7 ready ideas from IKEA 2021 catalog, which can be applied in a small apartment


Selected useful solutions for zoning room and storage in small space, which should be considered.

7 ready ideas from IKEA 2021 catalog, which can be applied in a small apartment 2176_1

7 ready ideas from IKEA 2021 catalog, which can be applied in a small apartment

IKEA presented a new catalog of 2021, in which, as in the past year, the company told 6 "stories" - about apartments equipped with furniture and accessories of the Swedish brand, and their inhabitants. We have collected several ideas from these interiors that you can apply in your small apartment.

1 shelves in the headboard bed

This is a great solution when there is not enough space for bedside tables - so position the idea of ​​catalog creators. And you can not disagree with them. From the bedside tables you can refuse, but it is not entirely convenient - put a book, telephone, put a lamp - all this is more convenient to do when there is a table.

Shelves may well replace TU & ...

Shelves may well replace the bedside table, as they perform the same functionality. You can put books and even attach the lamp. Choose from those that can be mounted directly on the desk - then to the shelf to attach it easy.

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2 headboard as room separator

If you have a single bedroom in the only room, and the living room, the space I want to somehow zonail. And not always a good solution will build partitions. The deaf walls will be visually even stronger than the space.

In this apartment Bed Spar & ...

In this apartment, the bed was deployed headboard to the center of the room. It turned out by the separator. Looks great.

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3 Storage of papers on doors

When a large family lives in a small apartment, you have to look for different solutions, sometimes non-standard to fit all.

For example, here the role of the shelf for ...

For example, the Wall panel "Square" plays the role of the shelves for textbooks and papers, just attached it to the door. Of course, heavy books and large amounts of documents here will not fit here, but as an alternative version, a small shelf - such an idea can be considered.

  • 15 cool ideas for storage that we spied in the IKEA-2021 catalog

4 curtains for separation on an adult and children's zone

Another zoning method, known to many - Curtains often separate the sleeping area from the living room in small studios. Here applied similar techniques.

In the room where young parents ...

In the room where young parents live with a small child, the adult bed is installed in such a way that the baby bed is behind the headboard. And these zones of curtains are separated - the sense of privacy is created.

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5 narrow shelves for space that there is nothing to take

If typical furniture is bought, it is very difficult to calculate everything so that it fit into the right space. Sometimes uncomfortable angles and emptiness remain, which seems to do nothing.

IKEA showed one of the possible & ...

IKEA has shown one of the possible solutions - use the narrow shelf module of the Lacc series in an uncomfortable corner, which remained between the wall and the cabinet. On such a rack, you can store books, decor, different right things.

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6 mounted wardrobe as annezol over the door

In small apartments, it is important to use with the benefit of all available space. If there is no longer on the floor, look under the ceiling.

So, for example, from a mounted cabinet ...

For example, annetsol above the door can be made from the mounted cabinet. If you do not have extremely low ceilings, but a small apartment, consider this option.

  • 5 bright ideas for the interior from IKEA Catalog 2021

7 Containers in the kitchen for anything

The IKEA catalog proposes to use containers that are put on each other to sort garbage on a small kitchen. Excellent solution for those who care about ecology.

In addition to separate garbage

In addition to separate garbage collection, such containers can be accommodated for storing vegetables outside the refrigerator or canned food.

  • 9 products from IKEA for a small kitchen, like Scandinavians

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