6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance


Ecosel, High-tech or classic? We tell what to pay attention to when choosing a bathroom.

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_1

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance

The design of the bathroom is usually determined by two factors: the room area and the design of the entire apartment. It is impossible to consider it separately from the main interior, such small spaces support overall stylistics. We tell what to pay attention to the design of the bathroom in a modern style and not only.

Bathroom interior overview



- Classic and Neoclassic

- Modern

- Scandinavian

- minimalism

- Eco

- High tech

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One of the global trends in the interior remains the desire for environmental friendliness. Moreover, it is not always expressed in a certain stylist. It is rather a refusal of deliberately artificial materials and the use of natural textures.

  • One of the most popular materials is a stone. Moreover, in any form: it is a plate of porcelain stoneware with marble texture on the walls, panels from Onyx and small pebbles.
  • No less relevant wooden surfaces. Many designers are convinced that with the help of a tree and stone you can stylize almost any interior: from the design of the bathroom in the Art Deco style to Eco.
  • Tilezzo tile is another trend that is often used in more decorative design.

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_3
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_4
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_5
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_6
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_7
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_8
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_9
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_10
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_11
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_12
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_13

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_14

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_15

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_16

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_17

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_18

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_19

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_20

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_21

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_22

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_23

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_24

The second trend is the use of muted, calm colors. Even a bright and saturated palette today seeks to complex shades. It is clearly visible to the refusal of designers from neon tones: Salad changes to herbaceous, red - on Bordeaux, yellow - on ocher or mustard and so on. The next trend concerns the choice of plumbing. And most often it can be seen in the projects of Western designers, which make out private houses. This is a trend on separate baths. They are located right in the center of the room or by the window. The form can be any, here the value has a style. Refusal of chrome mixers in favor of brass or matte black models is also a trend that is traced here for several seasons.

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_25
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_26
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_27
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_28
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_29
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_30
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_31
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_32
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_33

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_34

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_35

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_36

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_37

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_38

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_39

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_40

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_41

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_42

  • 10 trend ideas for the design of the bathroom

The best design options

1. Classic and Neoclassic

In its pure form, the classic interior of the bathroom occurs infrequently. Still, most designers prefers design in the new version - neoclassic. This includes any directions that are distinguished by solemnity, luxury, softness and smoothness of classic forms, understandable and elegant solutions. For example, a bathroom in an English style or American in the photo they are very similar.

Any classic interior, including a bathroom, does not tolerate false. The finish should be made of natural materials, only a very high-quality imitation is allowed, for example, porcelain stoneware with the texture of onyx or marble. You can dilute it with a figured ceramic tile and mosaic: here are relevant classic solutions like octagons with small contrasting inserts.

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_44
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_45
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_46
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_47
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_48
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_49

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_50

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_51

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_52

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_53

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_54

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_55

Plumbing often choose two types: these are minimalist modern models or stylized cast iron, with legs and decor.

Please note: neoclassica, and even more so classic, look good in spacious rooms. Urban bathroom in Khrushchev with an area of ​​up to 4 square meters. m is difficult to submit in such a design. Excessive pomp in a small area can look ridiculous.

Another important point: Neoclassica today replaces many directions. For example, the Bathroom in the style of Provence is no longer so popular. And if you like this romance, we recommend considering less decorative design, which will be relevant until the next repairs.

  • 5 bathroom interiors for those who do not like bright colors

2. Modern

This is a stylistics without definition and rules. It is also inherent in natural textures and materials, but in terms of decor it is easier than the classic. Modern design is soft elegant shapes and often bright tones. Such an interior is more versatile in the finish. Analogues of natural materials such as tile type with texture of a tree, marble porcelain stoneware or MDF panels are allowed. But the plastic elements are still better to refuse if the material is not provided with the design. For example, Louis Ghost chair.

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_57
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_58
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_59
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_60
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_61
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_62
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_63
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_64
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_65

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_66

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_67

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_68

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_69

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_70

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_71

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_72

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_73

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_74

  • 6 fashionable and relevant trends in the design of the bathroom in 2021

3. Bathroom in Scandinavian style

The style of the Scandinavian countries is actually more serious than they think about him. In domestic projects of apartments, designed in this way, humorous posters, bright colors and cheerful prints are often represented. But in the works of Danish and Swedish designers, such adhesives are rarely found. Their design is defined as calm and minimalist eco, setting up for relaxation (although plastic products are also found).

Bathroom in aesthetics Scandi can be any size - this is a weighty plus. With a bright base in dairy, grayish and white shades combine a light tree, cream enamel, a light stone - here is also a trend on naturalness. Plumbing and mixers most often selected modern simple forms. If the room is large, the bowl can be set separately.

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6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_77
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_78
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_79
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_80

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_81

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_82

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_83

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_84

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_85

  • 6 bathrooms where tiles and wallpapers made friends (you will be delighted!)

4. Minimalism

Another direction that is suitable for the space of any square. The lack of decor and parts are compensated here for the game textures, tones and form of furniture. It is very important to pick up the design models of the shell, bowls or cabinets. Ordinary can look boring. The same with "air" - the number of free space. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the concept will be incomprehensible, it will turn out an empty interior.

Speecually looks like minimalism in the dark and monochrome palette: brown tones, gray, mixed with light, make the interior expensive. But the gamma itself is not fundamental, here there are no strict rules.

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_87
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_88
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_89
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_90
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_91
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_92
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_93

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_94

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_95

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_96

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_97

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_98

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_99

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_100

  • 8 beautiful and functional ideas for your bathroom that applied designers

5. Eco

One of the most trend directions in design. Ecosyl suggests natural shades and textures: different types of stone, pebbles and wood. Natural materials are suitable as decor, such as driedrs, snags, wicker baskets from rattan and so on. Eco is especially relevant in the design of private houses, where there is a place for the decor in the form of real pot plants.

Inspired by the Asian atmosphere, Western designers create entire greenhouses near the shower cabins and bowls. In the urban apartment there will be enough and one flower, which can be put on the floor or the end.

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6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_103
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_104
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_105
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_106
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_107

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_108

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_109

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_110

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_111

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_112

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_113

  • 6 plants that you can even ... in the bathroom (and nothing will be!)

6. High-tech

Modern bathroom in the style of High-tech is no longer those chrome elements, metal and plastic, like 10 years ago. The direction has undergone significant changes.

  • First, the forms became stricter, the lines are clearer and more concise. And, if you like rectangular plumbing, pay attention to High-tech.
  • Secondly, the color is very dosed. Often the interior is performed in the dark cold range: it is gray, blue, black tones.
  • Finally, thirdly, finishing material has changed. For modern destinations, it is characterized by the use of concrete, stone, gloss and glass gloss.
  • Point illumination is another reception that may emphasize the futuristic design. So allocate niches, shelves and even the mirrors.

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6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_116
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_117
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_118
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_119
6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_120

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_121

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_122

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_123

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_124

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_125

6 best interior styles for the bathroom, which will not lose relevance 2323_126

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