9 reasons why do you smell badly at home (and how to fix it)


Incorrect pets care, rare washing of the garbage bucket and ill-conceived food storage - tell, because of what the unpleasant smell may appear in your apartment and how to get rid of it.

9 reasons why do you smell badly at home (and how to fix it) 2185_1

9 reasons why do you smell badly at home (and how to fix it)

1 crumbs in the garbage bucket

The problem of unpleasant smell from the garbage bucket can overtake you, even if you empty it daily. Often, the package falls in crumbs, which are difficult to immediately notice, or there are small leaks, for example, from a tea bag. Such little things over time can cause an unpleasant fragrance.

9 reasons why do you smell badly at home (and how to fix it) 2185_3

To get rid of it and prevent the appearance, the bottom of the bucket can be postponed with newspapers or napkins. Also worth at least once a month washing the container with disinfectants.

  • 18 facts + 9 tips on split garbage collection

2 Incorrect pets

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Pet owners know that sometimes their favorites leave unpleasant odors. To get rid of flavors, it is worth it to clear the place where the pets are sleeping and eaten. Use for this only water with soap or special cleaners (in the composition there should be no aggressive chemicals). You can leave the smell of wool, so we often vacuum and spend wet cleaning, you need to pay special attention to complex places: under the bed, a sofa, in various narrow slots - there is a lot of garbage.

If the smell comes from the animal, then it is worth consulting the veterinarian and clarify what the problem may be. It is often solved by the selection of the right shampoo and accessories for combing wool.

From unpleasant aromas, the reason for which random puddles were made, a special spray will help to get rid of. It can be found in the economic department or pet store.

3 fungus in a washing machine

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If, after washing, you immediately close the door and do not give the drum machine to dry, then inside can begin to form mold. The same applies to the compartment, in which you pour the means for washing - it needs to be ventilated. Due to bacteria that divorced inside due to moisture, the washing machine may unpleasantly smell.

Carefully inspect the device, if still noticed mold and dirt, use a mixture of table vinegar and food soda in a ratio of 1: 1. She needs to wipe the affected areas.

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4 Long finding dishes in the dishwasher

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In case you do not always immediately unload the dishwasher after washing and leave it in a closed state for a day or two, the dishes can get an unpleasant smell. Do not remove it into the closet, otherwise the rest of the tableware will also smell badly. Start the cleaning cycle again, the simple rinsing mode is suitable.

There are days when it is absolutely no time to deal with dishwashers. In this case, simply open the door so that the items inside are ventilated.

5 wet underwear in the basket

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If you have a habit of putting in a dirty laundry box, then, most likely, the unpleasant smell will be your bathroom satellite. In a wet closed medium, bacteria quickly multiply, so the underwear can easily be fed. Alas, if the mold went on clothes, it will be difficult to save it. Therefore, review your habits and either immediately erase wet things, or let them dry and only then remove to the basket.

6 strong sweating at night

9 reasons why do you smell badly at home (and how to fix it) 2185_10

Heat on the street or too strong heating can cause the fact that you sweat at night. In this case, it is necessary to change linen more often than usual. Otherwise, the unpleasant smell overshadows your sleep, and the sweat will spoil textiles, pillows and mattress: it is almost impossible to extract the empty yellow stains.

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7 Dinner of fragrant products

9 reasons why do you smell badly at home (and how to fix it) 2185_12

On the eve of the evening you prepared a delicious dinner, but the next day you feel that his aromas still pursue you in the apartment. Credit with this problem usually helps careful ventilating room. However, there are smells, from which it is not so easy to get rid of. At this case of the house you can keep spray-piltie odors. Do not confuse it with air freshener, since it has a completely different principle of work. It will help get rid of tobacco flavors, burnt food, spoiled products and a lot more.

8 mold in the apartment

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Dampness and fungus are one of the reasons why unpleasant fragrance can stand at home. Unfortunately, in this case, it will not be possible to quickly get rid of it. You will have to arm a means to remove mold, handle all the places where you find it. If the problem is serious, then, most likely, you will need to make cosmetic repairs, for example, in the bathroom mushroom can hide under plastic sides, and in the room - under the wallpaper. In this case, you will have to tear them completely and then stick new ones.

If the reason is in dampness, then you need to fight first with it. The dryer of air will help to cope with serious problems.

9 Incorrect storage of products

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If you teach an unpleasant smell in the kitchen, check your product reserves. Perhaps some spoiled. In this case, only the full analysis of the boxes and the refrigerator will help. After you discovered the culprit of the smell, it is worth making a wet cleaning.

To avoid problems in the future, review your storage system. For example, some products should be kept in a cool place, while others do not tolerate neighborhood with each other and deteriorate faster. Also beds on the bottom of the boxes and the shelves of the refrigerator Paper towels or special mats. So you do not have to move all the surfaces during leakage, it will be enough to remove a dirty lining.

  • Lifehak: How to properly store products in the home refrigerator?

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