Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options


On the windowsill, under the stairs and even in the hallway - we tell how to equip an ideal place for reading, in which you will get distracted from the routine and fully immerse yourself in the book.

Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_1

Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options

It is not necessary to put volumetric racks and give half the living room under the library. You can equip a very small corner, for example, by the window. Or under the stairs if you live in a private house. Such mini-places to conveniently sit down with the book, you can find a lot in the house.

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1 on the balcony or loggia

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Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_4

Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_5

Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_6

An open balcony can be a wonderful summer library. Consider protection against mosquitoes and lighting to read it was possible and in the dark. On a warmed loggia easier to organize a small library. And if the loggia is connected to one of the rooms, the secluded corner arrange even easier: put a small rack and add cozy textiles.

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2 in the living room

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Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_9
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Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_12

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Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_15

Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_16

Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_17

The living room combines, as a rule, a lot of functional zones, so it is quite difficult to select a separate space for reading. Nevertheless, if you have an empty angle or a couple of free square meters, this is already enough. Hang a couple of shelves, secure the lamp on the closer and put a compact mini-chair or a bag. It can be used not only while reading, but also as the main furniture in the room, for example, when guests arrive. Try it interesting to place the books. For example, if you have a decorative fireplace, you can arrange inside a couple of shelves and place the books on them, and next to put the chair and the lamp.

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3 on the windowsill

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Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_20

Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_21

Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_22

The excellent option for economical spending space is a reading corner right on the windowsill. You can arrange books and magazines there, and next to put the chair. Or, if the width allows you to place a seat right on the windowsill: for this, there is enough pair of soft pillows or volumetric blanket. So you will maximize the area of ​​the room, but the curtains will have to be removed at all or replace to more laconic short models.

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4 in children

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Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_25
Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_26

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Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_29

If your child loves to read and already has a small library, why not join her? Arrange a joint reading area for you and a child. Hang in the children's shelf or put a small rack where your books and children's publications will stand. You can add a pair of seats: children's and adults, - or do without furniture and comfortably get ready on the floor on the rug.

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5 under the staircase

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Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_34

As a rule, the space under the staircase in the country house is either empty or used as a warehouse of unnecessary things. Meanwhile, there you can organize a great secluded corner with books. So that you do not interfere with the household passing by, pride the curtain. So you can make a real home library without spending a meter from the space of the rooms.

6 in the bedroom

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Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_36
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Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_38

Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_39

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Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_42

The ultra-compact library, which will fit even in the most compact bedroom, where only the bed and a wardrobe can be organized on the shelf. A comfortable trolley with shelves on wheels can act as a mini-rack for storing books. They can be decomposed on beautiful containers or boxes so that the shelf looks as neat as possible. Take it to bed instead of a bedside table - and a reading corner is ready. And when the books are not needed, the shelf can be removed.

7 in the hallway

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Corner for reading in the hallway can be combined with the main environment. Release one or more shelves in the closet and lay the books there. Add a chair to the hall: It will be convenient to shift on it, as well as read. Local backlight can be issued using wall bras, so as not to take place on the floor and other surfaces.

8 in the kitchen

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Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_45
Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_46

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Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_48

Where and how to place a Reading Corner: 8 options 2128_49

Despite the fact that culinary books gave up the championship recipes from the Internet, the kitchen is still a convenient place to read. In addition to culinary publications, in kitchen cabinets you can store fiction or logs. It is convenient to pass the time while the broth is boiled, or get a book on a small sofa over a cup of tea.

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