6 things about which it is worth thinking before bringing a plant to the house (this is important!)


The level of humidity in the apartment, the availability of pets and rhythm of life - we tell what you should think about before buying a new plant.

6 things about which it is worth thinking before bringing a plant to the house (this is important!) 2326_1

6 things about which it is worth thinking before bringing a plant to the house (this is important!)

Beautiful well-groomed plants in the store always attract a look: certainly I want to pick up the representative of the flora with them and after a few hours to admire the houses at home. We advise you to postpone with the purchase and first study to learn more information about the selected view. And also pay attention to several conditions in your home and lifestyle.

1 rhythm of life

The first thing that is worth thinking, choosing a plant, is the rhythm of your life. If it is too fast, then the plants that require frequent and complex care is not suitable for you. It is better to stop the choice on undemanding indoor plants.

If you have no time to care for flowers, but I want to have their homes, artificial plants will help. Modern compositions are practically no different from natural colors. All you need to do is periodically wash dust from them.

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2 Level of Light

The place where you plan to put the plant is very important to determine depending on its needs. Straight sun rays and heat not everyone loves. Some species can dry, get sick or get a burn from the overaffect of light. Telebobile varieties are better to position near the window not on the sunny side or in any other place of the room that is infrequently illuminated by the sun.

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3 Humidity level

Plants react differently to humidity. For example, tropical species - let's say, Monster - it loves it, but the succulents prefer dry air.

The level of humidity differs depending on the region. And from the way heating in the apartment works and if you have a humidifier. It is easy to measure with a special device - a hygrometer. Or assess Subjectively: for example, if you dry the mucous membranes, you probably do not have enough humidity.

6 things about which it is worth thinking before bringing a plant to the house (this is important!) 2326_7

4 Necessary care

Some plants require an individual approach to themselves: special soil, making certain fertilizers and irrigation graphics. These features should be learn in advance so that in the first stage it is not harmful to the plant. Think whether you are ready to follow all the recommendations or better stop your choice in a less demanding form.

5 Temperature conditions

Another important parameter is the temperature in the room. It must be remembered that there are thermal-loving species, for good development and the growth of which it is necessary to maintain from 18 to 24 degrees of heat. There are flowers that are sufficient temperate temperature: 15-18 degrees. It is worth learn about it before you buy a plant and decide to put it on a cold window sill.

6 things about which it is worth thinking before bringing a plant to the house (this is important!) 2326_8

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6 Small children and pets

Find out the poisonous plants and what it can be dangerous. The kids are often drawn in the mouth of different things, and pets love to break and eat indoor flowers. Some species are very poisonous, a small piece of escape or even juice can cause serious consequences.

Also, in the presence of children and animals, it is better to avoid large plants in the tubs, which are put on the floor, as the pot with a soil can easily turn into a sandbox, or it is randomly tilted.

6 things about which it is worth thinking before bringing a plant to the house (this is important!) 2326_10

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