9 essential items for high-quality cleaning (check what you do not have)


The list of your helpers for cleaning is limited to a sponge, vacuum cleaner and bucket? It is worth expanding the toolkit, and the cleaning will be convenient and efficient.

9 essential items for high-quality cleaning (check what you do not have) 2351_1

9 essential items for high-quality cleaning (check what you do not have)

Provide convenient access to hard-to-reach places, clean the painted walls, quickly wipe local contaminants - all this can be made by an ordinary cloth, but it is more convenient to prepare for such a kind of special tools that work much faster.

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1 roll of wipes

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They will be suitable for small cleaning, for example, after cooking in the kitchen. Wipe the technique, a tabletop, flushing the distilled liquid and dispose of immediately - it is not only convenient, but also hygienic.

  • 8 items and means that will be needed for independent cleaning of the apartment after repair

2 disposable wet wipes

9 essential items for high-quality cleaning (check what you do not have) 2351_5

Perhaps more conveniently disposable dry napkins can only be wet. The only thing they are inconvenient to do is wipe the liquid. Otherwise, it's just a find for cleaning - quickly remove dust from surfaces, remove local pollution and clean the equipment, with wet napkins, this is done much faster, more comfortable and hygienic than with a regular sponge.

3 melamine sponge

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The melamine sponge is convenient to clean tracks, which leaves the furniture, vacuum cleaner, random splashes and divorces, tarts at the bottom of the pan, traces of markers, handles and pencils. This is an absolute Masthev.

You should not take a sponge whole and without gloves. It works best, if moisured in water.

  • 10 applications in everyday life of the melamine sponge

4 soda and vinegar

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There are countless cleaning recipes with vinegar and soda, and if you need universal tools for cleaning surfaces in the house - they are. Unlike the potent chemical compositions of the soda and vinegar, they work gently, they are environmentally friendly, with their help, you can clean even the surface in the children's room.

5 bottle with spray

9 essential items for high-quality cleaning (check what you do not have) 2351_9

Useful accessory, especially for those who do not want to use purchased chemical compositions, but prefers natural agents. Mix the desired ingredients and fill in such a bottle, thanks to the sprayer, the composition will be distributed to a large surface evenly, it will make it easier for cleaning.

6 Microfiber Napkin

9 essential items for high-quality cleaning (check what you do not have) 2351_10

Even if you prefer to remove with disposable napkins, such a rag will find a use. For example, it is convenient to remove serious contamination on delicate surfaces - glass, glossy coatings, mirrors. Microfiber removes dirt with the help of water alone, plus it is soft, which means there will not leave scratches and divorces.

7 Sign for glasses

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9 essential items for high-quality cleaning (check what you do not have) 2351_12

9 essential items for high-quality cleaning (check what you do not have) 2351_13

9 essential items for high-quality cleaning (check what you do not have) 2351_14

It is more convenient to clean the mirrors and glass than an ordinary cloth or a napkin. With the help of such a rubber scraper, it is possible to wash the windows much faster and better. If the Sgon began to leave the bands - it's time to replace the accessory itself or the rubber nozzle on it.

8 Brush with rigid bristles

9 essential items for high-quality cleaning (check what you do not have) 2351_15

For soft cleaning, napkins and rags fit perfectly, but with serious pollution they will not cope. To do this, you need a rigid brush, it is more convenient to clean the tile, a cast-iron or steel bath, to remove and dried spots.

9 Toothbrush

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Clean the joints, accessories with a lot of small parts, get to the farthest corners in the house using a conventional toothbrush. You can heat it and bend the handle so that cleaning has become even more comfortable.

  • 11 Things in the house that can be cleaned using ordinary toothpaste

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