5 organizational moments to do before repair


Check out the documents on the apartment, warn your neighbors about noise and buy materials in advance - we get ready for repair to repair so that it goes without any problems.

5 organizational moments to do before repair 1744_1

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1 warn neighbors about noise

According to the Federal Law No. 52 "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population", in most regions of Russia it is impossible to make noise from about 22:00 to 7:00 on weekdays, and on weekends - until 10:00. It is also necessary to observe silence in the "quiet hour" - from 13:00 to 15:00.

But even if you are not going to break the regime, a good tone is to go through the neighbors and warn them about noisy work so that they have the opportunity to plan their day and leave the house if necessary.

  • What if the neighbors are noisy at night: 5 possible solutions

2 Choose the workers brigade and agree on the rules

Start in advance to find out from friends and relatives who made them repairs, whether they were satisfied. Ask for a visit to see the interior. It is always better to invite someone to work, whose work you have already seen.

If there is no such possibility, look for workers who publish photos of their works and are open to the discussion of the project. Ideal if at the time of repair you will be their only customer. Do not forget to ask what tools they plan to use and refuse to cooperate with those who do not consider tool something important.

Also carefully treat the contract. Sunday all the work and terms, duties of the parties. Think over who is responsible for the purchase and delivery of the material, the removal and removal of construction garbage.

Discuss whether workers live on the facility. If yes, agree on the rules. For example, do not smoke in the apartment, do not include music, cook and eat only in the kitchen.

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  • What you need to know about the repair so as not to become a victim of deception: 5 important points

3 Decide with the materials and delivery time

Before inviting workers, make sure that they provide them with all the necessary materials. To do this, it is better to order everything in advance or from a proven supplier who does not break the timing. Remember that the brigade will most likely take payment for every day, even if it cannot work due to the lack of paint or laminate.

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  • If you like to rearrange the furniture: 7 moments in the repair that you need to think over in advance

4 Make a schedule for yourself

If you are actively involved in the repair, try to plan your schedule competently. Always leave your time to relax or poor well-being. Be prepared for the fact that even if you really want to finish as soon as possible, spend all weekends and evenings at work is not the best idea.

Even if you fully delegate all the work to builders and designer, you still need to come to accept. Select for this all day so as not to rush and have the opportunity to carefully consider and think about.

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  • If you work with a designer: 9 moments in the repair, which should be discussed at the beginning

5 Check documents

Before starting work and procurement, it is worth ensuring that you have all the necessary documents.

  • Certificate of ownership. It will come in handy if you plan to make redevelopment, for example, transfer the partition or doorway. If you received it until 2016, then you have a document on the stamp paper in your hands, if you later in the MFC - a regular help. Both documents are valid and need to make changes to the passport of the apartment.
  • Technical passport apartment. It needs to be carefully examined in order to make sure that it is true, even if the redevelopment is not planned. This is especially important if you got an apartment inheritance or bought someone - previous tenants could change something and do not approve.
  • Project documentation. This includes a design project with all finishing materials and drawings with wiring and partitions for builders.
  • Estimation. This is a document that includes all the costs of repair: the purchase of materials, the work of builders, furniture and decor.
  • Work agreement. This is your contract with builders, in which you need to register all terms, risks, the order of resolving controversial situations.

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  • What documents are needed for repair and how to make them

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