakdowns of parts, blocking the drain hole - all this can also become an indirect cause. And even the fact that you do not carry out regular cleaning, as required by the rules of operation, can lead to unpleasant consequences.

It is not worth postponing the struggle to the far box: the longer you are inactive, the harder then get rid of the smell. In addition, he can spoil the dishes that you store inside. Only the Master will be able to fix broken details, but to remove mold and smells for themselves alone. Therefore, we understand how to wash the refrigerator inside to destroy the smell, and what should be done before that.

Than to wash the refrigerator from smell: instruction that will accurately help 1702_3

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Preparatory stage

Before you wash the refrigerator inside, you need to pull out the products, especially carefully examine the perishable and frozen. Place them in ice tank or use heat emissions with refreshments. If you have a balcony, then in the cold season you can put out products there. If it is not, use another way: fold everything into a large saucepan, in turn, put it in the pelvis or other container with cold water and ice.

If it happened that an unpleasant aroma arose due to the disconnection of electricity at home, and the unit stood without meals much time, then the products are better to throw away. Do not risk your health: they could spoil. The devices are capable of keeping cold for 4 hours, if you do not open the doors. After the temperature rises.

Disable household appliances from the power supply. Next defrost if it is necessary. Now the device is ready for further processing.

Than to wash the refrigerator from smell: instruction that will accurately help 1702_5

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Than to wash the refrigerator inside after defrosting


It is possible to wash the fridge with vinegar in the event that the usual wet cleaning did not help. Divide 1 tbsp. A spoonful of liquid in 1 cup of water. Do not take too concentrated vinegar, otherwise it can damage the details of the device. This is especially true of enamel, which covered the walls of the camera. In no case, do not rub rubber parts by them: after processing with acid, they sneeze and ruin, you will have to change new ones.

It is important to give vinegar to evaporate, so you have to leave the unit to dry with open doors for a couple of hours.

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Another option is to wash the fridge with soda. To do this, it needs to be divorced in warm water. Take 3 tbsp. Spoons of food soda and add it to a glass of liquid. If the aroma is too strong, then the quantity can be increased to 6 tbsp. spoons. The solution remained after washing the solution to the container without the cover and put on the shelf inside. Soda will help absorb the smell. The solution should be changed 1 time within 3 months.

Than to wash the refrigerator from smell: instruction that will accurately help 1702_8

Lemon acid

Lemon juice or concentrated citric acid can replace vinegar. They need to wipe the shelves. If you spent not all lemon, then the rest can be cut into pieces and place inside the chamber for a couple of days - it will help to get rid of the residual phenomenon.

Special means

In stores for the house now a large number of drug cleaning drugs are sold: it can be sprays, liquids, wet wipes. The latter are especially convenient, because for cleaning it is not necessary to use additional rags: just wipe the shelves and walls with a finished napkin and let the composition dry. The main thing, read the instructions: some funds do not require flushing, and after another one more thorough cleaning is required.

Tools from mold

If you find inside mold or fungus, it is worth arming with more concentrated means. In this case, reinforce the solutions already listed by these components.

  • Bleach. It has a component that is effectively fighting with disputes.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. You will need 3% solution. With it, you can disinfect the surface.
  • Ammonia. It will help if the fungus is on the glass. The main thing when processing is to open windows, otherwise you can feel bad. Be sure to let alcohol weathered.
  • Means from mold. He will have to search in the store. Typically, such solutions are universal, therefore are suitable not only for disinfection of household appliances, but also to get rid of the fungus in any room. After processing, it is important to thoroughly wash the surface to thoroughly so that the products in no case have in contact with chemistry.

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How to quickly wash the refrigerator inside

Process the shelves

After you need to wipe the walls and shelves to get rid of visible contaminants on the surface. This can be done with a sponge or microfiber, a conventional water solution, soap or dishwashing agents. Or make a more aggressive composition: mix 1 tbsp. A spoonful of a chlorine bleach and 4 liters of pure water. This solution is suitable if the contents of the refrigerator disappeared very much. You can also take any of the means described above.

Remove all components: shelves, containers and drawers. Wash separately and them. If they are small, they are easy to clean in the dishwasher.

Wash the camera

Then proceed to washing the main chamber. Wash the refrigerator inside at home can be any of the funds listed above. Liquid solutions are most convenient to apply on the surface of the pulverizer. Wash the chamber walls only with a soft cloth, do not use abrasives. Otherwise, you can damage the coating.

For cleaning seals, take the old toothbrush. It is worth rinse and areas under rubber parts, for this very gently lift them with a table knife or other not very sharp object.

Than to wash the refrigerator from smell: instruction that will accurately help 1702_10

Rinse the drain hole

This is not always required, however, the cause of the flavors can be the zoom of the drain hole. Cleaning is especially needed if you have not found a source.

The hole is to search in the center of the rear wall inside the chamber. It is better to study the instructions for household appliances to accurately determine its location. After detection, the first thing is to clean the hole with the help of a wooden strip. Then take the syringe, enema or funnel and pour the cleansing solution.

Clean the walls outside

Outside, the technique is covered with stainless steel or color. Depending on this, you need to pick up the cleaning agent. It is important to know how you can wash the refrigerator outside without divorce and random damage, because some abrasive and chemical drugs can spoil the surface. For example, it is impossible to use acid-based liquid or chlorine. Simple recipes are best working: soap solution, a mixture of ammonia alcohol and toothpaste, a calcined soda or dishwashing liquid.

Take a soft tissue and one of these drugs, wash the walls. Then thoroughly rinse them again with clean water.

Than to wash the refrigerator from smell: instruction that will accurately help 1702_11

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So that in the future there are no unpleasant odors, take advantage of the following folk and stores.

Absorber smell

The easiest way to avoid the consequences due to spoiled food is to buy a special absorber in the economic store. He is needed even when it seems to you that there are no signs. However, the food you removed inside the refrigeration unit may smell differently. The flavors are mixed, and in the end it will be not the best combination. For example, the absorber is able to eliminate amber from garlic or smoked. In addition, it absorbs and unnecessary moisture, which also favorably affects the climate inside the chambers.

Rye bread

As soon as you fill in the cleaned cameras with products, the problem of smells will appear again. Avoid this will help usual black bread. It must be chopped into pieces and put one on the shelf. Sharpen anything to do not check.

Than to wash the refrigerator from smell: instruction that will accurately help 1702_13


Put on the shelf half the potatoes. Thanks to the huge content of starch, it can absorb smells and moisture. Potatoes can be replaced by the half of the apple or onion, but these products are less effective.


Coffee beans are able to push out others with their aroma. Jars with them often put in perfume shops so that buyers can kill different smells of perfume. On the shelves you can put ground coffee or used coffee grounds - both will be effectively.

Than to wash the refrigerator from smell: instruction that will accurately help 1702_14

Activated carbon

Based on coal often make store absorbers, so its use is very effective. The method is simple: buy in the pharmacy tablets of activated carbon, enough 10 pieces. Spit them into powder, pour into the container or gauze bag and place it in the refrigerator. After use, coal should not be thrown away: warm it for 20 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees and use anew.

Salt, sugar and rice

These products are remarkably absorbed as an excess moisture and flavors. Therefore, pour them into the bags and place inside the chambers.

Than to wash the refrigerator from smell: instruction that will accurately help 1702_15

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