How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways


We tell when it is worth germinating pepper seeds and with what kind of way it is better to do it.

How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_1

How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways

Seaming of pepper seed before landing - the procedure is optional. However, gardeners use it in order to receive seedlings on time. It also helps to get rid of poor-quality sowing material and increases the likelihood of obtaining a full harvest. We tell about the best ways to germinate pepper seeds before landing.

All about pepper germination

When it is needed



Preliminary processing

Methods for growing

- on toilet paper

- on cotton disks

- in a foam sponge

- In Snail

Landing in the primer

When you need to germination

Pepper is a culture that needs much more time to germinate than cucumbers or radish. It can be sowed to the ground when the favorable temperature and weather conditions are reached and just wait for germs. This approach is possible if you bought good high-quality seeds from a proven manufacturer. Usually they are expensive, they are not very much in the package. The material is pre-prepared for landing: seeds are covered with a special composition, which stimulates growth and protects against disease. These do not need to be mashed and even more so germinate, since the first sprouts on the beds will appear quite quickly.

Greate pepper seeds, as a rule, you need if you doubt their germination. For example, if you have assembled the planting material yourself from vegetables purchased on the market or in the store. Or pulled out reserves with old untreated seeds, which were purchased last season and think that their shelf life was released. In these cases, it is necessary to pre-process and germinate seeds in order to get a good harvest and get rid of low-quality seeds.

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What conditions are needed

To quickly get green sprouts, it is necessary to place the planting material in the appropriate environment.

At a temperature of + 15-16 ° C, seeds begin to wake up. But under such conditions, they will appear for a very long time - about 3 weeks or even 1 month. If all this time they are in the ground, then, most likely, they will simply die. The ideal conditions for them are the temperature from + 25 ° C to + 30 ° C. With it, the landing material will grow very quickly. The heat of the seeds are not tolerated, so at 30 ° C and it is not necessary to germinate them - they will simply die.

Humidity is also very important. It is impossible to leave the sowing material in water or very soil cheese more than 24 hours. Seeds will not be able to breathe and die without oxygen. Slowing, too, is negative about them reflected. Therefore, the material in which the seeds are located must be a slightly wet (water should not be pressed). To preserve such conditions, the capacity is better to cover with a film or glass - a greenhouse effect will be created, which will not evaporate the water.

It is also possible to leave under the captive. It is worth a landing daily, to air them, check the moisture level and, if necessary, carefully moisten from the bottle with the spray gun.

How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_5

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Dates of landing

Pepper has a long period of vegetation, so it is advised to sow on seedlings in front of tomatoes. Sprouts can be planted in the ground when their age will reach 60-80 days. You can germinate early varieties from the end of February-early March. At this time, the light day becomes longer, it is enough of his sponsors, so no additional artificial lighting is needed.

Usually in the middle lane of Russia, the containers with a sprouted culture put on a warm window sill. In the southern regions you can hang a vegetable right to the ground in the greenhouse. It is possible to plant seedlings into open ground only when warm weather is installed on the street, and frosts will completely stop.

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Preliminary processing

Before starting the procedure of germination, seeds need to be processed. First of all, experienced gardens carry out disinfection or riffrange. This method of processing helps protect shoots from various infections. He will save them from causative agents who can be inside or outside the shell. Also keep them from dangerous diseases that are waiting in the soil. Before processing, carefully examine the packaging: if the seed material has already been treated, the manufacturer will indicate. In this case, the procedure is to skip and immediately begin soaking in stimulants or sowing.

Before the procedure, place seeds on gauze bags or wrap into pieces of soft tissue. Write the name of the varieties. Lower the fabric into warm water (its temperature should be about + 40 ° C). Leave for one hour. Then proceed to the draw. To disinfect peppers, you can use a solution of manganese. It is necessary to take 1 gram of potassium permanganate and add it to 100 ml of pure room temperature. Lower the bags into it and support them there for about 20 minutes. After getting and rinsed in clean water until the fluid becomes transparent.

After disinfection, you can proceed to sowing. However, many gardeners spend an even stimulation procedure: soaked in the sowing material in a special nutritional solution, which helps sponsors to pass faster. You can purchase a special mix in the store and place seeds in it according to the instructions. Or do it yourself, for example, use ash. You will need 1 tbsp. A spoon of ash on 1 liter of water. Ingredients need to be mixed, leave for 24 hours so that they are blown. Periodically, they are worth stirring.

When the solution is imagining, it is necessary to get rid of the sediment and soak in it gauze bags that you were washed after mangartee. Leave them in solution is necessary for 12 hours. After removing the bags, squeeze well and immediately sang or start germinate. Additionally, rinse in clean water should not be.

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How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_10

How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_11

How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_12

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How to germinate pepper seeds to seed

Greet seeds at home is very simple. To do this, it is worth using one of the four methods.

1. on a cotton disk

This is the easiest and most affordable way. It can be used when there is no time to mess with landings, and you have a lot of seeds. You will need cotton woven discs and small bags on a zip-clasp. They can be found in business stores. Packages can be signed by a permanent marker or glue a sticker with a variety name.

Seeds must be put on the disk, cover the second on top. Then it is pretty moistened to wat. If the water is too much, then it can be carefully squeezed. After cotton disks are placed in sachets. Previously need to make several punctures for ventilation.

The first few days about the bags can be forgotten as water and air in them are enough. Then you need to check them daily. Sprouts will begin to appear on the 4th day.

The method is very light, but it has a small drawback: seeds will easily germinate in cotton, if you do not check them. To remove them from it will be difficult, since in any case you damage the root.

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How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_15

How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_16

How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_17

2. On toilet paper

Pepper seed germing on toilet paper is also a very simple option. Unlike cotton disks, the planting material will not suffer during bushings. The roots are easy to pull out of the wet paper without damaging them.

Take any container or disposable container. Put on the bottom of the usual toilet paper in a couple of layers or several paper napkins. Then spray the material with water, use a bottle with a pulverizer for this. After it is worth covering the tank with a transparent lid or film. Daily landing need to open and check their humidity.

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How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_19

How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_20

How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_21

3. On the foam sponge

Seeds are placed in a sponge of foam rubber of different colors. So you can easily separate the different varieties of pepper from each other. Make in the middle of the sponge one or two long slots, then arrange the material and put in a cut of seeds. Wrap sponge into the film, clean it in heat. Check and check the humidity regularly.

4. In Snail

For this method you will need a plastic bag and toilet paper. Fold the package in half, lay out the paper on it in several layers. Moisten it from the spray gun. Return from the edge of 1 cm and start laying out seeds. Then carefully roll up the package in a small roller and secure it with a stationery. On the "snail" you can write the name of the variety or attach the cropped packaging to it.

The bars must then be put in a container in which water is nanite. It should not be a lot: literally 1-2 cm. After germing, you will get full shoots. A week after the appearance of sprouts, they must be placed in the ground.

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How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_23
How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_24

How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_25

How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_26

How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_27

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Landing in the primer

The sprouted pepper seeds are better to place in separate containers, as the vegetable does not like when it worries his roots. Therefore, immediately pouter individual containers.

For disembarkation, the finished primer is suitable for seedlings. Also, the mixture can be cooked independently. Use the following ingredients: 1 part of the turf, 1 part of humus and 0.5 parts having a baking powder, for example, it can be vermiculite or river sand.

The sprouted material is placed in the ground to a depth of about 1.5 cm. The proceded roots should be directed down. Then the soil is watered, covered with a film or a transparent cup and put into a warm light, where the temperature is maintained +25 ° C.

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How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_30

How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_31

How to germinate pepper seeds: 4 simple ways 21904_32

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