7 frequent errors in interior design with dark walls


The interior with dark walls looks dramatic and stylish. In order not to spoil the depth of color, it is important to know the nuances of working with it and not allow mistakes.

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7 frequent errors in interior design with dark walls

Dark shades firmly occupied the place next to the neutral and pastel palette. But unlike the latter, working with dark shades is more difficult: irregular furniture, ill-conceived lighting and unsuccessful additional colors in the palette can turn a dramatic interior in the tragedy.

1 insufficient amount of light

Good light is the first thing about to take care, planning a dark interior. Without good light, beautiful dark shades will turn into a dark, and to be unpleasant in this interior. In addition, the dark background is perfectly "friendly" with bright accents, and in order to emphasize the contrast of shades, a large amount of light will also need.

How best

Maximum open access to natural lighting and consider the number of lamps, plan a variety of lighting scenarios, highlight literally every angle in the room.

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2 Lack of surfaces with gloss effect

Without bright brilliant parts, the dark interior can be not solemn enough. The dark palette is "lost", and instead of dramatic will become boring.

How best

Surfaces with a gloss effect, chrome details and glass - wonderful satellites for dark walls. They enhance the depth of the shade, double the amount of light, reflecting the rays falling on them. To that gloss looks festive, and in tandem with dark creates a beautiful bright interior.

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7 frequent errors in interior design with dark walls 17452_12

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3 too many dark shades

Pain the apartment from the floor to the ceiling in the dark color - very bold, but not always a good idea. The dark palette is rather rich and can quickly tire.

How best

Much advantageous dark shades look in combination with light or bright colors. It is not necessary to arrange the house explosion at home, dilute dark walls can be bright furniture and bright decor.

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7 frequent errors in interior design with dark walls 17452_15
7 frequent errors in interior design with dark walls 17452_16

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7 frequent errors in interior design with dark walls 17452_18

7 frequent errors in interior design with dark walls 17452_19

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4 Not taken into account geometric features of the room

Black color, despite the frequent error, visually expands the space, making it literally endless. If not to take into account this when planning the interior, you can accidentally emphasize and strengthen the lack of room planning.

How best

If you have an ordinary ceiling, try to paint it into a dark color. He will be literally bottomless as the night sky. But if the ceiling is high, and the room is small, the black color can create the effect of "well", also visually bottomless, but uncomfortable narrow space.

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7 frequent errors in interior design with dark walls 17452_22

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7 frequent errors in interior design with dark walls 17452_24

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5 lack of decorative elements

A dark palette looks advantageous as a background for bright and catchy elements. If there are no such in the interior - it turns into a gloomy faceless space.

How best

The dark palette emphasizes the beauty of the decor, putting forward it as if to the fore. If it is also supported by competent illumination, a charming interior is created with a "speaking" decor and a deep dramatic dark background. That is why dark walls can and need to decorate. And the brighter items, the better.

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6 Unsuccessful selection of companion colors

Dark colors are quite difficult to spoil, almost any shade of decor and furniture will suit them. But it is important that these items are also "friendly". Even the most beautiful background will lose its attractiveness in a different-sided and tasteless setting.

How best

Choose furniture and decor of friendly shades. If you can not independently define such - refer to the color circle. Best of all combined shades standing near, as well as opposite heat.

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7 frequent errors in interior design with dark walls 17452_33
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7 frequent errors in interior design with dark walls 17452_37

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7 Boring furniture

Since the dark color is a wonderful background, focusing on interior items, too simple and nonsense is not suitable in such an interior. It will make a boring all the space, and beautiful dramatic dark walls will simply lose their whole aesthetics.

How best

It is not necessary to choose the Pestruy, bright furniture in the eclectic style or even kitsch, if it does not match your taste preferences. Slide the house in that style, you like to personally, and select the most interesting furniture options in this context.

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7 frequent errors in interior design with dark walls 17452_40

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7 frequent errors in interior design with dark walls 17452_42

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