Why do you need a meter for heating to the apartment and how to install it


We tell us when the installation is beneficial, what are the counters and give an order to coordinate the installation.

Why do you need a meter for heating to the apartment and how to install it 1832_1

Why do you need a meter for heating to the apartment and how to install it

Accounts for heating an apartment are the most impressive from the entire list of utilities. You can only reduce them in one way - to put a heat meter. We'll figure it out how to install a meter for heating and get real benefits from this.

How to put a heat meter

When it is profitable

Varieties of flow meters

Installation order

When the meter is beneficial

Not always the benefit is unequivocal. Yes, and the amount that can be saved is very small. Therefore, before installing, you need to find out all the nuances. It is necessary to start with where the heat meter will be delivered. Options are two, everyone is good in its own way.

In the first case, the general meter is placed on a multi-apartment building. His testimony is removed monthly by the Criminal Code, payments are distributed in the apartments in proportion to their area. The advantage here is only one thing - a smaller price, since the non-sore measuring device and the installation is paid together. The problem is that the real benefits do not get the real benefit. Even if you insulate your housing, put the cranes on the radiators to regulate their heating, the savings will not work. It must do all tenants, and it is extremely rare. You have to pay for the nearest neighbor.

Therefore, the best option is to put an individual counter. The device is mounted on the input of the pipe in the apartment, registers the flow of heat and the temperature of the batteries. In this case, each pays for itself. But there are nuances. No problems will arise if there is a heating wiring of a horizontal type in the house. Such most often in modern homes. In old high-rise buildings, a vertical layout has been preserved. Here it is impossible to put a standard heat meter, special devices are required.

If the heat train is entered into the building along the old scheme, through the elevator, the flow meter readings will be overestimated. Need a modernization of the system to replace the elevator node on the AUU or AITP. It is unprofitable to pay the heat meter if the housing is poorly insulated. This is especially true for corner apartments and those that are on the last and first floors. It is desirable high-quality glazing of the loggia or a balcony where they are. The insulation of the entrance is important: windows, front door.

Another point. Installation of individual equipment and the calculation on the testimony removed by them is possible only when a general flow meter is installed. Otherwise, the Criminal Code will not be able to determine the heat consumption of the building, which is necessary for the calculation of one.

Why do you need a meter for heating to the apartment and how to install it 1832_3
Why do you need a meter for heating to the apartment and how to install it 1832_4

Why do you need a meter for heating to the apartment and how to install it 1832_5

Why do you need a meter for heating to the apartment and how to install it 1832_6

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What counter to choose a heating

Individual counters measure and independently calculate the consumption of heat. The obtained data is displayed on the monitor. The computing module retains all data in the memory of equipment in 1-3 years.

Each device is a complex of several elements: sensors, calculator, fluid resistance converters, its consumption and pressure. The equipment is determined by the heat meter model. Each of them is completed with a flow meter. Most often, these are devices of ultrasound or mechanical type, electromagnetic or vortex are extremely rare. All devices of this type are designed to be installed on the heating circuit pipe with a horizontal wiring. There is an equipment that does not need to be inserted into the contour. These are distributors and heat calculators. They can stand on a wiring of any type.

Mechanical devices

Attract the simplicity and reliability of the design. Autonomous, power supply is not required. The price is the lowest among the analogues. Of the flaws, you need to know about the rapid wear of rotating elements. True, the repair is simple and will be hidden. Equipment sensitive to hydrowards, may fail. High sensitivity to the quality of the coolant. Installation of the filter before the flow meter is required. The short term of calibration is only four to five years. Mechanical devices rotating the impeller increase the pressure in the circuit.

Ultrasonic equipment

There are about ten variations of ultrasound counters. In addition to the metering of heat, they are also capable of adjusting the flow of the coolant. Devices do not increase the pressure in the system, serve at least 10 years. Verification is carried out every four years. They work from the built-in battery. Very sensitive to the quality of the coolant. If it is strongly polluted, the instrument readings are distorted towards an increase in heat consumption. According to the rules of operation, the installation of the flow meter is carried out only on the direct portion of the pipe. The total length of the direct segment in front of the node and after it is greater than the meter.

Thermal calculator and distributor

A complex of devices consisting of temperature sensors and a thermal adapter. Installed on radiators connected by wiring of any type or near them. Mounted simply and quickly. The results of measurements do not depend on the quality of the coolant. Intermediate interval - 10 years. The disadvantages include a high measurement error. To obtain a correct result, measurements of several sensors placed within the apartment are required. Designed for work only with factory battery models.

The selection of the meter is primarily determined by the type of wiring. For vertical there are no options except the thermal calculator. For horizontal suitable any. Those who want to save, take mechanics.

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Installation procedure

Step by step will look at how to put a counter for heating.

  1. Appeal to the management company asking for the installation of the heat meter. Do it in writing. Applications are made by copies of the vehicle to the apartment and documents confirming the rights of the owners of the housing.
  2. Getting technical conditions. The Criminal Code checks the technical feature of the connection, and in the case of a positive solution, it gives out that on the installation of the flow meter.
  3. Coordination of received documents with a heat supply organization.

On any of these stages there is a possibility of refusal. Therefore, until the full package of permits, it is not necessary to buy a heat meter and look for a contractor for work. After the resolution is obtained, buy a flow meter. Do it in a specialized store. Select only a certified model, take all documentation and cash checks.

Why do you need a meter for heating to the apartment and how to install it 1832_9

Self installation is impossible. Installation is carried out by specialists who have appropriate certification and permission to conduct work. After installation, it is necessary to smell the heat meter. This is done by representatives of the heat supply company. Now they can be used.

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