How to remove the smell of feline urine from the floor, carpet and shoes


We tell us with the help of what funds can be struggling with an unpleasant smell and how to get rid of stains on things.

How to remove the smell of feline urine from the floor, carpet and shoes 2093_1

How to remove the smell of feline urine from the floor, carpet and shoes

Pet owners often complain that pets sometimes leave unpleasant puddle. If the accident occurred on the floor, get rid of it easy. However, when the carpet is suffering and other textiles, the problem is gaining large-scale. We tell how to remove the smell of feline urine in the apartment in different ways.

All about getting rid of the smell of urine

Folk ways


How to remove stains:

- With shoes

- from the floor

- From the carpet

Folk ways

Before buying professional formulations, you can try to get rid of the smell of feline urine by people. During the existence of pets, many such recipes have accumulated next to the person.


Vinegar is known for the fact that it quickly cleans things and eliminates unpleasant fragrance. Cats vinegar do not like, so using the tool, you can dare the animal from the place who loved him. However, you need to be prepared that the composition for a person smells also not very pleasant.

In order to clean the stain, you need to take 9% table vinegar and water at the rate of 1: 2. Next, we apply to the right place, after we rinse with water. If the stain is extended, then before processing vinegar, you can lose it with soapy water.

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Lemon acid

If there is citric acid or a whole lemon at hand, then use these means: wipe the stain with a half of the fruit or stir a large amount of citric acid in water and apply the composition on the spot.

In lemon juice there is an additional advantage: cats do not like the aroma of citrus, so they will be treated with the side, until it is weathered. Additionally, you can decompose the zest and use essential oils.

How to remove the smell of feline urine from the floor, carpet and shoes 2093_4


Take the food soda and add a bit of clean water: there must be a thick cashem. It must be placed on a stain and give to dry. After you need to take a brush or vacuum cleaner and consider the remaining soda. From the first time, an unpleasant fragrance may not disappear, the procedure will have to repeat several times. In order for the process to be more efficient, after cleaning the dried composition, the stain can be wiped with 3% hydrogen peroxide. However, be careful: the soda does not affect the color of the material, so it is almost safe, but the peroxide can select the surface.

How to remove the smell of feline urine from the floor, carpet and shoes 2093_5


Alcohol can eliminate unpleasant fragrance from textiles and various solid surfaces. Apply it to the desired place, not diluting, and then rinse the spot with water. The ammonia, although effectively removes the smell, can attract pets, so it is better to use it on things that can be hidden.


Massaged in water, manganese is used only on dark materials, otherwise it can be painted the surface into a pink shade. Be careful: the fluid must be saturated pink, otherwise it does not work. After processing, the solution must be thoroughly rinse with water.

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Iodium solution

Iodine - unusual to clean the tool, which copes well with the aroma. Add about 15-20 drops to 1 liter of water, mix well. Apply on a stain, dry. Use with caution: iodine is a strong dye, so you can clean only dark materials.


Glycerin - natural remedy that does not harm materials. It can be applied to the floor and products from natural and artificial leather after the main processing, after you give dry. There is a minus: glycerin will not help with old pollution.

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Spray and aerosols

To quickly get rid of the smell of cat urine in the apartment, take a special spray to remove it. You can find the composition in economic and pet stores. It looks like air fresheners: it just needs to spray in the apartment. However, the principle of operation is very different from the freshener: aerosols are really able to absorb unpleasant odors, and not to hide them.


An oxygen bleach can be used to remove stains from the upholstery of furniture and fabric. However, in no case in it should not contain chlorine, it can be dangerous for your pet. Also be careful: Check the bleach at an invisible place and make sure that it will not spoil the fabric.

What can remove the smell of cat urine from things

If you find a trouble immediately, as soon as it appeared, it is necessary to urgently take measures until the fluid has absorbed into the surface. If this happens, the unpleasant smell will be removed much more difficult.

How to remove the smell of feline urine with shoes

Of the above funds, you can choose those that are harmless to the skin and dermatine: glycerin, as well as mangartage and iodine. The latter should be used only on dark shoes. Shoe stores are also suitable. Before processing it is worth a test on a similar fabric or an imperceptible portion of the boot.

As soon as you discovered the problem, it is worth it to do it right away: the longer the shoes will have wet, the stronger the smell. Get labeled paper towels or toilet paper. Then rinse shoes with water soap, after processing the compositions listed above. Do not rub it too thoroughly into shoes, otherwise you can damage it. The aroma, most likely, will not disappear immediately, so you can alternate several different compositions.

How to remove the smell of feline urine from the floor, carpet and shoes 2093_8

At the final stage, wash the shoes again with soap. So that it retains its original shape, gain the boots with paper - it will absorb moisture. After the shoes dry out a little, you can use a dryer for shoes if you have it.

From the floor

Remove the smell of feline urine from the floor is the easiest way: as soon as you notice a puddle on a linoleum or ceramic tiles, wipe it. To do this, you can use a sex cloth or paper towels. Then it is necessary to wipe everything with a cleansing agent and wash it off with water.

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From carpet

If the puddle on the carpet is fresh, it will not be difficult to remove it, the smell will not remain. To do this, immediately blot with paper towels or any other cloth. You can try to sprinkle it with a filler for a cat toilet, it also absorbs moisture well.

After that, it is worth starting to remove contamination. A vinegar, soda, hydrogen peroxide, iodine and a solution of mangartages will help - the last two compositions are suitable for cleaning the dark carpet. You can also use professional tools.

First, it is worth checking the composition for compatibility with textiles. Cut a couple of vile and apply to the tool. If the color changes, it means that it is not worth using it.

How to remove the smell of feline urine from the floor, carpet and shoes 2093_10

Before processing, take the bucket and substitute it under the evaporated place. Then start watering with water until the smell becomes less pronounced. For the solar stain, which you found not immediately, with water it is worth using soap, as well as thoroughly rub it with a brush. Then rinse again with water to get rid of the soap, and get into the carpet with dry napkins, until they do absorb most of the moisture.

Then apply a solution of vinegar and water on the carpet, leave for a couple of hours. When vinegar almost dries, sprinkle with food soda from above. Immediately after that, mix a little shop to clean the carpet in the form of foam and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Using the pulverizer, apply the composition on the scene. Give the resulting tool to dry and after remove it with a vacuum cleaner.

Vinegar can be replaced by manganese or iodine solutions. With the help of the latter it is easy to determine if you removed the urine completely or not: if when applying a solution to textiles, the fabric changes the color, which means that the dirt is not completely removed.

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