How to simplify cleaning if you have a big family? 8 Delny Soviets


We disassemble the ways to organize the cleaning process along with households and give tips that will help this.

How to simplify cleaning if you have a big family? 8 Delny Soviets 1960_1

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1 Group tasks

Combine with family or neighbors around the room or apartment. There are tasks in cleaning, which together can be made faster and better.

  • One person strokes clothes, the other - immediately sorts and folds into the stacks.
  • One person collects items from the shelves, the other rubs the dust immediately.
  • One collects unnecessary items, the second sorts them on the boxes: throw away, give to someone or attribute to processing.
  • One is responsible for loading dishes in the dishwasher, the second tolerates it later into the closet.

How to simplify cleaning if you have a big family? 8 Delny Soviets 1960_2

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2 Enter the entries

It is much easier to organize several people when the plan for cleaning and maintaining order is on paper. Come up with a way that is convenient for all of you. It can be just a list of cases for each tenant or some schedule, calendar.

Make this plan, negotiate it and hang on the prominent place. When everyone sees that the duties are distributed fairly and there are working rules, uniform for all, problems with cleaning becomes less.

3 Use assistants in cleaning

Automate and accelerate cleaning with special equipment and chemistry, even if you live alone. But in a large family, this is especially true, since it is faster faster.

The oven quickly dumps, because it is constantly being prepared, it means that it makes sense to stock up with a powerful fat-selling agent, instead of tearing off the dishwashing agent for two hours.

Floors faster polluted? A good robot vacuum cleaner with a wet cleaning function or a steam generator will become a necessary tool, not a caprication.

And the drying machine will help save the place and do not force the apartment with outdoor dryers, which everyone will stumble.

How to simplify cleaning if you have a big family? 8 Delny Soviets 1960_4

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4 Make cleaning accessible

Sometimes no one is taken for cleaning, because it requires efforts even at the start. For example, to spend pressure - you need to pull the vacuum cleaner from the balcony of the balcony. Or to clean the stove, you need to look for somewhere gloves, a sponge and cleaning agent that lie in different places or ended at all.

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Store products for cleaning in a safe, but accessible place, from where they can be convenient and quickly reach. Spice in the depths of the cabinet for the trash to find sponges, no one likes. Another thing, if they lie in a plastic box in a prominent place.

  • How and where to store products for cleaning: 8 convenient and functional ideas

5 Refuse perfectionism

Surely you would like the household to return their shoes to the junk carefully. But if this idea is indifferent, then all shoes will simply lie on the floor in the hallway. Go on a compromise and put a shop in the hallway, which a pair of shoes can be easily enclosed.

And so in everything: if children do not want to beautify the toys on the shelves, put a wicker basket. If someone is lazy to carry dirty clothes to the bathroom, put the laundry basket in the bedroom.

How to simplify cleaning if you have a big family? 8 Delny Soviets 1960_8

6 Use reminders

It is convenient if everyone enjoys smartphones in the house. Use any applications with calendar and sound reminders to mark when and whose turns should be vacuuming or ending garbage. Then you do not have to remind each other personally and it will be possible to avoid quarrels.

7 Replenish stocks

Do not forget to ensure that the apartment always has fresh sponges, tools for cleaning different surfaces, rubber gloves, new rags. The more people are attracted to cleaning, the more consumables will be, but it will make it easier to clean and make it more accessible to everyone.

How to simplify cleaning if you have a big family? 8 Delny Soviets 1960_9

  • 9 essential items for high-quality cleaning (check what you do not have)

8 Get rid of things together

Instead of large-scale cleaning, which no one loves, spend sessions of racking. Share an apartment on the zones and assign to each responsible family member.

This method helps to get rid of the extra much faster than if someone had been doing this, and facilitates cleaning in the future. At the same time, he is perceived as a game, rather than a boring cleaning, so people are much easier to organize.

How to simplify cleaning if you have a big family? 8 Delny Soviets 1960_11

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