6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom


Opposite the window, in the corner near the bed and four more places in the bedroom, where you can fit a beautiful and convenient working area.

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6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom

1 in the corner next to the bed

If a little free space remains between the bed and the wall with the window, it can be used more functionally than just put the bedside table. Place a few small shelves, hang the lamp on the long cord and do not forget to bring the switch closer. It is best to use a small countertop that is attached directly to the wall as the desktop. There are also mobile models that can be raised and freeing the place.

This method is good if there will be a small gap between the work chairs and the bed, so that it is convenient to sit at the table. And if you place a large mirror on the wall at the table, you will get visually to open the room.

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6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom 2239_4

6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom 2239_5

6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom 2239_6

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2 opposite the bed

Another way is to place the workplace on the opposite wall of the bed. You can choose a chest of drawers or a wardrobe with a continuation in the form of a written table. Then the work zone will not be knocked out of the overall picture and fit into the interior gently and unobtrusively.

Well, if at the same time the window will be left of the workplace - this is the most successful angle for natural daylight lighting. If there is no such possibility, think over how to highlight this zone. You can use table lamps, diode backlight between the ceiling and wall or flooring.

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6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom 2239_9

6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom 2239_10

6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom 2239_11

3 in niche

If your bedroom has a small niche, then this is the perfect place to install the desk. Such aisorality will help focus and not distracted by the desire to relax and sleep.

In conditions of limited space, it is better as well as in the case of a workplace in the corner of the room, use a countertop with a mount to the wall. It is interesting to look like a designer move when the countertop is embedded in a niche and comes to her edge.

Since the small niche limits the storage system, use the space under the ceiling, hanging there shelves or wardrobe.

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6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom 2239_13

6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom 2239_14

6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom 2239_15

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4 opposite the window

The most pleasant and comfortable place to work in the bedroom is opposite the window. You will get a good lighting, the ability to concentrate and give the eyes to relax, translating them from the monitor to the street.

In order not to break the proportions of the room, select the width table as the window or slightly wider. The remaining place along the walls can be filled with a rack, a wardrobe, bookshelves or a bed, where you can store stationery, paper and other little things, not forcing the desktop.

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6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom 2239_18

6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom 2239_19

6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom 2239_20

5 near the door

If the only free place in the bedroom that you have is near the door, do not be discouraged, there you can also make a working space. Hang the door so that it opens not towards the table, and add lighting into this part of the room. Also worth trying to make visual zoning, for example, paint the wall in front of the table in a bright color, hang posters or magnetic board on it.

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6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom 2239_22

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6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom 2239_24

6 on the loggia

If your bedroom has access to the loggia or a balcony - you are lucky. From this miniature space you can make a full-fledged working office. You only need to warm the balcony, and also make warm floors there or hang the electrical radiator. Be careful, insulation requires a professional project and coordination.

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6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom 2239_26

6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom 2239_27

6 simple and stylish ideas for the design of the workplace in the bedroom 2239_28

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