6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall


It is time to remove summer things, spend seasonal cleaning and translate the windows to the winter mode.

6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_1

6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall

1 Remove summer things

Already on the very first days of September, in most regions of Russia, you can safely sort out, sort, wash and remove most seasonal things for winter storage. It is important to pay special attention to the sorting, throwing everything outdated and unnecessary to unload the storage space. First of all, it applies to clothes, but do not forget to free the sites from summer sandals and panamas.

You can also begin to prepare a place for winter storage bike. Consider different storage methods and choose the most convenient one.

  • In the general corridor on the floor, with protection in the form of a mounted castle.
  • In a spacious hallway on special wall hooks, so as not to stumble.
  • In the long corridor, on the same hooks. You can beat this composition by adding bookshelves and posters onto the walls.
  • On the balcony. Here they will also need special stands so that the bike does not fall and did not occupy a lot of space. You can also consider the possibility of consolidating it under the ceiling or in the top of the wall.

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6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_4
6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_5

6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_6

6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_7

6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_8

2 conduct general cleaning

In order for the apartment to be ordering, it is best not to rely on rare large-scale cleaning, and stick to the chart: do everything in a little bit, but regularly.

But at the same time, sometimes you need to look at the apartment entirely and spend one or two days on large-scale racking and guidance. At the same time, clean and beautiful space helps to motivate itself on productive work or study.

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6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_10

6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_11

6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_12

  • Hyborne Guide: How to achieve perfect order in the apartment in 5 minutes a day

3 Prepare a workplace

September - time when everyone returns to offices, schools and universities after a long break. Inspect your workplace, disassemble the accumulated paper, get rid of superfluous. Update the decor and make sure that you like the location of the working area, and the furniture from which it consists is convenient. You may decide to rearrange the table to the window, buy a comfortable chair or hang a couple of shelves for books.

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6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_15

6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_16

6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_17

4 Change textiles

September is the right moment to update textiles or replace the summer kit on the winter. It's time to translate the curtains, rebuild bed and change the tablecloth on the kitchen table. It is possible to even change the covers of sofa pillows or rebuild the chair.

In the fall in the interior, saturated warm tones are well looking, which distract from the gray window and add comfort: red, orange, sand, terracotta shades.

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6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_19

6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_20

6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_21

5 Translate windows to winter mode

If you open the window, then at the end you will see the accessories that can be twisted, switching between three positions: summer, standard and winter. With the advent of the first frosts, do not forget to move it to the standard (or winter) position. It will provide a more dense fit of the windows to the frame and protect the room from heat loss and drafts.

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6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_23

6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_24

6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_25

  • How to regulate plastic windows for the winter: detailed instructions

6 take care of indoor plants

If you have flowers or herbs that you grow on the windowsill outside the window, perhaps they are already worth transferred inside the room. Emergency rain, hail or sharp drop in temperature can destroy plants in one night.

Also early autumn is well suited for plants transplant in larger pots. Just make sure that they are not in their flowering - you need to wait until all the flowers fell.

Also in September you can pruning and make fertilizers.

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6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_28

6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_29

6 home affairs that need to be done in the apartment in the fall 2215_30

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