5 failed kitchen decoration (better refuse)


Decorated curtains, cheerful dishes and other kitchen decoration options that are outdated or just watched - in our selection.

5 failed kitchen decoration (better refuse) 20324_1

Listed unsuccessful ways to decorate the kitchen in video

1 Decorated curtains

For a long time it was believed that synthetic curtains with swans, ruffles and other decor are a mandatory element of coziness. Indeed, at the time when a beautiful decor was difficult to buy in a regular store, I wanted to decorate the space at least with an elegant textile. But today such a decision looks unsuccessfully and outdated.

What can be replaced

On laconic rolled or restrained fabric curtains made of natural fabric. Moreover, the second option is suitable if the window is located on the distance from the stove and the working surface, and in the kitchen - a powerful extract that will not give the tissue to be soaked with smells.

Roll curtains are a more versatile option. They do not attract attention, and therefore fit perfectly into any interior style, and they are easy to clean.

5 failed kitchen decoration (better refuse) 20324_2
5 failed kitchen decoration (better refuse) 20324_3

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  • Curtains in the kitchen in a modern style (31 photos)

2 stamped windowsill

Often, the kitchen windowsill is tightly forced with flower pots, trying to make the interior greener and eco. It turns out not very aesthetically for various reasons. First, there may be unsuccessful plants with scanty foliage and drooping branches. Or simply not the most beautiful varieties. Secondly, the scattered pots who bought separately, and now they are not combined with each other and with the interior of the kitchen. Thirdly, plants may be too much, lacking air. And, fourth, the windowsill is too narrow to put decor on it at all.

What can be replaced

First, try to free the windowsill and leave it for a few days. Perhaps this is the best solution, and it is necessary to decorate another zone in the kitchen.

If the windowsill is wide, and there "asks" some decor there, choose the most magnificent and beautiful plant and transfer it to a pot, which is combined with the color scheme of the interior. The rest of the plants can be set on a dining table or shelves. Nearby Lifehak: Take a look at artificial flowers. They do not lose their appearance and do not require care, but it is quite realistic to choose those specimens that look like real plants.

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3 Merry dishes (Kota in the form of a cat and like)

The humorous decor in the interior is very rare and complex matter. Beautiful if the joke is thin and read between the lines, for example, in sculpture, picture or poster. But funny peppers and solonks, mugs with jog pictures and the kettle in the form of a cat funny look in the store, and in the interior quickly bored.

What can be replaced

Make accent and express the nature of the owners with the help of dishes can be necessary. Think some color characterizes your family, highlight your favorite style. Perhaps your kitchen perfectly will fit a set of dishes from handmade ceramics. Or on a bright kitchen, a bright sun will be highlighted with a yellow tea set.

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4 Classic Handles on Garnity

Many kitchen cabinets, especially performed in the classic style, have richly decorated, painted under gold, handles. It looks outdated and inappropriate, especially on a compact kitchen.

What can be replaced

Take a look at the interior shop and see what other handles you could use in your kitchen. It can be something laconic if you like minimalism, or something in the spirit of Scandy. You can add a highlight to the interior and select the handles of an unusual shape or color.

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5 Magnets on the refrigerator

Magnets on the refrigerator - a noticeable sign of an amateur decor, but at the same time very often these memories of vacation or travel, which can not be thrown away.

What can be replaced

If you have not had time to get your collection of magnets, try on traveling to choose other souvenirs that easy to enter into the interior. For example, postcards or posters. And they are also easy to ask for friends, as they are inexpensive and do not take much space. You can also collect dishes.

If magnets already have, get rid of those that do not bear values ​​for you, for example, from advertising. For the rest, you can start a magnetic board. Here you can store a list of purchases or cases, photos. And the magnets on it will look appropriate.

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