Repair and construction dust and its danger to the body


Not in vain, when repaired, always recommended to wear masks and respirators. Building dust stands out when working almost with any material. We tell what it is dangerous.

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Repair and construction dust and its danger to the body

Build a house or repair an apartment - the work is dusty. Small particles of various substances, including very harmful, fly in all directions, penetrating into our lungs. It's no secret that dust negatively affects human health. In medicine, four types of its effects on the body are distinguished: allergenic, carcinogenic, annoying and fibrogenic. We will analyze in order of the disease that appear due to such an impact.

1 Allergic disease

A rare resident of a large city today does not suffer from allergic diseases to one degree or another. In medicine, allergies are called the increased sensitivity of the body to the effects of some environmental factors. One of the most common allergens is dust. The main danger of allergies is that they can lead to so-called allergic diseases (not to be confused with allergies, it is more serious), in particular, to bronchial asthma, and even to atypical pneumonia.

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2 Oncological diseases

The lung cancer in the presentation of many is considered a disease of smokers. Of course, the tobacco smoke is the main factor that causes this disease. But, alas, not the only one. The researchers have long established the relationship between lung cancer and particles of building materials, in particular, artificial mineral fibers. In particular, scientists from the Scientific and Practical Center for Hygiene of the Republic of Belarus are written in the article "Features of the morbidity and an assessment of the professional risk of health workers who have contact with artificial mineral fiber aerosols", published in the Journal of Risk Analysis, 2019, No. 4.

Specialists from the US James Loki (James E. Lockey) and Clara Ross (Clara S. Ross) in the article "Harmful effects on the health of artificial fibers" write about the growth trend of the incidence of lung cancer in workers who have a glass gamble and mineral wool, as well as On the increase in mortality from this disease.

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3 Chronic Lung Diseases

Irritation of mucous membranes can lead to diseases that are often a consequence of colds: chronic rinofaring, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The last disease is especially dangerous because irreversibly destroys the lungs, impairs their function, leads to disabilities.

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4 Fibrozia

The fibrogenic effect is also very dangerous, especially from dust with a high content of silicon dioxide (silica) SiO2. It causes the scarring of the lungs, that is, fibrosis, the heavy forms of which are incurable. Fibrogenous action can develop slowly and imperceptibly to humans. At first it makes it difficult to breathe, shortness of breath appears - first at physical exertion, and then at rest.

Many materials used in repair and construction can serve as sources of dustful dust health. All solid materials are dusting in the process of processing: sawing, cutting, crushing. Allocate dust all dry building mixtures. The smallest particles of heavy metal oxides are harmful, allocated in the process of welding. Special danger is what is manufactured on the basis of silicates, for example, the puzzle plates, from which the inner walls and partitions are performed, dry-fiber sheets, concrete, cellular concrete, etc.

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The negative impact of dust on the body during construction work can be survived with their ending. A higher hazard levels are materials that continue to allocate dust already in the built house or renovated apartment. For example, mineral wool, fine dust from which is deposited at a very low speed - less than one centimeter per second. This means that the probability of the penetration of malicious particles into our lungs is very large. Dust widespread in our time basalt mineral wool contains in large quantities of silicon dioxide. The proportion of this component, depending on the deposit of the basalt used, can range from a third to two thirds, in most cases 40-50%.

Many may mislead a small amount of dust from building materials in a built house or repaired apartment. However, such hazardous diseases like pneumoconiosis, which cause the mentioned lung fibrosis, arise regardless of the amount of dust. "The dust concentration does not have a decisive value in the development ... pneumoconiosis. The disease occurs with insignificant, but long and constant contact with an allergen, "the Rospotrebnadzor site is celebrated.

Therefore, it is advisable to abandon the use of materials that constantly distinguishing malicious dust, in favor of less dangerous.

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