8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure


Make shallow regiments, put outdoor plumbing - we list these and other "flashers" in the interior design, which should be eliminated so that cleaning has become easier.

8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_1

8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure

Remember the convenience you need to repair. From what kind of facades for cabinets you will choose how to plan space and how narrowly make the shelves, the convenience of life depends. We tell what mistakes should be avoided if you want to make cleaning in the future it was easy and simple.

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1 Incorrect shelves depth

What is bad in too deep shelf? This is a spacious! In this, the whole essence of the problem is too broad the regiment will allow you to put some unnecessary saucepan in the farthest corner and forget about it safely. Also with a wardrobe. Deep shelves are much easier to choke, forgetting that generally stored in the far corner.

But the narrow shelves are also not suitable. On a small surface will be difficult to place all things. Place the depth of the shelves in the kitchen in advance and in wardrobes based on their habits and the number of things.

8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_3

  • 5 errors in design, due to which the apartment looks sloppy

2 lack of drawers

When you choose the kitchen, pay attention to the set of lower cabinets. There shelves or pull-out boxes? It is much more convenient for the second option. To organize order and wash the bottom shelves, you will need to comfortably sit down, pull out all the contents and thoroughly rinse all the corners that are hidden from the eyes.

With the drawer, everything is easier, because it fully opens overview of the entire contents. It is more convenient not only in terms of cleaning, but also use in general. To remove or get anything, you do not have to get through the stacks of the saucepan and plates.

8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_5

  • Lack of storage space in the kitchen? 6 ideas that will help accommodate 2 times more

3 Availability of glass inserts on cabinets and doors

Fingerprints, fatty stains and divorces appear on such a glass with enviable regularity, and even frequent cleaning will not save the situation.

Especially unpleasant in this respect matte glass. It is even harder to remove dirt and fat with it than from the usual one. Therefore, if you doubt, do you need glass "window", it is better to refuse. By the way, glass cabinets require perfect order inside, no extra plate there is no longer put.

8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_7
8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_8

8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_9

8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_10

  • 7 errors in the planning and design of the interior of the hallway, which often repeat

4 Fixed Location Shelves

The inability to change the position of the internal shelves in the cabinet will complicate storage as a whole. And uncomfortable storage will entail a mess and an abundance of superfluous things in the whole house. To avoid this, buying a wardrobe, make a bet on the one that the shelves can be changed at will, rearrangement below or higher.

8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_12

  • How to plan a dressing room or a spacious wardrobe: detailed instructions

5 Lack of "stops" for clothes

The main problem in the storage of clothes is to solve the issue where to add what you put on one or twice? In washing - early. In the wardrobe to clean clothing - late. It remains to fall around everything on a chair, beds or somewhere else. For such things it is necessary to provide special hangers or hooks. It can be a shelf or part of the shelf in the closet. In this case, the clothes will cease to litter the interior, and your cleaning efforts will not pass in vain.

8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_14
8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_15

8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_16

8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_17

  • 8 rapid ways to make the interior cleaner and tidy

6 Plumbing on the leg

The model of shells with a pedestal and floor toilet bowls are greatly popular, despite the fact that they are not so simple in cleaning, as their suspension counterparts. For example, instead of simply wash the surface of the sink bowl, you will have to clean up the foot-base. The situation is similar to the toilet, only there is a tank to the volume of cleaning. Suspended toilet frees floor, and wash it much easier.

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8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_20

8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_21

8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_22

  • Clean the wall and floor behind the toilet, ceiling and another 6 hard-to-reach places in the apartment

7 Washing at the window

In private houses, it is often choosing a kitchen layout with a sink by the window. Wash dishes, admiring the view outside the window - it only sounds romantic. In fact, glass is instantly polluted by splashes from water and detergent. Do not want to wash windows every week - select another place for the sink.

8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_24
8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_25

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8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_27

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8 Built-in microwave over the working surface

In the desire to optimize the space and clear the countertop, do not rush to hang the microwave above the fridge or stove. First, it is not very convenient for low people. Secondly, because of this location it is easy to shed something. And when arranged above the stove, the splashes of fat flying from the cooking surface will constantly settle on the microwave, and you will have to wash it much more often and harder than with a classic placement on the table top.

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8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_30

8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_31

8 errors in design, because of which in the apartment will not be pure 1816_32

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