8 plants that are not afraid of cold


Decorative cabbage, heather and freezer - tell about plants that can be grown on the balcony in the fall and winter.

8 plants that are not afraid of cold 2113_1

8 plants that are not afraid of cold

There is a period of cold weather, in which all the thermal-loving plants usually transfer home, as they will die on the balcony. However, if you want to make a winter garden there, it is worth choosing frost-resistant species.

1 Junipernik

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This plant relates to coniferous and is not afraid of strong frosts, it can be easily planted in a pot or container and set even to an open balcony. Juniper is not demanding, so no special care for him is needed. You can add peat or sand into the ground, so the plant will feel better. However, it does not like excessive moisture, so it is often not worth watering. In winter, watering is practically not needed.

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2 heather

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Heather - a plant that easily transfers both hot weather and cold. At the same time, in the cool time of the year it is capable of maintaining its decorative properties.

For cultivation in cold conditions and even frost, pick the simplest, not elite varieties. The latter require shelter and will not transfer wintering on an open balcony. Stop your plant with a bright color, for example, lilac. Against the background of white snow, the contrast will be especially noticeable.

You can buy myself at any time of the year, but in the fall it is especially beautiful: from August to November, the plant is covered with bright small flowerflowers.

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3 thua

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Another coniferous plant, the dwarf form of which is also suitable for cultivation in cold conditions. Pick up for him a suitable pot (from ceramics or wood) and wrap the roots into nonwoven material - so you will warm them.

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4 fir

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Dwarf spruce - a plant that needs to be easily thrown on your balcony, as it is resistant to a strong wind and even frost. The conditions in which the fir should be contained completely repeat the previous paragraph: Pick up the pot from the material that maintains heat and wrap the roots.

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5 Moroznik

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An unusual plant with beautiful flowers, which is not afraid of heavy rain and cold. In Germany, Frostik is called "Christmas Rose" and adorn them interiors during the winter holidays. The plant can withstand cold to -15 degrees. With severe frost, it seems to freeze, pulling moisture from buds. Many types of freeznika bloom from the beginning of winter until spring. The plant does not require much care: the root system feels perfectly in neutral moderately wet soil.

If you decide to start this plant on the balcony, be careful: it is poisonous. Juice can cause a burn, and the consumption of roots, leaves and even seeds - poisoning. It is necessary to work with it carefully and only in gloves. If you have children or animals, from the idea to start a cloth on the balcony it is better to refuse.

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6 Becklett

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The bearing is suitable for growing on the glazed balcony, since it has a comfortable temperature for wintering - about +6 degrees. At lower temperatures, the pot needs to be inspired and put on a board or foam.

In the warm season, the plant requires abundant watering, in winter it is usually strongly reduced. During this period, the belching is especially beautiful: its leaves acquire purple-red color. With the onset of spring, they return their usual green color.

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7 Samsit

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This is another plant that should not be left on an open balcony, but it will perfectly transfer wintering on a closed if the temperature on it does not become less than +10 degrees. To save the self-sew in a miniature form, you will have to trim it. If you are interested in creating green sculptures, then this is definitely your plant.

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8 Decorative cabbage

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The plant with interesting leaves, which in the cold become brighter. Cabbage perfectly tolerate winter outdoors and does not require additional insulation when transplanting to the container. It will be an excellent supplement of the flower composition if you decide to put it in the porridge to other plants.

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Bonus: Plant Squinting Tips

So that the plant moves well a cold period of time, pick it up the right pot. It is necessary to know that the glass of glass and metal do not keep warm at all, so it is impossible to plant flowers in them. The right pot must have thick walls and good water and breathability. The easiest way to find such among ceramic models.

Despite the fact that many plants are well tolerated cold and do not require additional insulation, they still do it better. At the beginning of the season it is difficult to guess how strong it will be frost in winter.

Also during the cold season, most of the frost-resistant species do not tolerate the stagnation of water in the pot. Therefore, avoid frequent irrigation.

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