Vermiculite for plants: 9 methods of application


We tell about the beneficial properties of agroversiculitis and rules for working with it.

Vermiculite for plants: 9 methods of application 19251_1

Vermiculite for plants: 9 methods of application

Gardeners and gardeners actively use new effective ways to grow crops. Special popularity useful substrates for the development and growth of plants. They help protect landing from diseases, increase yield, extend the period of fruiting. This is agroveskulit. We will understand how to apply vermiculite for plants in the garden or in the garden.

All about Vermikulite

Properties Mineral

Advantages of application

Where and how mineral granules are used

- improving the composition of the soil

- Selection of seeds

- Growing seedlings

- landing in open ground

- Mulching

- Sensitive

- for compost

- Harvest storage

- for indoor plants

Rules of work

What is vermiculitis

This is mineral fossil. Refers to hydrosluts, has a special crystalline structure. Externally resembles a puff pie, because it consists of a variety of plates. With severe heating, the volume increases to 20 times. As a result, columns are obtained from thin plates of silver or golden shade. The columns are like worms, for which the material and got its name (the worm is called "Vermikulus" on Latin).

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Mineral columns are very lungs, they are capable of swimming on the surface of the water. There are five basic material fractions. The latter is the fifth, its size is comparable to peas. The smallest is the first, its particles are not larger than sand. In crop production, the average fractions are used, from the second to the fourth. Material bulk, but soft enough, crumbs. It is able to absorb moisture in the amount exceeding its volume in four or five times, and hold it for a long time.

Mineral does not support combustion and does not rot. He has no specific smell, it is inert to alkali and acid, capable of holding heat. As part of a mineral for plant development Elements: potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, etc. is completely safe and environmentally friendly. There are no toxic components.

Mineral is actively used in construction. But buying it in building stores is unsafe, though cheaper. There is a sale material with an admixture of toxic asbestos.

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Pros and cons of the use of agroversiculitis

Mineral is not a fertilizer, but its use is useful for plants. We list the advantages that gives its use.


  • The aeration properties of the soil and its structure are improved. The air is easier to get into the soil, there is no need for frequent loosening.
  • The amount of irrigation decreases. Granules absorb moisture, and then gradually allocate it into the ground.
  • Vermiculite can be used in a mixture with any soils, including clay, loam and sandy. It is possible to mix with different types of mineral fertilizers, which reduces their consumption and increases efficiency.
  • The soil is depleted, the process of its fever stops. Saltling of the soil slows down significantly.
  • The root system is protected from overheating and freezing due to the fact that the substrate has thermal insulation properties.
  • The process of germination of seeds and the further growth of seedlings accelerates. Mineral "works" as a natural development stimulator. It is good as a substrate for hydroponics and for shilling
  • The number of pathogenic bacteria is reduced, the number of pests decreases. Vermikulitis oppresses their livelihood, does not actively multiply.

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Agrudmbulitis is simple and easy to use, its use is not limited. But along with many advantages, the mineral has shortcomings. It is necessary to know about them to correct the possible adverse effect on time. We list meaningable minuses.


  • When applied in a pure form or excessive contribution it is possible to lack the soil. The risk increases if water with high salts is used for watering.
  • Flushing granules are strongly dusty. Therefore, glasses and a respirator are worn to work with them. Otherwise, irritation of mucosa, allergies and other unpleasant consequences.

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Application of vermiculita

Mineral granules are universal. They are successfully used for different cultures on any phases of their development, as well as to solve various agrotechnical tasks. We will analyze in detail why you need vermiculite and how to use it correctly.

1. Improving the quality of soil

Agrobumiculitis of the average fraction is made under the people. It is best to do it in the fall so that the soil remains loose for a long time. In this case, it may not be necessary to retrain it in the spring. The material of the layer to 100 mm is crumpled on the surface, then drunk together with the ground to a depth of at least the bayonet shovel. This is a good way to improve the soil in a flower bed, greenhouse or in beds.

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2. Selection of seeds

The natural growth stimulator accelerates germination and improves seed germination. Before sowing, they are generous in the finely agroveskulit. Take a pure mineral without any impurities. It is poured into the tray or box, well moisturize. Seeds are folded over the surface, fall asleep with a thin layer of the substrate. Cover the tray with a film, remove into a warm place. Spring seeds are washed before planting.

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3. How to apply vermiculite for plant seedlings

Mineral accelerates the growth of shoots. First you need to decide how much vermiculite add to the soil for seedlings. As a rule, for sowing, a fertile mixture of soil and agrovesculite is prepared in a proportion of 2: 1. You can add some peat or humus. Everything is well stirred, lay out in boxes or cups. Seeds in cups sow 1-3 pieces, it depends on the culture. For example, peppers lay out one seedly, tomatoes for two, coupid three pieces.

After sowing, the wet soil is sealing, the cups are covered with a film, removed to heat. For germination, a temperature is from 22 to 25 ° C, then the first shoots will appear quickly. A week after their appearance, the plants growing in boxes are dive.

For transplanting prepare another soil. They take any nutrient soil and mix it with vermiculitis in proportion 5: 1. Be sure to disinfect the resulting mixture. For this shed it with a solution of phytosporin. Seedlings planted, deepening to seed leaves. It is necessary to water them much less often than seedlings in the usual soil. The rest of the care is no different.

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4. Landing in the ground

When disembarking young plants, anthemculite is also used for a permanent place. It is added during the preparation of the wells. On the bottom of each fifth, there are 2-3 tablespoons of the substrate and stirred it from the ground. This ensures the aeration of the roots, helps maintain the optimal level of humidity. When cultivating potatoes, the mineral is used a little different. It will fall asleep in his hole, for 100-150 g. This guarantees abundant harvest even in drought, the plant will ensure moisture to the nutritional granules.

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In gardening is also used anthemculitis when landing seedlings of trees and shrubs. Granules fall asleep on the bottom of the landing pit. They should be about a third of the total land in the hole.

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5. Mulching

Mineral is used as a mulch to protect the soil layer from drying and cracking. In addition, he has a beneficial effect on landing, activates their growth and development. For mulching take large material fractions. Its small layer scattered over the surface, sometimes stirred with soil. This is done that the substrate does not scatter the garden. Doses of application Such: For annual 2 liters of agroversiculitis per square meter, for flower beds - 2.5-3 liters per meter square, for the priority circles of garden trees - 5 liters per 1 square meter. m.

The prioric circles of adult trees and shrubs are regularly mulched by a mineral substrate.

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6. Shining

Mineral is used for stalling. In the capacity of a small volume, a medium or small fraction is covered, moistened. It is placed in it. Under these conditions, it will give roots faster, will not be sick.

7. For compost

Vermiculitic granules make compost with air and loose, protect against rotting and from itching. Therefore, they are added to the compost yam during the preparation of the mixture. Standard proportions are: by 10 kg of peat, manure, aviation, or tops are added 3-4 kg of granules, better than the average fraction.

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8. Harvest storage

Mineral material helps in the preservation of the harvest. When drinking to storage, vegetables or fruits are moved by a vermiculite powder with a layer of 2-5 cm. So they retain all useful and active substances longer, do not deteriorate. Similarly lay the planting material on storage.

9. For indoor plants

In a small volume, the pots are often hardened, turns into a tight com. Under these conditions, access to water and air at the root system is difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to change the land. To do it less often, a mixture of soil and small vermiculite in a proportion of 2: 1 falls asleep. Large granules are used as drainage. They are falling asleep on the bottom of the pot. Indoor Flowers are well responding to mulching with mineral substrate. They are actively blooming, they are less ill.

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Rules for work with agroveskulitis

We have collected the basic rules of work with mineral granules. They are common to all factions.

  1. Multiple use of vermiculite is possible. For example, after paving or germinating granules seeds, you can fall asleep as a mulgar or use them for another sowing. But before that, they are necessarily washed, dried, and then it is well calcined.
  2. In its pure form, the material is used only for shilling, germinating seeds or for growing hydroponic cultures. In other cases, it is mixed in different proportions from the ground. Otherwise, it is possible to latch soil.
  3. Granules, especially small fractions, strongly dusty. When working with them, it is necessary to protect the organs of breathing and eyes from dust.
  4. Mineral is well compatible with Perlit. This is a volcanic breed with a similar structure and properties. They are often used together.

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Agroversiculitis is a good helper in the cultivation and preservation of the harvest, the fight against pests and diseases. Its use reduces watering, reduces the amount of loosenings, which markedly facilitates the work of the gardener.

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