7 popular plants that rarely survive at home


We tell what plants are better not to buy newcomers or those who are not ready to spend a lot of time to care.

7 popular plants that rarely survive at home 2085_1

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1 Fuchsia

Fuchsia is a rather capricious plant. In winter, she needs a full-fledged period of rest, otherwise exhaustion will occur, and the flower will not be able to bloom in the spring or just perish. To ensure full-fledged wintering, you will have to look for a cool and darkened place for a pot. The usual living warm room is not suitable, even if you transfer fuccia away from the window.

During flowering, it is necessary to maintain a temperature in the room not higher than 20 ° C, otherwise the flowers will begin to dry and fall.

It is also not recommended to carry a pot frequently, turn it out, leave on draft or under the right solar rays.

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7 popular plants that rarely survive at home 2085_3

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2 alocation

Alocation is a tropical plant with an unusual structure of leaves. It knows how to skip the extra moisture through them and it seems that it cries.

Since the usual climate apartment is very far from familiar to the plant super wet tropics, the flower will have to really try to survive. Temperature should not fall below 20 ° C, the air humidifier with automatic control will have to be installed.

An ordinary watering will need to be alternate with irrigation, but at the same time keep track of the roots to disapplied and have not started to rot.

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7 popular plants that rarely survive at home 2085_8

7 popular plants that rarely survive at home 2085_9

7 popular plants that rarely survive at home 2085_10

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3 Venerine Mukholovka

Venus Mukholovka can now buy in almost any flower shop, but it is not easy to collect information about the correct care. The care itself has a lot of nuances, because this plant cannot be attributed to unpretentious.

Immediately after buying a flouseball, you need to transplant, since not all sellers pick it up with a suitable soil. It will take a riding peat with an acidity of 3.5-4.5 pH, one to one with perlit. It is impossible to make fertilizers, they will burn sensitive roots, you can only spray the growth regulator once once.

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Watering a plant through the pallet, the remnants of water that did not have absorbed into the soil in half an hour should be poured. Also, periodically, the mukholovka must be wrapped from the sprayer. Another important condition is a lot of light. Just put on the windowsill, most likely, it will not be enough, and the lamp will be needed.

Flying flies, fortunately, do not have - a mukholovka feeds without problems through the root system. But be prepared for the fact that insects can appear in the apartment, as they still embarrass them.

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7 popular plants that rarely survive at home 2085_14

7 popular plants that rarely survive at home 2085_15

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4 cyclamen

The most active period of life of this plant is winter. At this time, he needs a temperature not higher than 16 ° C, and better - about 12-14 ° C. And you will also have to recreate the rainy season for him, otherwise the flowering will not be.

In the summer, watering will be in the pallet, young plants also need to transplant and regularly make fertilizers.

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7 popular plants that rarely survive at home 2085_19

7 popular plants that rarely survive at home 2085_20

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5 Fern asplenium

A very beautiful fern with wide emerald huge leaves attracts spectacular plant lovers. But be prepared for the fact that it is quite capricious. It does not endure drafts, needs good lighting, but poorly tolerates straight groove rays.

In summer, he needs a temperature of 20-25 ° C, in winter - no less than 18 ° C. And they will also have to recreate the tropical climate, that is, regularly moisturize air with a special device.

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7 popular plants that rarely survive at home 2085_24

7 popular plants that rarely survive at home 2085_25

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6 Azalya

Azalea appears in the flower stalls in late autumn and in winter, and many buy it as a colorful decor for the apartment. Unfortunately, the warm spring is rarely experiencing, as it loves temperatures up to 20 ° C and wet air. And if this condition can be observed in the winter, putting it on a warmed loggia and spraying every day from the sprayer, then problems begin in the spring and summer.

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7 popular plants that rarely survive at home 2085_29

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7 thua

Another plant, which in the winter can often be found on sale in large supermarkets, as well as other conifers. People buy them not to maintain the sale of firing condensed, but the problem is that any coniferous plant is hardly carred in the apartment.

The only possible option is to buy it and keep it on the balcony all winter and the first half of spring. At the same time, it will have to adhere to the scheduling and spraying schedule. In the second half of the spring it is necessary to bring it to the country, but not on the open air, but in some kind of unheated room with a sufficient amount of light, for example, in the barn.

Also, you need to prepare pits in advance for transplanting and styling material for seedlings. They will need to be covered by the first few years of life, since the bright spring sun can burn gentle chew.

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