How to get rid of the colorado beetle forever


We tell about the effective methods of combating the colorado beetles and the prevention of its appearance.

How to get rid of the colorado beetle forever 2242_1

How to get rid of the colorado beetle forever

Cultural plants have many enemies. Gardening each season has to look for new drugs and techniques to protect their future harvest from them. With some pests it is easy to cope, others settled on the site seriously and for a long time. The latter belongs to the Colorad Beetle. We have gathered the most effective means from the Colorado Beetle, which will help gradually withdraw the pest from the garden.

Best Methods of Combating Colorado Beetle

Species features

List of effective chemicals

- Bioactive substances

- Yady

Folk remedies

Species features of a harmful insect

It is possible to achieve success in the struggle only provided that the enemy is well studied. For the first time he appeared in North America, Colorado. Where and got its name. This is one of the types of beetle-leaf. The body is rounded, length is not more than 12 mm, on the wings of the strip. Black color alternates with dark yellow or pale orange.

The life cycle of the beetle-leaf is consists of several periods. Their length depends on climatic conditions. With unfavorable, they are tightened for several days.

  • Egg. The female lays them on the opposite side of the leaves of edible cultures for themselves. In one masonry from 25 to 80 testicles. They are small, bright orange or yellow, tightly pressed to each other. For the season, one part is able to postpone from 500 to 1,200 eggs.
  • Larva. Five days after the masonry appearance, thick rapidly growing worms are hatched. They have a black head and a bright red body with rows of dark dots. Larvae is voracious. They feed on the soft leaf tissues of the bustle on which they live. In a short time, they eat them completely, leave only a streak. Periodically, they lean and grow rapidly.
  • Doll. The grudging larvae deepen into the ground, passing the step of pokuclings here. On average, it lasts 20 days. At the end, the adult individual goes to the surface. If the cold is coming, then it remains in the soil until spring.

How to get rid of the colorado beetle forever 2242_3

Loving food for leaf beetles - potatoes. But this does not mean that other safety cultures. They are happy to eat with all the elevation. Objective young pigs, and the plant dies. Despite the fact that only larval forms eaten foliage, pests at all stages of their development are dangerous. They are actively destroyed by all available ways.

Sometimes it happens it is not clear where the Colorad beetle came from. It is necessary to know that they are capable of massively flying to tens of kilometers. Therefore, at any time may appear on the field. The ability to fall into the range for several years allows the bug to painlessly experience hungry periods. The field of which it is activated and gives healthy offspring. In addition, the territory infected with them is extensive. Simultaneous processing is impossible. Therefore, he simply migrates from one site to another.

There are many ways to get rid of the pest forever. We selected the most effective.

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The most effective means from the colorado beetle

The best results give chemicals. Two types of such compositions have been developed, they differ on the principle of action.

Bioactive substances

The pest in nature has enemies that are actively destroyed. Scientists took advantage of this. They created preparations containing pathogenic fungi and cultures of bacteria, deadly for the insect. They fall into the body of the leaf, they develop in it and destroy their carrier. Big plus biopreparations - safety for animals, people, plant crops, soils. Therefore, when you have to choose than to treat potatoes from the colorado beetle, it is better to use them.

How to get rid of the colorado beetle forever 2242_5

Biological compositions have a significant minus. He does not act on eggs. Only larvae and adults die. Therefore, after a while you have to re-process. The timing and multiplicity of spraying are indicated on the package. We list the most effective biopreparations.

List of biopreparatov

  • "Agrantin". The active ingredient is vegetable toxin, causing paralysis of the nervous system of insect-parasites. Effective against almost all famous pests. It does not cause addiction, suitable for multiple use.
  • "Phytoverm". Contains Avermectins generated by the fungus Streptomyces Avermitilis. These are neurotoxic poisons with insecticidal action. In a substance, a short period of decay, which decreases under the influence of the Sun and moisture. Addictive comes slowly, after five to six seasons.
  • "Bitoksibatsillin". Active substances - disputes of Bacillus Thuringiensis and Exotoxin. Enters the body through the intestines, kills for 2-3 days. The prolonged action is preserved within two weeks. Destroys adult copies and larvae. Compatible with other biopreparations.
  • "Bovterin". Contains active disputes Beauveria Bassiana. This is a fungus parasitizing insects. Disputes fall on chitinous cover and develop in a fungouncing, sprung deep into the body. This causes the death of the body, but the growth of the fungus does not stop. He produces disputes, they will be laid on the site. The validity period is prolonged, the mass death of harmful insects continues for more than a month.

Most biopreparations are very easy to apply. According to the manufacturer's instructions, a solution is prepared, which spray potatoes and other cultures.

How to get rid of the colorado beetle forever 2242_6

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Yadhimikati quickly destroy the population of parasites, but at the same time they are extremely toxic and dangerous for people and animals. Therefore, they are used only when other funds do not help, subject to all security requirements. List several effective drugs.
  • "Aktara". The strongest insecticide based on Tiamethoxama, the poison of paralytic action. Released in the form of a suspension or granules. It is addictive, so it alternate with other compositions. Efficiency increases when used in hot weather, at a temperature of 25 ° C and higher.
  • "Corado". Contains imidacloprid, has prolonged, up to 20 days, action. It does not cause addiction, not phytotoxic. However, the instructions for the use of "Corado" from the Colorado beetle must strictly observe. Microindoses accumulate in the human body, which can cause negative consequences.
  • "Zhukoede". Insecticide of the last generation. The composition consists of three strong poison, their integrated action kills everyone, even hidden living, individuals. Equally active with any weather and humidity. One processing is enough for the whole season.
  • "Regent". Continuing-intestine insecticide based on fipronil. Used against a large number of pest species. "Regent" from the Colorado Beetle is used as a spray solution. Over the season requires two processing.

Chemicals are dangerous, therefore, it is necessary to embroil the pests with the mandatory observance of a number of rules.

The rules for processing Yadohimikati

  • Before work, be sure to get acquainted with the instructions and accurately perform it.
  • It is impossible to process landing for pregnant women, children and people suffering from allergies or asthma.
  • Protective suit, respirator and gloves are required. After the procedure, you must take a shower, wash clothes.
  • For toxic fluids, a separate sprayer is bought, which is no longer applied anywhere.
  • Processing plants in the morning or in the evening in dry weather without wind. You can remove the harvest after that not earlier than in a month.

How to get rid of the colorado beetle forever 2242_8

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Folk remedies

Not everyone wants to use chemicals and bioactive drugs. If the population is not yet great, you can try to cope without them. The most popular and secure method is manual. Plantation bypass, carefully examine each bush. Remove the larvae, adults, tear leaves with masonry. The collected specimens are folded into a metal container filled with concentrated brine. After destroying.

Despite the simplicity, this technique is not always applied. Too much strength and time goes to inspection. Especially if the landing area is large. You need to go around at least several times a week, and best of all twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. This is possible only for small cottages and gardens. There are other techniques. We list folk remedies from the Colorado beetle on potatoes.


The best result gives ash, especially birch. It is used at the stage of pre-sowing processing. Each tuber is dipped into the ash powder. During the development of plants, they are also divert. Take sifted ashes at the rate of 10 kg per hundred. Strokes are sprinkled after dew or rain, so that the slim powder sticks to the leaflers. Before the culture blooms, it is diverted twice a month, after flowering - once a month.

You can still sprinkle with ash or fresh widths of the track and aisle, it will strengthen the effect. You can process all the grained. A good result gives dismounting to corn flour. In case of moisture, it significantly increases its volume. This is based on its action. The flour falls into the insect stomach, swells what causes his death. Similarly, "work" plaster and cement. They also sprinkle wet plants. According to gardeners, all the larvae die after that.

How to get rid of the colorado beetle forever 2242_10


Adult individuals and larvae are sensitive to scales and infusions of various plants. Here are some effective recipes.
  • Celandine. The bucket is filled with dry or fresh raw materials, poured with water. Boil 15-20 minutes. After cooling, it is used in a diluted form: half of the ragger liter on 10 liters of water.
  • Sagebrush. A glass of wood ash take 300 g of chopped wormwood. Everything is well mixed. 10 liters of boiling water are poured, insist 3-4 hours, filter.
  • Tomato tops. It is necessary to chop kilograms of stepsings or leaves, pour warm water. Insist 5-6 hours. Then add 40 g of grated on the grater of dry soap or 3-4 tablespoons of liquid.
  • Bitter pepper. The recipe is as follows: 100 g of dry pepper pour 10 liters of boiling water. Cook 2 hours, strain, add 40 g of crushed soap.
  • Tobacco. 500 g of dust or stalks need to insist two days in 10 liters of water. Dilute in proportions 1: 2, pour 40 g of soap powder, stir. Similarly use garlic, it will be needed 200 g in crushed form.
  • Sunflower. On 500 g of colors take 10 liters of water, the three days insist.
  • Birch tar. Dissolve 100 ml of tar in a 10-liter water bucket. Spray crops three times a week.

Other plants are chosen for the preparation of infusions. This is a honeysuckle, burdock, nine, dandelion, spotted Boligols, Walnut, Yellow Gorchak.

The most effective reflection from the Colorado Beetle - the infusion obtained from its larvae and adults. Their bodies contain a large number of toxins. Prepares composition like this. Collect the full half-liter can of pest beetles. Pull them in a 10-liter container, poured with water, sealed hermetically closed. After 4-6 days most of the parasites fall on the bottom. This signals the availability of the mixture. It is bred in half with water and spray bushes. The undiluted liquid will burn leaves.

Natural enemies

Some plants scare harmful insects. It is calendula, velvets, nasturtium, cucumber grass, mattiola counya, white clarity, Pijm or Kotovnik. They are planted around the perimeter of the field and islands inside it. Some vegetables have a similar action. They are sitting in the wells with potatoes or in a bent. This is vegetable beans, horseradish, beans and onions. As a result, the garden collects a double harvest.

The Colorado leaf beetle feeds on with grazing, their leaves contain a toxin soil. It accumulates in bodies, which makes insects are not edible for most species. Nevertheless, there are insects and birds that eat them. These are zlatg-treatments, bugs, ladybugs, predatory bedbugs and pheasants. Knowing this, it is necessary to try not to destroy the natural enemies of sheets. Let them help in the fight against pest.

How to get rid of the colorado beetle forever 2242_11

There is no means that instantly destroys the harmful population. It remains to correctly use those drugs that already exist, and do not neglect the prevention. It is necessary to plant repellent plants on a potato field, use ash for fertilizer and protection when planting tubers. Deep resistance is desirable for autumn, when bugs go to wintering. They will stay at the top in the inverted communion of land, where they will kill their winter cold.

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