5 signs that your plants feel bad (it's time to take action urgently!)


Too long shoots, brown dry leaves or sunburn - tell how to help the plant, if you noticed these signs.

5 signs that your plants feel bad (it's time to take action urgently!) 2257_1

5 signs that your plants feel bad (it's time to take action urgently!)

1 Plant has grown too long

Too long and thin trunk of plants, long and too elongated shoots may indicate that the flower lacks sunlight. It can be noticed even in the early stages.

5 signs that your plants feel bad (it's time to take action urgently!) 2257_3

Solving the problem - rearrange the flower closer to the window. When plants lack nutrient elements, their shoots become thinner and higher, as they stretch to light. If moving does not help, it is possible in the soil there is not enough nitrogen or sulfur. In this case, make fertilizers throughout the growing season from spring to autumn, in winter it is worth cutting their amount or take a break.

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2 on flowering plants no colors

5 signs that your plants feel bad (it's time to take action urgently!) 2257_5

If you have a plant, which is in the stage of maturity, but the flowers do not appear on it, then it is worth considering the conditions of its content. One of the reasons is the oversaturation of soil fertilizers, especially critical nitrogen content. It is worth reduce the amount of nutrient elements. If the fertilizers are all right, the absence of good lighting may affect the bloom, incorrectly chosen acidity of the soil mixture or the dysfunction of the rest period if it is necessary to bloody.

  • 8 natural fertilizers for room colors that are in your kitchen

3 Flood Flood

5 signs that your plants feel bad (it's time to take action urgently!) 2257_7

The sluggish, the drooping plant with dry dying leaves often signals its owner that he lacks moisture. It will be able to reanimate it regular watering. To accurately confirm that the plant is bad due to the lack of water, stick your finger into the soil is 3-6 cm. If the soil is dry, the plant needs more moisture. If your home is hot and water evaporates faster (in summer and during heating), watering the plant is better more often. However, it is not worth pouring it either.

We recommend that you read more information about the type of plant. If it is thermal-loving, possibly irrigation is not enough, and it must be regularly sprayed from the sprayer.

4 leaves changed color

5 signs that your plants feel bad (it's time to take action urgently!) 2257_8

Changing the color of the leaves signals that your plant is uncomfortable under the conditions in which it is located. The reason can be determined by shade.

  • Yellow leaves suggest that you regularly pour the plant. It is dangerous, because due to excessive moisture roots can bend. To avoid this problem, it is worth identifying a clear scraper schedule. Each time you check the moisture content of the soil: stick a stick or finger into the ground, if the tip remains wet, then watering is not needed. The topmost layer of soil dries quickly, so it should not determine the state of the soil. It is desirable that in the pots at the same time there was a drainage, which will extend the overabundance of water and will not give a plant to deteriorate.
  • A large number of brown dry leaves on the plant says that he needs more moisture. Solve the problem is easy: water the flower more often, regularly spray it with water. Also moisturizer will help the humidifier, it can be done independently.

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5 Leaves have become dry and crispy around the edges

5 signs that your plants feel bad (it's time to take action urgently!) 2257_10

Brown-yellow dry and crispy leaves on the edges sign about another problem - Sunny burn.

Causes of the problem

  • The plant stands on the windowsill under the right sunlight. This is especially dangerous in summer.
  • You sprayed it under the sun right on the windowsill: drops that fell on the leaves played the role of lenses.
  • You have not watered the plant for a long time, and also in the room too dry air.

It is possible to solve the problem of burns as follows: Remove the plant from the right sunlight, make sure that the soil is wet and watering is regular. You can spray flowers with water, but it is better to do it in a place where there is no direct sunlight, after it is necessary to give drops to dry before rearrange the pot on the windowsill.

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