Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways


We tell how the microeraine is useful, which is important to consider when landing and how to perform it.

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Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways

One of the last trends of a healthy lifestyle - there are young sprouts with ordinary food. They have a positive effect on the body: for example, enhance immunity and improve the condition of the skin and hair. Sprouted plants can be bought in a supermarket or put on their homes, which is much cheaper. Therefore, we tell how to grow microell at home.

Gave a short instruction in video

All about independent germination of microelling

What it is

Advantages of home germination

Selection of seeds

Methods of growing:

- In the soil

- on Vat.

- On the paper

- In the bank

What is microelline

Microzen usually refer to the sprouts of plants that can be eaten. Greens are applied in food when she has time to release seedlines and real leaves. Such plants are rich in a huge number of useful elements, such as vitamins and minerals in them, twenty times more than in fully grown sprouts. They contain a large amount of chlorophyll, vegetable protein and essential oils. Therefore, they are able to influence immunity and the general state of human health.

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Greens are very popular with people who lead a healthy lifestyle. Usually they eat sprouts of vegetable and cereals: broccoli, basil, arugula, radish, pea, kinse, wheat, buckwheat, cabbage and other species. However, plants appreciate not only for health benefits, but also for unusual and interesting tastes that they add different dishes. They are used as a side dish for meat, decorate snacks, add to salads and smoothies as superfood.

You can find germinated cultures in supermarkets prepared for consumption in supermarkets, in stores with ecoproducts and vegetables. However, it is much easier to plant microelline at home yourself.

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Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_5

Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_6

Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_7

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Advantages of home germination

  • Grow the sprouts of the house is much cheaper than buying already ready in the store.
  • You can eat plants directly from the bed. In the store they can be stored for a long time in stock, so lose useful qualities.
  • Greens takes place for 7-14 days - the process is very fast. And a week after collecting the first harvest, the next one will grow.
  • You can easily check the quality of all seating materials: seeds themselves, soil or substrate, water. As a result, get an environmentally friendly crop.
  • For growing, special containers are not needed, lighting lamps, as well as fertilizers and protective equipment.
  • In one container at the same time, you can grow mix from different crops. The main thing is to choose views that ride at the same time.

Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_9

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How to choose seeds

To get high-quality greens, you need to choose good seeds for seedlings. They should not be treated. The most useful sprouts are obtained from environmentally friendly seeds that do not contain pesticides.

If you are engaged in vegetable life and every year we grow yields of beets, radish and other cultures, then, most likely, you already have suitable seeds. If there are no such, you can buy the desired boarding material in the Garden Store. Take only fresh seeds and carefully study before buying what is written on the package.

There are also ready-made sets for germination. If you first put the plants, you can try to start with this.

Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_11

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How to plant mycro

It is easy to grow myself, the first crop can be obtained in 5-15 days depending on the culture. This does not need special gardening skills. Therefore, we tell what can be grown by microell.

In the soil

Plant microelline into the ground is the easiest and most common method. For him, you need to stock by any container. You can buy special trays for germination or take ordinary plastic that you have at home. It is necessary to fill them with soil - a universal purchase is suitable, which is usually used for seedlings. It should not take the soil for flower growing, as chemicals are added to it, they can adversely affect microgrine. You can purchase a special substrate, for example, peat or coconut. Do not put a lot of land in the container, there is enough layer 3-4 cm. Drainage holes do not need.

Seeds before landing should be prepared: Soak for a certain period for faster germination. It depends on the culture you choose. For example, sunflower or beets should be put in water for 8-12 hours, peas - by 12-18, and for the cress of salad, there will be soaked for 20 minutes. If you keep the seeds in the water for a long time, then you can leave them for the night, and in the morning it is planted.

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Before placing seeds in the ground, it needs to be slightly moistened. Then put seeds in it. To get thick seedlings, seeds are better putting in large quantities, but evenly and not very close to each other. After moisturize them from the pulverizer and sprinkle with a small amount of soil. Then cover the container with a plastic film, a conventional packet or glass - the main thing is that they are transparent and missed the light well. The coating will create inside the greenhouse effect.

Further, the containers must be put on a well-lit windowel. As soon as the first shoots will be processed, the coating is removed. Plant care scheme Next: Watering them need once every 2-3 days. It is better to do this with a spray gun so as not to fill them with water. Plants can most often eat after the appearance of two seedlist leaves. Or wait for a pair of real leaves and then apply them into food. The grown and cut greens are stored in the refrigerator, there it remains fresh about 7 days.

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Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_15
Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_16
Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_17

Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_18

Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_19

Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_20

Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_21

On cotton

Another effective way is to grow microelling at home without land. For example, for sowing you can use conventional wool or cotton disks that almost always have home. Seeds, as in the case of the soil, need to be prepared: soak in advance in water. During this time, they must swell.

Wat need to decompose into containers to protect other surfaces from moisture. Then carefully moisten the material. Uniformly lay out seeds evenly. After a layer of transparent material, for example, film. Capacities with a wool put on the windowsill and are waiting for the appearance of the first shoots. After that, they remove the protective shelter and sprinkle the sprouts every two days.

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Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_24

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Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_26

Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_27

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On the paper

Instead of cotton, you can use paper: Paper towels or even toilet paper are suitable. Material must be laid in the pallet or any other capacity, then soak it well. However, water should not be too much, it is impossible that the seeds in it swam.

The moisturized material evenly declares the prepared and swollen seeds. They are covered with film. It is important to monitor paper humidity. Once a few days it should be moistened with spraying. When the shoots proceed, the shelter is cleaned and regularly moisturize the planting from the spray gun.

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Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_30

Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_31

Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_32

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In the bank

For the extension you need a regular glass bank. It must be carefully flushed and dry well. Place the seeds in it and pour them with a small amount of water. The bank needs to cover with gauze or any other mesh material. Firmly fix it on the neck, it can be done with the help of a stationery.

When seeds are waving and start germinate, then the water needs to be merged. Seeds need to be rinsed under water. You can do this without removing gauze. After that, the bank turn upside down and put on the pallet. It is important that it is at an angle of 30 degrees - so extensive water stalks. Once every 2-3 days, the microgrine is washed under water. Then put the jar back up the bottom. Be careful: mucus can form on greenery. If you wash every few days does not help, it is better to wash it every day.

If you grow greens regularly, you can purchase special banks. They differ from the usual in that they have a built-in durable mesh. In this case, you do not have to use a new gauze every time.

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Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_35

Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_36

Cultivation of microelling at home: 4 simple ways 21517_37

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