The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country


We reveal the secrets of seed selection, the features of the choice of place for the plant, the exhaust technology and the rules of the hourly care.

The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_1

The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country

Growing blueberries is significantly different from the cultivation of most other berries. This tasty and very useful berry has special requirements for the quality of soil, lighting and the composition of the feeding. If they are performed, it will delight abundant harvest. We'll figure it out how to put a blueberry and competently care for her in the next period.

All about landing and care for blueberries

Turning time

Features of seedling

How to choose a room for a berry

Technology landing shrub

Aftermaking care

Dates of landing of blueberries in the country area in the suburbs and other regions

Landings depend on the type of seedlings. If its root system is open, it must be planted into the ground before the swelling of the kidneys and a slotting. Such plants are very vulnerable and walking worse, because strong stress is tested when transplanting.

Buckets with closed roots are sold in containers. They are transplanted by transshipment method, which guarantees minimal stress and better survival rate. Such plants can be planted at any time in spring and even in the summer, but not only in a strong heat.

Nevertheless, early spring is considered to be the best time when the snow has completely descended, but the soil is still wet. The soil should warm up to + 5 ° C. In such conditions, young bushes are doing better. Considering that the weather conditions in different regions differ significantly, it is necessary to navigate to such deadlines.

  • Southern regions and Kuban - the end of March.
  • Moscow region and middle strip - mid-April.
  • Siberia and Urals - beginning of May.

It should be understood that the planted in the spring bustle blossoms and fruit this year will not be. The first harvest he will delight only the next year. Fruiting is possible only for bushes planted under the winter, when the blueberry is put in the ground long before the first frosts, so that it has time to root well to the cold. The autumn landing is considered risky, because early consistently low temperatures will destroy the plant.

The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_3

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Selectance selection and preparation for landing

A strong abundant fruitful bush will grow only from a good seedling. Therefore, it is necessary to take it very responsibly. You can find bushes with open (OX) and closed (ZKS) roots. It is best to choose the second option. The plants sold in containers are usually stronger, they are experiencing less stress when replanting, they are less ill and very rarely die.

A good choice is three- or two-year seedlings. Choose specimens with strong two-year branches and a noticeable good annual increase. Before buying, the bus is carefully examined. It should not be mechanical damage or cracks on the svolka. There should be no signs of diseases: lethargy, spots, twisting of leaves, etc. Be sure to have roots in the hole at the bottom of the container.

Regardless of the variety, all seedlings are equally prepared for landing. Blueberry roots from a lack of space in the container are almost always confused and bend up. If so and put them in the ground, the shrub will be hurting for a long time. Therefore, a few hours before the disembarkation, the container is abundantly spilled by water. Before the landing, the bush is neatly removed from the container, slightly knead the earth and carefully paint the root processes.

The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_5
The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_6

The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_7

The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_8

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Choosing a suitable place

So that young bush develops well and plentifully fruits, it must be planted on the right place. Blueberry light-headed. The illumination affects not only its growth and the number of berries, but also on their size and taste. On the pronted areas of the berries will be sour and small, whereas the growing "in the sun" bush will give large sweet fruits. Moreover, the lack of lighting slows down the development of young bustle. He may not have time to prepare for the cold and dying in frost.

It is undesirable to plant a culture in an open place. She does not like drafts. The ideal will be closed from the winds sunny playground. Best of all, if it is a small elevation.

Blueberry does not tolerate the convergence, in a low-spirited moisture, she will most likely die. The soil for it should be loose, with good moisture and breathability. The most importantly - culture requires an acidic soil, pH level from 3.5 to 4.5. Therefore, it cannot be grown next to preferring neutral soils by vegetables or berries. The choice is to be planted next to blueberries, quite complicated. Fruit trees or high shrubs will shade it, vegetable crops do not tolerate the soil. The best option is plants that prefer acidic soils. It is Rhododendron, Lamberry, Cranberry, Azalea, DR.

The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_10

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Jodge landing technology

Planting culture only in advance prepared landing pit. If it is supposed to land a lot of bushes, then it is better to prepare trenches for them. In any case, the principle of preparation is the same. Standard well size - depth 0.5 m and the same width. But the root system is actively growing with stirrer, so it is better to immediately expand the landing hole, increase the depth of 10 cm, and the width is 20 cm.

Blueberry lives only in acidic soil. This is due to the peculiarities of its roots. They are deprived of hairs, with the help of which ordinary plants are extracted from the substrate nutrients and moisture. Instead, Ericid Mikoriza fungus lives on the roots. It is he "answers" for the nutrition of the shrub. In neutral and alkaline medium, the mushroom dies. Therefore, before landing, it is necessary to properly prepare the landing pit.

First, the garden soil takes out of it. Then it is advisable to make a fence so that the acidic soil is not eroded and not mixed with the usual one. To do this, the trench or pit install flights. They can be made of plastic, slate, metal, bricks. There are a lot of options. Then the drainage layer is laid onto the bottom of 10-20 cm. The heavier soil, the thicker should be a layer. Best draenage for blueberries - pieces of coniferous bark. They not only drain the soil, but also acidify it in the decomposition process.

After that, the pit is fill in a special substrate. It can be bought in the store or mix yourself. For mixing, they take six parts of the marsh rod peat and two parts of sand and coniferous pod. For additional acidification, you can add a little sulfur fertilizer to the mixture. The substrate thus prepared by the substrate fill the landing pit. The distance between them is chosen depending on the berry variety. For tall, it is 150 cm, for medium and lowered - 100 cm.

The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_12
The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_13
The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_14

The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_15

The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_16

The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_17

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A shrub planted on the prepared wells. We offer detailed instructions, how to put garden blueberries.

Step-by-step planting process

  1. We are preparing m in the center of the hole of a small holmik. If the roots of the seedling did not prengeo, this item must be skipped.
  2. We put the plant on the hilmik, gently spread it to the roots, lay them on the mound.
  3. I fall asleep hole. At the same time, gently shook the troller so that the soil evenly filled all empty areas.
  4. We compact soil. Hands gently press it, slightly fly so that no emptiness remains. Some sort of sadness from the stem, we prepare the watering hole.
  5. Water seedlings. The first watering should be abundant, about 3-4 buckets. Pour water gradually. First one bucket - we are waiting until it is absorbed - then the following.

After all the water has absorbed, it is desirable to fall asleep the rolling circle of mulch. The best choice will be coniferous opead. These are pieces of bark or sawdust of coniferous rocks. If they are not, you can take any. The optimal layer of mulch is 60 mm. It will be enough to protect the roots from overheating, slow down the evaporation of moisture, and in the case of coniferous opead, it is also acidified.

The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_19
The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_20

The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_21

The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_22

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Aftermaking care

Landing and care for blueberries in the Moscow region and other regions are about the same. Shrub is very sensitive to watering. The lack of moisture is destroyed for him. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain a constant moderate moisture content. It is easier to do this with mulching that prevents the rapid evaporation. Water the berry regularly, every three or four days. In the heat, the frequency of irrigation increases. To them well add the irrigation of the shrub.

Once in two or three weeks, the bushes are watered with acidic water. You can take a special acidifier or make a solution with citric acid, lemon juice, cutlery vinegar. It helps support the acid balance of the substrate. Commitable feeding, the berry is good for them responds. But at the same time it is necessary to remember that the excess of mineral substances is undesirable. The first time feed one year after disembarking.

During the year, three feeders are held. The first - at the end of April, the second - in a month and the third - after harvesting. Optimally choosing specialized complex drugs like "Florovit" or "Lifdrip". Or independently make a suitable mixture. Cannot be used by deoxidizing substrate drugs. Therefore, wood ash, all organic, chlorine-containing mixtures is prohibited.

Proper cultivation and care shrubs suggest regular trimming. Starting from the fourth year of life, the resulting trimming is carried out, which helps to form the desired crown shape. Annually autumn, starting, too, from the fourth year, regulating trimming is carried out. New shoots are shortened, old branches are cut. Eight and ten-year copies are subjected to rejuvenating trimming.

Another important point is to prepare for wintering. Kostik is desirable to protect against rodents, for this it is wallped with a metal or plastic fine grid. For the winter, the berry is better to close to protect against frost. It is well tolerated low temperatures, but only in the conditions of a snowy winter. If snow cover is usually low, it is better to hide a bush.

The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_24
The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_25

The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_26

The most complete instruction on landing blueberries in the country 20811_27

We disassembled the subtleties of landing, care and growing blueberries in the Moscow region and other regions. This is a rather capricious berry, but if you follow all the rules, it will actively grow and develop in your garden. And be sure to please the owner with an abundant harvest.

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