How to plan the garden for the next year (you need to think about it now!)


Sketch an exemplary work plan, choose a place for future flower beds and drop perennials - We tell, about what points of the garden decoration you need to think this season to simplify your work next year.

How to plan the garden for the next year (you need to think about it now!) 2348_1

How to plan the garden for the next year (you need to think about it now!)

1 Sketch an exemplary work plan.

In order to understand what you want to see in my area next year, you need to think about the approximate plan. All households should help with this. Collect them in one place and ask what they want to see in the country. You can distribute them on a piece of paper and handle and ask to sketch the approximate location of the desired zones: summer kitchen, hammock or furniture for recreation, playground, sandboxes and other possible elements. It is necessary in order to determine how much space should be left for the desires of each family member. So it becomes clear which space you give under the recreation areas, flowerbeds or a simple lawn.

When drawing up the plan will have to make a compromise: if the desires are mutually exclusive of each other, it is easier to refuse them. For example, if someone from household wants to plant a poisonous plant, but you have an animal or a small child, you will have to refuse.

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2 Inspire Ready Projects

In addition to the wishes of relatives, 30 is important. To do this, learn the work of landscape designers made this year. Perhaps you will move new trends that want to bring to the site, or just learn about new ways to decorate and leave a place for them to issue next year.

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3 Make an entrance to the country

This option is especially important for those who go to the cottage all year round: without a pre-arrival at the winter to drive in winter it will be difficult to drive. It is important that the site is smooth and did not have big slopes, otherwise the car will not be able to call on her. Summer cottage owners can skip this item.

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4 Select a place for future flower beds

Make a landing scheme: Scroll, which plants and where will grow. Also be sure to determine the composition of the flower bed. There are several approaches: some gardeners make the focus on one form of the plant and collect the composition from different varieties. Others make up it from several plants. In this case, one of the types are made accent, and others are basic and calculated.

Be sure to take into account the future size of plants, for example, coniferous, most likely, lasted and can obstruct the sun by other seedlings. If there are perennial plants in the scheme, then they need to plant them at the end of this season, so that next year they bloomed in their full force.

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5 Ride perennial and bulbous

Prepare places for disembarking Perennials: Drop the groove in the ground, make the necessary fertilizers. It is also very important to make already planted perennials, for example, to disseminate peonies are necessary at the beginning of autumn, if you plan to transfer them to another place or divide into several bushes. It is also important to plant bulbous. They are often sold at the end of the season with a discount. When landing, it is important to monitor the temperature on the street: you need such conditions under which the bulbs will be able to calmly root, but will not germinate above the surface of the soil.

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6 Peread Susta

If you have conceived a grand redevelopment of the garden, then in the beginning of autumn you can deal with a transplantation of fruit and decorative shrubs, for example, it may be raspberries, currants, blackberries and other species.

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7 Think about purchases next year

The end of the season is the time for the sale of both plants and garden equipment, furniture and other ornamental accessories. Therefore, look at the range of products for the cottage. Perhaps something from the elements described earlier in the plan, you can find with a discount. However, do not hurry to buy everything in a row on the promotion, some of the decorative elements and furniture purchased spontaneously may not approach the general design concept.

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