6 useful household habits that are worth starting to owners of small apartments


Choose functional items, remove all things in closed wardrobes and follow the cleanliness of the tabletops and floors - we list these and other habits and explain why they will come in handy.

6 useful household habits that are worth starting to owners of small apartments 2052_1

6 useful household habits that are worth starting to owners of small apartments

The owners of small apartments know how difficult it is to observe the order in the presence of a large number of things and what is not easy to enter everything you need into a limited area. To do this, you can enter a few habits with which life can be easier.

1 follow the cleanliness of horizontal surfaces

Clean tabletop in the kitchen, empty bathing baths, not litown open shelves, an empty desktop, the minimum number of things on the floor - all this is important in order to observe the visual order. In small apartments, maintain the purity of horizontal surfaces will help add air to the room. Then as a large number of small items, on the contrary, create a visual mess, even if you actually have done a cleaning recently.

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2 fold things in closed storage systems

If you need to support visual order, closed storage systems are the best assistants. On open shelves and shop windows with glass facades will have to maintain a permanent order so that it does not look like a warehouse of things. In a small apartment, where in the closets you need to use everything free place, it will deliver inconvenience.

6 useful household habits that are worth starting to owners of small apartments 2052_4

With closed cabinets, everything is easier: you can use convenient organizers, dividers, boxes, and not think about their appearance. If you have snubs with open shelves, think about whether you can get boxes and baskets in which you fold everything that I do not want to open a breath.

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3 selectively refer to purchases

In a small space, you should temper the number of purchases. The reason is simple - you have to constantly look for a place in order to store all things. If it is so lacking, it will be difficult. In the case when without new products in the interior and in life it is impossible to do with it, you will have to make the habit of constantly getting rid of, getting rid of unnecessary. Or always leave an empty place in the closet in case of unforeseen shopping.

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4 are regularly broken

Once every six months or year it is necessary to rack. Inevitably in wardrobes, in drawers with documents, in the kitchen, the objects are accumulated in the bathroom, which just occupy place there. It is important to estimate their need and think whether it is worth leaving these items, or is still more rational to free the space. From unnecessary things it is not necessary to get rid of a radical way (attributed to the trash). Try to resell, give to friends, attribute to gathering points and so on.

6 useful household habits that are worth starting to owners of small apartments 2052_7

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5 choose functional things

Of course, it is also worth thinking about beauty, but if you buy lunch chairs that do not fit in the kitchen, then their beauty will not help. Therefore, it is better to put a function at the chapter. So, for example, if guests often come to you, it will be better to choose a few folding chairs and get them as needed. And in the folding form they can be stored where there is a place: in the closet, under the bed, on hooks in the hallway.

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6 Always have an empty place in the cabinets

First, so it will be easier for you to contain cabinets in order. Secondly, an empty place at any time can be adapted for new items that will appear at home unexpectedly - for example, guests came to you and presented something. You can immediately remove a gift in the closet, and not to store the box on the table, on the floor or in the place where it will interfere. And then decide where to put the subject for permanent storage.

6 useful household habits that are worth starting to owners of small apartments 2052_10

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