5 ingenious ideas for storing ironing board


Hide behind the mirror, in the closet, make a chest of drawers and other options where to hide the necessary household item from prying eyes. Such options are suitable even for a small apartment.

5 ingenious ideas for storing ironing board 1904_1

5 ingenious ideas for storing ironing board

Storage of the board, especially in a small apartment, is a real pain. Behind the door, behind the curtain, in the sofa - each twisted as it can. We tell how to hide the ironing board in the interior even a small apartment.

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Convenient storage methods Ironing board

Choosing a place

Ideas for accommodation

- hide in the mirror

- Put in a shopping cabinet

- Make a dresser

- Gently suspend

- Build in the wardrobe

Choosing a storage method

Actually find a place to store ironing board simply. Almost any narrow and high niche is suitable. The snag is that it is not very convenient. Moreover, good models usually weigh a lot.

The first, where to search for storage space - analysis of your own habits. So the designers advise.

  • If you prefer to iron clothes with the included TV, it is obvious that the ironing devices must be nearby.
  • Another moment: next to this place must be a rosette, every time you mess with the extension.
  • Stroking in the post-first - convenient. But such a room is provided not in each apartment. Alternatively, you can view the bathroom, if it allows an area, or a warmed loggia.
  • Many manufacturers of kitchen headcards offer options with an ironing compartment for ironing. Consider such an opportunity when ordering furniture.
  • It is also possible to iron in the corridor. But if you block the passage in the bathroom or to the toilet - consider this moment in time.

When you have determined the room, you can choose a way.

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Storage space Ironing board

1. Hide into the mirror

This is a folding design that is hiding in a niche behind a small locker or mirror. The second option is aesthetically functional. An analogue will be a niche for shopping items, it can be designed at the repair stage. In this case, it would be nice to provide not only the place for the ironing table, but also for other accessories: Iron, bucket or mop.

Place a locker or a mirror can be almost anywhere, even in the common area. The main plus is that they do not spoil the interior, and homemade can iron underwear in any selected place: from the kitchen or living room to the corridor. In addition, the design itself is easily folded and declined.

An important point at the repair stage is to carry out an electrical outlet next to the selected place.

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5 ingenious ideas for storing ironing board 1904_29

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2. Put in the closet

A good solution, if the area of ​​the house or apartment allows. Under the shopping items you can take a whole closet. This option is very popular in European countries.

Usually, the piece of furniture has two sections: in the first in addition to the table there are high items such as mops and vacuum cleaners. And in the second - shelves with detergents and cleaning accessories.

The advantages of the decision are obvious: a clear organization, you always know where to find everything for cleaning. But minus is that the wardrobe is unlikely to get installed where you want to iron. Most often they are equipped in corridors and hallways.

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5 ingenious ideas for storing ironing board 1904_36

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3. Make dresser

This is not the most obvious way to store ironing board. But when there are no places at all, it is equipped with a dresser.

The main advantage is that such a subject does not occupy a lot of space, and in the folded state looks quite pretty. Plus, this is a stable design, in contrast to fragile retractable systems.

In such a dresser, you can equip a place for dirty or clean linen, drawers for iron and accessories for washing and ironing. And if the legs of the chest are equipped with wheels, then it will become mobile.

You can build such a system with your own hands, in any style that you like.

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4. Gently suspend

An option for both small compact ironing borders and full-fledged models.

  • Small can be fixed on the door. Lightweight and compact, they do not occupy a lot of space. But it will not fit on them, it will not work for ironing bedding.
  • Large heavy models should not hang high. Optimally, if it will hang a little above the plinth.
  • To make the device not laid out in the process of removal from the support, lock it using a wide gum.

Such a support can be made almost anywhere. If you decide where to store the ironing board in a small apartment, pay attention to the walls. This is the most obvious option. In this case, you can equip the shelf over the hooks. You can hide the entire system behind the screen, door or heavy curtain - depends on the storage location.

Models easier can be suspended behind the door of the wardrobe or interroom door. If they periodically come across to your eyes, we recommend paying attention to the case. Sust a few cute products that will decorate not only the device itself, but also the interior. They will not stand out as an ugly print.

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5. Built in the closet

Storage of ironing boards in the closet is the most professional solution in terms of design. In the photo shows examples in wardrobes and dressing rooms, but it is possible to equip such a system in a conventional cabinet of a compartment for clothes somewhere in the hallway.

Immediately denote the cons of such a system. First, this is the price. Wardrobe with individual compartments will have to be ordered.

Secondly, the inability to transfer the design. It is built into the shelf, remove it from there it will not work. Thirdly, such a model cannot be called universal. To stroke the bed linen on it is not easy, for this you have to get a larger item. Although the need for ironing linen, many still argue. And most prefers to use a saparler for this, not the iron.

Such a system is suitable for eliminating the elevations on clothes and evaporate several shirts or dresses. Partially cope with the strengthening of the installation of an additional support at the top.

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Embedding options for a cabinet

  • Vertical. In this case, the table is larger and more stable, but it takes more space. The design can be with a turn to fit into a narrow niche.
  • Horizontal. In this case, the system is extended from the shelf. Pay attention to the position: extended perpendicularly, it will take more space. It is more convenient to have it in parallel. But in this case will have to do without the TV.

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