PVC panels for kitchen: pluses and cons decoration plastic


Plastic panels - affordable and easy-to-install material for wall decoration and ceiling. But there is a risk of making the space of the kitchen with him unmodest and morally obsolete. We tell about the advantages and minuses of PVC and use options.

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PVC panels for kitchen: pluses and cons decoration plastic

The kitchen decoration panels PVC is a quick way to visually refresh the room or make a full repair. This is an alternative to wallpaper, tile, plaster and other wall coatings. But despite visible advantages, there are a lot of reasons to abandon PVC in favor of another finishing material. In the article, consider everything "for" and "against" such a design and get acquainted with the interior solutions that will help look at the plastic finish on the other side.

Cuisine design PVC panels

Pros and Cons PVC


- Lining

- leafy

- PVC tile

- Varieties on drawing appliances

Ideas for registration


Pros and Cons PVC

The use of plastic in the interior is gradually minimized. Due to the trend on environmental friendliness, any unbelievable materials are losing popularity. It is believed that the decoration of plastic is a relic of the past and is suitable only in cases where you need to save. But this decoration has pluses.


  • First of all, the price is on average, PVC is 2-3 times cheaper than tiles and even wallpaper.
  • Installation takes a minimum of time. Whereas on the laying of a tiled apron, taking into account the preparatory work, a day or more go.
  • Manufacturers promise durability. With proper care, such a cladding will serve not one dozen years.
  • Moisture resistance and ease of care are another plus. On the surface of the smooth material there is no pore, so you can not be afraid of the spread of mold, but to clean it from dust and dirt easily with an ordinary damp cloth.
  • Such cladding has good sound and thermal insulation properties. It is possible to separate her cold "street" or adjacent with noisy neighbors with a wall.
  • Fire safety. Polyvinyl chloride is a self-tapping material as soon as it lights up, it immediately goes out.

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  • Such a low cost at the same time encourages the thoughts of poor quality.
  • Polyvinyl chloride is non-toxic, but, like any plastic, is not quite an eco-friendly material, since the period of its decomposition takes hundreds of years.
  • High degree of deformability. Plastic facing is easy to mechanically damage: shocks, cuts.
  • This material is not lit, but at high temperatures, it melts, which is also bad, especially if we are talking about finishing the cooking zone.
  • Manufacturers guarantee wear resistance, but bright colors and patterns over time fade and lose the former look.
  • Create up to date design with such a finish will not be easy.

  • How to mount a wall panel in the kitchen: instructions, tips and video

Types of wall PVC panels for kitchen

For trimming dining and cooking zone, three types of polyvinyl chloride sheat are suitable.


This is a sectional panel with a solid connection of two strips, so it is solid and durable. In the photo, such plastic panels for walls in the kitchen look almost like wooden painted lining.

To secure it, you need to assemble a crate of wooden plates or metal profiles. Thus, it is possible not to worry due to uneven walls or ceiling - all imperfections will hide under the frame. Despite the fact that the lining is attached to the crate, the installation does not take much time. If the wall is smooth, you can do without crate.

Of the minuses: at least the lining and durable, it is still subject to deformation, a noticeable dent will remain from a strong blow. In addition, the material burns out in the sun, the color fade and becomes not so bright. Before installing, you need to collect the crate or align the wall that for many time-consuming task.

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Sheet PVCs are large rectangular or square sheets of plastic, which are attached with glue straight to the wall without installing the crate. The thickness of such a sheet is usually not more than 0.5 mm, so it is better to mount it on a prepared, aligned wall. Employment in preparation reduces the popularity of such a type of cladding. If the wall still needs to be primed and plastering, it is easier to choose for finishing wallpaper or plaster.

Often, due to their high moisture resistance, the sheets are used to finish a kitchen apron. In the photo, PVC leafy panels for the kitchen look good, but in reality, the joints between the sheets are noticeable, so it is better to look at the vinyl tiles to the apron.

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In addition to the joints, there are other flaws from the leaf panels. The plastic apron is sharply different from the tile, so such a decision can harm the interior, visually having having it. And you must thoroughly align the walls before sticking. Sheets are not lit, but the temperature exposure is subject to, so the material can be melted near the plate.

PVC tile

The coating can imitate laminate or tile - large or small squares, rectangles and honeycombs. It is attached almost the same as leaf PVC - on glue. The apron, laid out by vinyl tiles, will be desirable stronger than a solid plastic sheet glued to the wall.

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Differences on drawing appliances

In addition to the sizes and forms, the polyvinyl chloride cladding differs and according to the drawing technology.

  • Thermalwater technology is the transfer of the pattern to the surface by heating on the principle of the thermal block. From above, the image is necessarily covered with varnish, so the coating will glisten and praise, which is not always good for the interior.
  • Offset printing - applying to the surface of the image with paints. Initially, the images look brightly, but rather quickly rubs and dumps as they use.
  • Lamination is glued to the surface of the film with the image.

  • Installing PVC panels in the bathroom: Tips for choosing and installation instructions

How to arrange the kitchen PVC panels

You can try to use plastic in the finish so that it looks organically and not "cheaper" the room.

Consider carefully to plastic lining. High-quality, textured "skimming", imitating wood, at first glance, do not distinguish from the present. White monotonous lining under the white chew can be separated by walls and ceiling - selectively or completely. In order not to overload the space, though indistinguishable from the tree, but still plastic, you can select individual zones - at the dining table, in the work area of ​​the headset, apron. And on the ceiling, the imitation of a wooden sheat will become an interesting alternative to the tensioning canvase. It is better to take the textured, rough to the touch lamella. Horizontal layout of boards on the walls will expand and extends the room, and the vertical - pulls it up.

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PVC panels for kitchen: pluses and cons decoration plastic 17899_40

Drawings rarely look good. It is still life and sea landscapes on the walls or apron simplify the interior as much as possible. To make an apron for the kitchen PVC panel, you can use brick imitation. It will be good to look a apron of white bricks, which is visually indistinguishable from the classic tile "Cabancake".

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Stylish the wall with a picture of marble will look. In a bright minimalist interior, such apron looks appropriate, especially in combination with a suitable worktop.

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Like plastic brick, PVC mosaic - the original solution for the preparation of the cooking zone. It is better to stick to monochrome and not to choose bright unnatural colors, perfect - white, beige, gray, ivory. Between the matte and glossy, it is better to choose a matte. This surface looks natural. You can experiment with a gloss in a high-tech or minimalist interior, but it is better not to do a "mirror" wall in this zone.

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Between the lining and sheets is better to choose the first. It is extremely difficult to find sheets with a suitable texture so that they do not look like a piece of plastic glued to the wall.

Antipamples: how to do not

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To finish with plastic spoiled the interior, avoid the following errors.

  • Bright drawings according to the type of photo wallpaper - the chief antitrand, which is capable of spoiling even the most stylish interior. You can allow a nonsense ornament or a pattern under a stone or tree.
  • Full decoration of the wall with plastic looks unfulstly, and there will be no "breathe" such a finish.
  • Glossy, glossing surfaces look unnatural, it is better to choose from the matte facing options.
  • Sheets or tiles attached to uneven walls will definitely not make the interior more beautiful. At least these materials and easy to install, the result will be at times better if you prepare all the surfaces.

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