From diseases and pests: garden treatment in spring


We tell about the stages of spring processing and the peculiarities of its holding for different garden crops.

From diseases and pests: garden treatment in spring 19457_1

From diseases and pests: garden treatment in spring

The appearance of the first Spring Protalin reminds that the garden trees will come out of winter hibernation. Along with them will be waged and harmful insects. Therefore, it's time to start to deal with them. According to the rules, the garden treatment in the spring is carried out in several stages. We'll figure it out how to carry it out correctly, so as not to harm fruit and berry cultures and get a rich harvest.

All about spring garden processing

Why it is needed

Four Stages of Spring Works

How to handle landing

Features of working with different cultures

Why do you need spring processing

Insect pests and pathogenic microflora continuously attack garden landings from spring to autumn. Despite the fact that gardeners are struggling with them, some part of the pathoral microorganisms, larvae and masonry of eggs remain on wintering in the garden. They are equipped in false foliage, in the crust, soil. Springly warmly awakens them to life, and if not to take measures, the gardens of the enemies begin to actively develop and multiply.

Early processing makes it possible to destroy most of the insect pests and causative agents of diseases until they are not active. The first events are carried out before the start of the deposit in the tree trunks. This makes it possible to apply potent substances and not harm landings.

Accurate deadlines when processing trees from pests in spring, no. They are completely dependent on weather conditions. First work can be carried out at minimum positive temperatures. Two-five degrees of heat allow spraying. This is the most effective of possible procedures. But it should be constant warmth, and not temporary thaws. Otherwise, you can harm the plants.

From diseases and pests: garden treatment in spring 19457_3

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4th stage of garden processing in spring from diseases and pests

One-time spraying, even if the rules spent in all rules, it is unlikely to give a persistent result. Harmful insects and microorganisms are partially survived after processing, come from neighboring sites. Therefore, processing must be carried out several times, and specifically in four stages. Describe each of them.

1. Before the appearance of the kidneys

It is carried out immediately after the melting of the snow, to swelling the kidneys. At this time, the plants are still in the winter hibernation, there is no active inactivity. At this stage, insects and their larvae wounded in the crust are getting rid of insects. Shrubs, for example, currant or gooseberry, spill a weak pink solution of manganese. Trees are difficult to process. Therefore, various drugs use. Choose those that are effective at relatively low temperatures. It can be an iron or copper cunery, "nitrophen", "Preparation 30+".

2. By "green cone"

This is the name of the phase, during which the sharp green tips of the leaves begin to be brought. She lasts very long, so you have to have time to handle landing. These deadlines are good to combat different rotes, ticks and fungal infections. This determines how to treat the garden early in spring. Copper vitrios are suitable or burglar mixture. The special drugs use "Decis", "Aktellik", "Aktara", "Hom", "Topaz", etc.

3. By "Pink Buton"

During the flowering period, the culture process is prohibited, since the risk is harmful to the bee. Therefore, manipulations are carried out on the phase of "pink bud", the name of the formation of small things is still called the formation of small yet. In this time, the fight against pests-insects and pathogens of fungal diseases is effective. Apply a bordeaux mixture, "carbofos", "Chorus", "Phytoderm", "Aktar", "PhytoPorin".

4. According to Zyazakh

You can spray the landing after the flowering ends, the petals are squealing and start to form a maritime. At this time, actively struggle with harmful insects. Urea, colloidal sulfur, burglar liquid or "phytoosporin" are used. From the insecticidal drugs, "confident", "Decis", "Aktar", "Sorrow" are chosen.

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How to handle landing: Step by step instructions

Regardless of how plants are processed, there is a certain procedure for conducting manipulation. We offer instructions how to do it right.

  1. Sull garbage from under the wood crowns, tear old leaves, carry out trimming, if necessary. All collected material is carried out behind the territory of the garden and burn. It is impossible to leave it on the site, because it is a refuge for harmful insects. Ash after burning can be used as a fertilizer.
  2. The lichens or moss appeared on the trunk neatly believes. It is advisable to damage the bark.
  3. The soil inside the attractive circle is drunk or deeply loose. An important point: fallen leaves or dry herbs should not be on it. Otherwise, the masonry of eggs and larvae will fall into the ground.
  4. White trunks of trees and shrubs. True, there is a risk of riding lime when spraying. Therefore, if the inclusive paint is used, you can bleve before processing. Otherwise, it is better to carry out a whitewash after spraying.
  5. Prepare a working solution. Especially comply with all the proportions and safety rules, if the instruction requires.
  6. Spraying spend in the evening or early in the morning in dry clear weather. If cloudy on the street, you can work in the afternoon, but provided that the rain is definitely not. Tropical processing starts from the top of the crown, gradually fall below. Then the solution is applied to the trunk and to the ground around it.

For adult trees use powerful sprayers. It is necessary to handle the entire crown. Small-dispersion spraying here is inefficient. The crown volume is large, small drops evaporate, not the time to fly to the leaves. The fine dispersion spray is well suited for young fruit trees. Their crowns are not yet great, even an ordinary pulverizer is enough to process. There are sometimes binding for old bushes in front of spraying, and after manipulation is unleashed. It helps to quickly and effectively apply the drug on all branches.

From diseases and pests: garden treatment in spring 19457_6

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Features of processing different crops

Preparations for processing are selected individually for each culture. We will understand when and what to treat the spring trees and berries in the spring.


Before the blown of the kidneys, it is necessary to treat apple and pears from fungus and lichens. This uses 2% copper vigor. In the same time, the trunks and soil in the rolling circles are treated with urea. There are 300 g of powder on 10 liters of water. It destroys all pests overwhelmed insects. At the "green cone" phase or a little earlier, gardeners spend the so-called "blue spraying". For it, 2% borky liquid is used, after the leaves appear, 1% mixture is used. It protects from the pairs and from moniliosis.

Before the appearance of leaves, iron vigor is treated. It is bred in the ratio of 200 g of substance by 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is applied to crowns, trunks and on the priority circles of seed. It protects them from various fungi, lichen and harmful insects that have been safely overwhelmed in wood or kore.

From diseases and pests: garden treatment in spring 19457_8


Alych and all types of drains are treated from the threshold, weevil and plum fruit insecticidal preparations like "Fufanon-Nova" or "spark". To protect against rotting fruit, homosexual and swasteporiosis spray 2% by burgundy, 2% copper vitrios or urea-based composition. It in the amount of 300 g is divorced in 10 liters of water. At the beginning of the spring, they definitely carry out whitewash to protect the trunks from thermal burns and overwhelmed pests.

Options than to handle the spring trees of cherry or sweet cherries, several. Before active intake, they are sprayed with 2% bordeaux or 2% copper or iron vigor. You can use urea. It is dissolved in clean water, guided by the ratio of 300 g of means on a 10-liter bucket. Spraying kills adult individuals and larvae of malicious insects, protects against purple spottedness, brush and monilial burns.

For the first peach treatment, fungicides or copper compositions are chosen, such as burgue mixture or copper sulfate. In the Pink Buton phase, the plant is sprayed with TrichoCin, "actor" or "planariz". It will protect it from pests. Choose than to process the tree at the last stage, it is necessary from the list of systemic fungicides. It can be "soon" or "phytoosporin". They will protect from gray rot, pulse dew, curls of leaves.

From diseases and pests: garden treatment in spring 19457_9

Currant and gooseberry

These berry shrubs although they are considered unpretentious species, still need care. After the snow, they are cleaned, they are trimmed and treated with a hot pink solution of manganese. They spill the bushes and the soil around them. The "Green Cones" phase use "Aktar", "Carbotsin", "Aliot", "Fufanon". This will protect the berry from pest insects. The biological preparations of the phytosporin type or "Trikhotsina" type work well, but they are used only in warmth. At temperatures below 8 ° C, they are useless.

From diseases and pests: garden treatment in spring 19457_10


In the spring after the melting of snow, the bushes freed from the dead and sick shoots. After that spray them with a burgundy mixture. The soil is desirable to be treated with such a composition: 300 g of urea and 50 g of copper sulphal are divorced in the 10-liter bucket. For ten squares of the Earth, approximately 2.5 liters of impregnation. You can spray a shrub of 2% iron vigor. These compositions will protect the raspberry from the stem flies, weevil, malinous beetle, shooting gallians and most infectious diseases. If the use of insecticides is required, "Inta-Vir", "Fufanon" or "Alatar" is selected.

From diseases and pests: garden treatment in spring 19457_11

We disassembled than the spring spray fruit trees and berry shrubs. This is a very important stage in the care of the garden, and it is impossible to miss it. If everything is done correctly, garden landings will be long protected from harmful insects and diseases. They will actively grow and develop and be sure to please the rich harvest of juicy fruits and berries.

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