12 common types of weeds at the cottage with photos


We tell about the types of weed grasses and the ways to deal with her.

12 common types of weeds at the cottage with photos 2269_1

12 common types of weeds at the cottage with photos

There are no weeds on a well-kept summer area. Each dachnik knows about it, and spends a lot of time and strength to fight a harmful threshold. In order not to waste them, you need to know the features and "weaknesses" of pest plants. We collected a guide by weeds at the cottage with photos, description and best ways to deal with them.

All about garden weeds



Useful advice

Garden weeds annual

These are plants whose life is one year. During this time, they manage to go through a full cycle of development from a seed to an adult copy with a large number of seeds.

1. Half-roll ambrosia

The grass is very similar to wormwood, but without a characteristic smell. In favorable conditions, it is pulled up to 2.5 m. Quickly spreads, captures free territories. Loves moisturized fertile soil. Ambrosia pollen is a strong allergen. Domestic cattle actively eaten flowering grass. From this spoys the taste of milk. To fight, we use weeding, mulching of the rolling circles and a variety. Helps the treatment of post-harvest herbicides of the type "Napalm", "Demos", "Lazurit", when the plant enters the phase 2-3 of the present sheet.

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2. Star (Music)

Resistant to cold annual. The first shoots appear very early. By the beginning of the garden works, the mocities fills all free space with a dense green carpet. Prefers wet areas. This weed is a good honey. It can be used on cattle cattle and even to power the person. Soothes and leaves contain a large number of vitamins. To destroy the pigs use weeding and mulching. In the spring, a spraying of "Brig" type by bonnetal herbicides is carried out in the fall - the aftershought "Longan", Bis-300.

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3. Swan (marry white)

Cool-resistant weed grass, easily tolerates significant temperature differences. It is gluing at the very beginning of spring, actively grows to late autumn. Under favorable conditions, it grows up to one and a half meters. Gives a very large number of seeds. Prefers fertile soils. All parts of the plant, except the root, are edible, are used in folk medicine as a sedative, antitumor agent, medicine against gastrointestinal diseases. Get rid of quickened swans, it is easily removed with the root, mulching. Up to the first germs and at the earliest stages of development, herbicidal preparations like "Napalm" and "Lintur" are used.

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12 common types of weeds at the cottage with photos 2269_8

4. Mokhai

Single-night with a powerful stem and a long rhizome. It goes to the ground very deeply, an adult instance cannot be caught up with the root. It is only necessary to dig. Inside the leaves and stem contains milky juice. He is poisonous, so we need to handle the weed. Seeds are used in folk medicine. It is most often growing in rocky and sandy soils, but can grow on any. Help helps to get rid of it during the flowering period before seeds appear, mulching. In the spring resistance, Glyibest preparations are used.

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5. Amaranth (shin, rubella)

Grassy annual, resistant to frost and drought. The germination of seeds is preserved for decades. Perfectly feels on all types of soil at temperatures from 5 ° C to 40 ° C. Flowers from June to September, actively forms fruits-seeds before frost. One copy gives up to several thousand seeds. You can destroy the width with the help of regular thorough weeding or mulching with a dark film. It is inhibited by the neighborhood with calendula or velvets. The herbicidal preparations of "Hurricane", "Lazurit", "Glyphos", "Roundap" are recommended.

12 common types of weeds at the cottage with photos 2269_13

  • How to prevent the appearance of weeds on the plot: 7 ways to facilitate life

Perennial weed herbs

Plants that live two years and longer. Most of them are able to bloom and fruit annually. We multiply the seeds and parts of the root. We offer a list of weed herbal perennials.

1. Oscim pink (field boding)

Herbaceous medonos high up to two meters high. Roots deepen up to 4-6 m, so pulling them very difficult. Not remote remnants of rhizomes give multiple processes. It grows in the gardens, on the meadows on any soil, but prefers fertile. Ridish seeds are spilled by many kilometers, hitting the ground, immediately germinate. To remove the osry, use the Fayter type, "lapis" or "napalm" in the early stages of the bush development. Helps smearing. To prevent separation seeds, it is carried out before flowering. But the cheating is capable of vegetative reproduction, so it is necessarily digging and destroying all numerous root processes.

12 common types of weeds at the cottage with photos 2269_15

  • 7 edible weeds in the country who are good for health

2. Field binding (birch)

Curly perennial. Cooling the stems of cultures, takes the nutrients from them, closes the light. One bindwell is capable of laying up to two square meters of landing. Rhizomes are plugged into the ground a few meters. It is capable of vegetation, there is plenty of the root from the root. The processes appear within a radius of 9 cm from the main leaf. It grows everywhere, prefers well-lit and sun-heated areas. To combat birch, apply autumn and spring loosening with the obligatory manual removal of cut fragments, repeated cutting of shoots, mulching. Preparations "Sprove Extra", "Fayter", "Napalm" after the appearance of germs.

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3. Oblique Oblique (Cabbage Hare)

Blooming bush tall up to half a meter. Growing groups, quickly distributes through the territory. Ops any cultures. The weed on the lawn is dangerous, because it displaces the lawn grass-resistant to unfavorable conditions. It grows by seeds, scatters them up to 2 m. The leaves in small doses are edible, in large can be toxic. Justice chooses peeled soils, therefore it is used to destroy it. Also, bushes are smelted with the obligatory removal of all fragments. Before the appearance of colors are treated with a "Lintur" or "glibest".

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12 common types of weeds at the cottage with photos 2269_19

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4. Ordinary nettle

Perennial height up to one and a half meters. It grows everywhere, but if possible, chooses rich nitrogen well moisturized areas. Therefore, after removing bushes at this place, you can get a good harvest. Overhead of a young nettle edible. In addition, it is used in folk medicine. It is struggling with it by multiple people and flowing. All collected fragments are necessarily removed from the garden. It helps the treatment with a 30% potassium salt solution. In the course of spring cultivation, previsory herbicidal means "lapis" or "breeze" are used.

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  • Once and forever: how to get rid of nettle on the plot

5. Field dandelion.

Long-term bush with a long rod root. Ripe seeds spread over long distances. Actively develops on any soils, but prefers lawns or lawns on a bright sun either in half. The leaves and flowers of the dandelion are edible, contain many vitamins and useful trace elements. Used in folk medicine. Fight with perennial multiple weeding and pumping. The tracks and aisle are mulched, if possible, opaque film. At the stage of the roasting leaves, they are treated with the post-harvest herbicidal compositions of the type "Gasontrela", "Longan", "Bis-300", others.

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6. Thistle termer (spiny ray)

Two-room height from 30 to 100 cm. Loves sunlight and fertile soils, but can grow almost everywhere. If you do not fight with him, quite quickly displaces cultural "neighbors". It has a powerful rhizome and wide leaves. They shall actuate the growing shoots near him, which are not allowed light and food. In addition, the burdock quickly depletes the land on which it grows, since a powerful cunition requires rich food. Get rid of it with regular resistance and weeding. Considering the size of the bush, the easiest way to remove the young piglery. It is good as a means of traditional medicine or as food for pets. For the prevention of the appearance of the thistle of the track mulch the dark film. To clean the site, the chemical compositions of the type "Agrociller", Tornado and Roundapup are used.

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7. Polyzheny drinking

A many years of cereal plant, has about a thousand varieties. Most of them are weed. Some species grow up to 150 cm. All very lively, have branched roots, exciting around them to 3 square meters. m Square. For this reason, drinking strongly depletes the land. He shadhes neighbors, does not give them normally develop and grow. Can multiply seeds, but more often vegetative. Roots quickly give numerous processes, the grass literally spreads through the territory. In order to combat it, frequent steps and flowing are used. It works well by treating the dissemination type "Miura", "Glyibest", "Fayter".

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12 common types of weeds at the cottage with photos 2269_29

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Useful Reliable Tips

  • Against perennial frozen roots helps the best helping. It is best to do this for a fork, so as not to cut the root processes into a lot of pieces that can not be noticed. All fragments are manually removed from the ground, then remove from the garden.
  • Putting plants need to aging seeds. After doing it meaningless. They have already dropped seeds into the soil. Young non-seized pig loose is on the preparation of liquid fertilizer from grass and weeds. You can lay it in compost.
  • We need to handle the fitting with herbicidal drugs only in dry and windless weather. Necessarily accurate compliance with the manufacturer's instructions. Watering after spraying is unacceptable, otherwise the droplets of the composition will wash themselves with water.
  • It is impossible to leave empty areas in the garden or in the garden. Here will immediately appear parasitic lay plants. It is better to sing their Siderats. They will improve the structure of the soil, enrich the nutrients and protect against unwanted pins.

12 common types of weeds at the cottage with photos 2269_31

Our weed type guide includes the names and photos of the most common types. We described their main features and effective methods of struggle to governments and gardeners it is easier to remove harmful pigs from their site.

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