5 small details that use designers to improve the interior


We adopt simple tricks with which it is easy to add a little gloss to the interior and feeling of completeness.

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5 small details that use designers to improve the interior

There are several ways to make an ordinary interior stylish. And they are not at all difficult to realize themselves.

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1 Flowers in a vase

Many designers and decorators think not only the basic components of the interior like decoration of the walls or the selection of furniture, but also the little things, such as a bouquet of flowers at the dinner table. It may seem that it is meaningless in everyday life, but in fact the flowers can become a very interesting accessory. The photo in the gallery shows that they were picked up under the color palette and the style of the rooms. If lush peonies or lilies will look good in the classic interior, then wildflowers or neutral dried flowers will fit into the Scandinavian style.

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2 Easy carelessness

The design interior is never like a lifeless ideal picture without people, he always tells some story. So it appears carelessly scored on the sofa plaid, beautifully crumpled blanket on the bed left on the table of the book. Of course, all these details are well thought out and are created on the basis of carefully selected items. If you are confident in your interior, then do not be afraid to add some chaos to it, refusing the perfect order in the trifles.

If the crumpled bed confuses and does not look like a room decoration, try something else: leave a couple of bracelets on a coffee table or casually scatter pillows on the sofa.

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3 Compliance with proportions

By composing a composition on a dresser or a coffee table, designers pay attention to the geometry of objects and their combination with each other and objects around. For example, small accessories will look in a large chest of drawers, so it is better to choose two or three large objects. But at the same time, air and free space must remain around them so that there is no feeling of overload.

Also well combined with each other horizontal and vertical items, such as books and vase.

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4 Art objects

The interior design consists not only of functional aspects, but also aesthetic. Therefore, the pros often add art objects to their projects. They can be selected for any style of the interior, from minimalism to classics, and under any color gamut.

Try to walk on the exhibitions of little-known artists and pick something interesting. At the same time try to avoid reproductions of famous paintings. It is better to stop on something relatively abstract and focus on your own feelings from the canvas.

It is not necessary to add exactly the pictures. Decorative plates are suitable, figurines, candlesticks - everything you add to the interior for the sake of beauty.

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5 Combination of textures and textures

To make the interior volume and attractive for the eyes, you can add different textures. Ringing carpet, upholstery of sofa pillows, woven furniture and glossy metal surfaces look much more interesting than the same surfaces. At the same time, it is important to adhere to the selected style of the interior and select objects in one color scheme. Otherwise, there will be too many visual accents from which they will quickly get tired eyes.

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