Do not feel at home in a removable apartment? 5 simple steps to fix it


We understand how to make removable accommodation as comfortable as possible without large investments and spending time.

Do not feel at home in a removable apartment? 5 simple steps to fix it 2260_1

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1 Establish a place to sleep

One of the most important places where you can relax, relax and gain strength before the new day - the bedroom. Or a place to sleep if you do not have a separate room. Remember how you wake up in a new place. Do you feel fatigue or pain in the stale neck, whether you have enough air, does not beat the light in the eyes.

Do not feel at home in a removable apartment? 5 simple steps to fix it 2260_2

Perhaps in the new room for you the bed is not comfortable. Try to rearrange it as you like: closer to the window or farther from it, along or across the wall. If necessary, replace the mattress or at least pillows and blankets. And be sure to get a pair of fresh bed linen sets that will raise you mood.

  • 6 stunning ideas for the bedroom decor that we spied at the designers

2 Make stay in the bathroom comfortable

Many psychologically uncomfortable to be in someone else's bathroom. There may be a feeling of squeamishness, even if the room is clean. Therefore, dedicate one day by general cleaning, sulfting all the surfaces and floors.

Do not feel at home in a removable apartment? 5 simple steps to fix it 2260_4

You can also replace the shower curtain, a glass for toothbrushes and soap. Hang your towels and bed new rug. All this will help relax and feel more comfortable.

3 Light in the kitchen

If you removed an apartment with furniture and everything you need for life, take a small box into the kitchen and fold everything in it that you do not like or what you do not use. You can remove this box away, so as not to upset the owners by the fact that you threw their things. And use the vacant place for what you brought with you. It is also psychologically helping to acquire new cutlery - not everyone likes to use those that someone has already eaten to you.

Do not feel at home in a removable apartment? 5 simple steps to fix it 2260_5

Also think about permutation in the kitchen. It is easy to rearrange the table, a microwave or refrigerator (provided that there are sockets). Recall the location of the key points on your old kitchen and try to repeat it.

  • We transform the kitchen for 7 days (you will not recognize it!)

4 Fit the storage system

If you got the apartment in which the shelves and cabinets are forced by the owners, use vacuum bags and boxes to gently fold them and remove, freeing the place for your things.

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Do not feel at home in a removable apartment? 5 simple steps to fix it 2260_8
Do not feel at home in a removable apartment? 5 simple steps to fix it 2260_9

Do not feel at home in a removable apartment? 5 simple steps to fix it 2260_10

Do not feel at home in a removable apartment? 5 simple steps to fix it 2260_11

Do not feel at home in a removable apartment? 5 simple steps to fix it 2260_12

If there is no such problem - immediately go to the organization of storage. Add separators and containers to the boxes, hang on the wall hooks on velcro, which just remove. Use items that will be easily transported when moving, for example, laundry baskets or floor hanger on wheels.

5 Add some decor

If you know that the apartment in which you now live is temporary, less than a year, it makes no sense to buy a large number of decor. Collect a kit that will delight you in any house and which is easy to transport. Here is an exemplary list of things you can buy in a removable apartment.

  • A pair of small unpretentious plants like sucques.
  • Plaid on the bed or on the sofa.
  • Garland for instant creating a cozy atmosphere.
  • A pair of motivating posters on adhesive hooks.

Such objects need to be taken in one style and a single color scheme. Well, if they correspond to your favorite style of the interior, for example, Scandinavian. Then it will be easier to set the desired atmosphere in any space.

Do not feel at home in a removable apartment? 5 simple steps to fix it 2260_13
Do not feel at home in a removable apartment? 5 simple steps to fix it 2260_14
Do not feel at home in a removable apartment? 5 simple steps to fix it 2260_15

Do not feel at home in a removable apartment? 5 simple steps to fix it 2260_16

Do not feel at home in a removable apartment? 5 simple steps to fix it 2260_17

Do not feel at home in a removable apartment? 5 simple steps to fix it 2260_18

  • 6 things you just need to do in a removable apartment

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