How to prepare land for seedlings: understandable instructions


We are talking about the composition of the soil to grow seedlings, we characterize its components and offer detailed instructions for the preparation of the soil.

How to prepare land for seedlings: understandable instructions 20201_1

How to prepare land for seedlings: understandable instructions

Preparation of land for seedling is an important stage of growing plants. The health of young landings depends on the quality of the soil, their ability to active growth and resistance to adverse factors. All this will ultimately affect the quality of the harvest. Therefore, gardeners try to prepare themselves to prepare themselves. Tell me how to do it right.

How to independently prepare the soil for seedlings

Constratus components

Recipes for mixing

Detailed training instructions


Soil composition for seedlings

There is no universal composition, which would satisfy the needs of all plants. Each culture requires a special mixture. At the same time, there are general rules, following which you can create a basic soil. It is easy to adapt to the needs of the chosen culture.

The basic substrate for growing any seedlings should be fertile and nutritious to maintain the growth and active development of a young plant. Well absorb and delay the water, be loose to skip the air to the roots. The absence of pathogenic microorganisms and spore fungus is important. Third-party impurities in the form of particles of metals, toxic substances are extremely unwanted.

The soil is mixed from a certain set of components of inorganic and organic origin. Describe each of them.

Organic components

  • The soil. Split a turf, leaf and garden land. The first is obtained by cutting the turf, the second takes in the forest. These are overwhelmed leaves from the ground. Gardening soil take directly on the beds, but provided that the pests affected or sick plants grew up there. Optimally mix all three types of soil.
  • Humus. In this case, it is overwritten from cattle without other additives. Mass should be well overburied, otherwise the burns of roots are possible. For the same reason, avian litter is not used.
  • Compost. Purpose plants and remains of plant origin. There should be no other additives. When booking, the compost is not used with the tops from the grazing, weeds with seeds, copies with signs of diseases.
  • Peat. The riding material is used as a baking powder, it makes a mixture of loose and air. The lower peat contains a large number of fertile organics, is used as a nutritional additive.
  • Natural bars. It can be coconut fiber, sphagnum, swinging sawdust, crushed bark or sunflower husk. Improve the aeration of soils, enrich it with trace elements. Some of them, for example, coconut fiber or sphagnum delay and retain moisture.
  • Ash. Only the asol residues from burnt wood are used: branches, firewood, woodworking residues. They are sieved and added as a component stabilizing acidity.

How to prepare land for seedlings: understandable instructions 20201_3

Inorganic components

  • Quartz sand. River or career, purified from impurities. Breaks, improves the structure of the mixture.
  • Perlite. Mineral of volcanic origin, good baking powder.
  • Running vermiculite. Plate mineral, accumulates and keeps moisture, improves soil aeration.
  • Ceramzit. Natural drainage improves the structure and aeration of the soil.
  • Hydrogel. A synthetic compound with high moisture intensity. I am accumulating water, gradually gives it.

In addition to the listed components in the soil, mineral fertilizers are added: urea, sulfate and potassium chloride, superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, etc. Dosage of drugs is determined by the requirements of the culture that will be planted in the mixture. All elements of the soil should be purified from impurities. Before mixing, they are sifted. It is not recommended to take a small sieve. Otherwise, the small-scale soil after irrigation will start "sailing" and "cry".

We listed the desired components, but there are also ingredients that reduce the quality of the substrate. This is a clay, which weights the soil, will make it too dense. Fresh manure, welding from tea, thickness from coffee and the organic-like body will begin to decompose. This will significantly increase the temperature of the soil mixture, which is extremely undesirable for seedlings. Unwanted sea sand, the salt remained on it will break the salt balance of the soil.

How to prepare land for seedlings: understandable instructions 20201_4

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Recipes for mixing

Recipes, how to prepare land for seedlings, set. You can prepare a universal mixture. It is good what is suitable for all cultures. Before sowing, mineral fertilizers are made in doses recommended for seeded varieties. For the preparation of universal soil mixed two stakes of garden land, one share of peat, one share of humus or compost, one stake of sand or overworked sawdust.

You can do otherwise and prepare soils for each of the cultural planning planned. We offer several recipes.

  • For tomatoes: Three parts of any peat, half of the part of ripened humus, one piece of small sawdust. Add to the bucket of the resulting substrate 3 l of sand, 25-30 grams of superphosphate, 10-12 grams of ammonium nitrate, 15 grams of potassium chloride.
  • For Bulgarian peppers: Earth, it is better to harden, - two shares, ripening humus - three shares. Or the Earth is hardening - two shares, four peat stakes and one share of compost and overloading sawdust.
  • For cabbage in equal proportions, the ground is mixed, it is better for a hard, peat and humus.
  • For eggplants on the ground bucket from the garden take 1 tbsp. A spoonful of superphosphate, half of a glass of ash, 1 h. A spoonful of potassium sulfate or urea.
  • For cucumbers equal proportions, the humus or compost with the soil is mixed, better than the turf. 10 g of sulfate potassium, 20 g of superphosphate, 250 ml ash, is added to the mixture bucket.

Seedlings best feels in multicomponent soil. Sometimes seeds are sown in pure humus or compost. This is a serious mistake: in an organic substrate excess nutrient. The young plant will eat abundantly, grow rapidly, but weakly develop the roots. And because of this, it looks healthy and strong, but after the transplantation to the garden, it is bad and sick.

How to prepare land for seedlings: understandable instructions 20201_6

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Detailed instructions for the preparation of soil

Prepare with your own hands the soil is not very difficult for seedlings. All the main components are desirable to prepare from autumn. Then you can mix them, but only you do not need to hurry to make fertilizers. They are added before sowing. The prepared land is left for the winter in a unheated room. There it will pass the circulation procedure. You can prepare soil in the spring, but the ingredients are still better to prepare from the autumn.

Step-by-step action

  1. We prepare all the necessary ingredients. They must be cleaned and dry, laid out in packages or banks.
  2. On the floor we settle a large film, a plastic tablecloth or something like that. Here we will mix the components. If the volume is small, you can take a bucket or pelvis.
  3. We prepare accurate scales for measuring the ingredients or we take a suitable dimensional container. It should be dry and clean.
  4. Alternately, measure the components, pour them out to the substrate. We thoroughly mix the dumpled ingredients with a spatula or hands in gloves.
  5. We fall asleep the finished soil in the storage container if we do it in the fall. Bags should not be large, not more than 20 liters. In plastic packaging, we make several holes for the exit of moisture.

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How to prepare land for seedlings: understandable instructions 20201_9

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How to prepare land for seedlings: understandable instructions 20201_11

Empty soil is ready. It remains to deal with disinfection.

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This is a mandatory procedure that helps destroy the harmful microflora. Its very much in organic elements of the composition. Powerful microorganisms are dangerous for seeds and young plants, so they need to get rid of them. Disinfect the soil with different methods.

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How to disinfect

  • Steaming. This is the most gentle and favorable for the substrate method. In the process of steaming, it not only disinfects, but also drinks moisture. The soil is poured into a fine sieve, it is installed above the pans with boiling water. Processing is carried out for 8-10 minutes with constant stirring.
  • Circulating. The most effective technique. The soil mixture is left to winter in place, where the temperature drops below zero. Or put it on a cold for freezing for a week, then put it in heat for another week, after that frozen again. The cycle is repeated two or three times.
  • Calcining. This is a treatment at a temperature of from 70 to 90 ° C. The temperature range should be exactly that: at low values ​​of the microflora, the fertile substrate layer will not be destroyed at high. It is falling asleep on the baking sheet with a layer of no more than 50 mm, moisturized and put in a preheated oven for half an hour.
  • Drancing. This is a treatment with a bright pink potassium permanganate solution. The soil is placed in a sieve or colander with small cells and spill the prepared solution.

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How to prepare land for seedlings: understandable instructions 20201_15

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Gardeners advise combining disinfecting techniques. It is usually used one of the first three options in the complex with mandatory drank. Moreover, if calcination or steaming is chosen as the first method of disinfecting, a solution with cold water is prepared for drilling. After quarrels, drive hot liquid.

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