How to save tomatoes: 6 ways for your crop


We tell about how to keep tomatoes in the cellar, in the refrigerator, freezer, in the bank and how to properly prepare for long-term storage.

How to save tomatoes: 6 ways for your crop 2378_1

How to save tomatoes: 6 ways for your crop

Unfortunately, long-term conservation without additional processing, tomatoes do not stand. True, salt or pickled vegetables are also very tasty. But still a long winter I want a fresh tomato from my bed, because his taste is not a comparison with greenhouse products. You can try to save them. Tell me how to store tomatoes in the refrigerator and without it.

All about long-term storage of tomatoes

Harvesting conditions

Storage methods

- in the cellar or basement

- In a refrigerator

- in the freezer

- just in the apartment

- In the bank

- Sust

Useful advice

Terms of long savings

For the shelf life, many factors affect. Let's talk in detail about each.

1. Selection of varieties

For long-term savings, they choose varieties with thick skin and a dense pulp. The crumbly sugar varieties will not fit. Sugar is starting to wander, which leads to quick damage. If you plan to maintain a harvest from your garden, when selecting seeds pay attention to specially derived sorts. This is "Long Keper", "Giraffe", "New Year" or "Autumn Gift". There are hybrids whose burning is even higher. This is "masterpiece-1", "Zazimok", "Leiebok", "Metelitsa", "Decembrist".

It is not bad for the usual medium and late-leaving varieties intended for salt. Such as "de-Barao", "Rio Grande", "San Martzano" and those like it. If it is not possible to grow culture and have to shop on the market, you need to choose correctly. It must be small in size of copies, dense and elastic. The form can be any, but salting varieties most often round or plums.

How to save tomatoes: 6 ways for your crop 2378_3

2. Harvesting

Collect tomatoes need to be in a warm dry day. They must completely dry from dew or irrigation. They tear them carefully, together with the fruit. Its presence prolongs the life of vegetables. True, it is necessary to put them in such a way that the fruit is lying on top or to climb her tip of scotch. This will prevent the loss of moisture and extends storage. Pressing the collection time is not recommended. Cold weather, and for tomatoes it is below 5 ° C, they negatively affect them. They lose the ability to ripe outside the bush. When laying on the preservation, such copies remain green, quickly rot.

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3. Preparation for laying

There are several rules, following which the bookmark is last saved by fresh.

  • Only and healthy instances are selected for saving. They should not be the slightest signs of diseases, cracks, dents or scratches. All this is the "gate" for infection. Even one infected fruit threatens the safety of the party, because it is able to infect everyone else.
  • Small and large copies shared. The first you need more time to ripen, while the second will have faster. Accordingly, their storage time will be different.
  • Commitable sorting according to the degree of maturity. Separate from each other green, brown, red and tomatoes of dairy ripeness. The latter are white. As in the previous case, they have different maturation time, therefore, and not the same storage time. Perevani fruits for saving are not suitable.
  • Ripe specimens are never stored with unripe. Red tomatoes produce ethylene gas, it speeds up the aging process. This adversely affects the stored vegetables. Similarly, the neighborhood is triggered with certain fruits, such as pears or apples. They should not be near.

How to save tomatoes: 6 ways for your crop 2378_5

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4. Storage conditions

Term, how much can ripe tomatoes, depends on what conditions they are. The most important factors are humidity and temperatures. Retreats from the recommended values ​​will result in damage products. So, the optimal humidity is 85-90%. When decreasing these parameters, they will dry, with an increase - rot. The temperature depends on the degree of maturity.
Maturity Temperature, ° С
Green 12-15
White 8-10
Brown 4-6
Red 0-2

How to keep tomatoes for the winter

Tomatoes can fly to winter and even longer if using effective methods of saving them. We collected the best.

1. In the cellar or basement

Well, if you can save a crop in the basement or cellar. A constant temperature is maintained here, focusing on which, choose the degree of maturity of the preserved fruit. Before laying, they must be prepared. This is done as follows.

  1. We are selected healthy, not damaged instances. We wipe each solution of potassium permanganate or alcohol. Let give a completely dry.
  2. Preparing packaging container. It can be a wooden or plastic box with holes. The slots are required to ensure air circulation. On the bottom we put dry moss-sfagnum or peat, this is the best option. If there is no such possibility, any hygroscopic material is suitable: paper, straw, burlap.
  3. We put the tomatoes into one layer of cups up. Cover their straw, sawdust or paper. We put a layer on top, fall asleep sawdust.

In this form, the harvest is removed for storage. Important moment. It is necessary to regularly inspect the vegetables in order to delete loading or softened on time. They will become a source of infection for the rest.

How to save tomatoes: 6 ways for your crop 2378_7

The cellar is a good option, how to store green tomatoes to redce. Their before bookmark must be protected from light. Each copy additionally turns into paper, better dark. In this form, they will be stored before the new year. To give them to ripen before use, the box put into a warm light place and remove the packaging from the fruit. To accelerate the process, you can put on green one or two ripe tomatoes.

2. In the refrigerator

Here, vegetables are stored for a long time, provided that they were placed in the minimum cooling zone. This is a vegetable container, freshness zone or shelves on the doors. Before booking, no special preparation is required. Dry and clean, but not washed, the fruits are stacked into the container. It should not be hermetically closed, otherwise the moisture appears inside it will spoil the contents. You can add tomatoes immediately into the refrigerator box.

There is one unpleasant moment. In the cold, volatile substances that give vegetable taste and aroma, begin to collapse. Therefore, the tomato extracted from the refrigerator is not so tasty. To avoid this, experts recommend to get it in advance. If you take out a tomato a week before drinking, the aroma will partially return. And if you give a tomato at least to warm after the refrigerator, the taste will be better.

How to save tomatoes: 6 ways for your crop 2378_8

3. In the freezer

In case of freezing, all vitamins and utility substances are saved. Therefore, many mistresses prefer this method of saving tomatoes. Prepare them easy.

  1. My and dry tomatoes.
  2. Cut them to slices, lay out on a baking sheet or a large dish. Cover the plastic film so that they do not lose moisture and the smells did not absorb.
  3. We remove into the freezer for several hours.
  4. We fold frozen slices into the container, lay in the freezer.

Other ways of freezing are practiced. Tomatoes freeze entirely, mugs for pizza or as a puree. Good stuffed semi-finished products. As a filling, mushrooms, pepper, pumpkin or carrots are used.

How to save tomatoes: 6 ways for your crop 2378_9

4. Just in the apartment

There is no cellar or basement, so you need to know how to keep tomatoes in the apartment. It is best to do it in the coolest and dark place. It happens, the apartment has a small storage room. If there is no heating pipes, it will be the best choice. Vegetables are laid in the basket or box, as well as for bookmarking the cellar, and installed in the storage room. Other options are possible.

Suitable for organizing storage insulated balcony or loggia. Optimally, if the temperature here holds within 10 ° C or slightly higher. Important moment. Immature fruits when bookmark are covered so that the light does not accelerate maturation. If there is no pantry or insulated balcony, the crop will be preserved on the floor. Usually it is laid out in one layer under the bed in the bedroom or under the closet. Be sure to fit the paper or fabric, closed from light.

How to save tomatoes: 6 ways for your crop 2378_10

5. In the bank

These techniques retain vegetables fresh, this is the difference from the usual preservation.

With mustard

Banks, better three-liter, washed and sterilized in any way. At the bottom of the dried tank, a small layer of mustard powder is placed. Loaded, washed and dried tomatoes are laid in one layer. A sheet of paper and mustard is put on it. So repeats to the top of the banks. The latter falls asleep mustard powder. The neck is covered by sterilized covers, rolled out.

In vacuum

Washing and dried tomatoes are stacked in pure sterilized banks. Between them should be a short distance. Then two tablespoons of alcohol poured and gently shakes so that the liquid is evenly distributed. The alcohol is set down until it burns, the bank is neatly rolled. When the fluid will be prohibiting, a vacuum will appear inside the container, in which the tomato will remain for several months.

There is another technique for creating a vacuum inside the tank. Preparation is carried out similarly, only fruits are stacked by banks. Then the little candle is then put inside. You can take any decorative in the metal sleeve, only not flavored. It is settled, cover the neck with a lid and carefully roll. It is important that the candle in the process of silence does not go out. It will go out when all oxygen will be fused.

How to save tomatoes: 6 ways for your crop 2378_11

In oil

The washed and dry tomatoes are stacked in a jar. It is pre-washed and sterilized. It is important to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Vegetable oil is poured into the container. It can be any: sunflower, corn, olive. Important moment. Oil must completely hide vegetables, so that the liquid layer is a layer of liquid with a height of 1 cm. Running the blanks with sterilized lids.

In the Pole

The technique is similar to preservation in oil, only instead it uses filling from salt and vinegar. For her preparation take eight parts of water. It must be boosted and cool. Add part of the vinegar and part of the salt. Everyone is well stirred until the salvation of salt grains is completely dissolved. The resulting solution is poured pure fruits laid in a sterilized bank. Round with a lid.

All these billets are best stored in a cool dark place.

How to save tomatoes: 6 ways for your crop 2378_12

6. Drying

Drier tomatoes are Mediterranean delicacy. It is easy to prepare at home. Two techniques are used for cooking: drying in the oven or natural. In the first case, vegetables wash, dried. Cut the fruit and cut into small slices. Their thickness must be about 0.5 cm or a little more. The baking sheet is lined with parchment or baking paper, laid out the resulting slices on it.

For taste you can add garlic and olive oil. For this, in the saucer mixed ingredients, the resulting sauce is lubricated tomato plates. The oven is warmed up to 85-100 ° C, they put a baking sheet in it. Door do not close tightly. Mandatory must be a small gap. Tomato slices from time to time turn over.

Vegetables for natural drying are prepared similarly, but no seasonings are used. Salt is also impossible to use. Slices are unfolded on the faded paper tray or contradictory, cover from above marley from insects. Expose to the street into a warm place where the straight sun rays do not fall. Periodically, the lobes turn over. Important note: If the weather is bad, it is better to postpone drying. Increased humidity and cold will lead to raw rotten.

How to save tomatoes: 6 ways for your crop 2378_13

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Tips of experienced housewives

To preserve the harvest longer, it is worth listening to these tips.

  • The presence of fruits extends the shelf life of tomatoes. When laying, it should be on top, because the skin is very gentle and it is easy to crack. If this happens, damage cannot be avoided.
  • Best fruits are preserved in a hygroscopic environment. Therefore, before booking, they should be wrapped with soft paper.
  • For tomatoes do not crack under their own weight, they are put in boxes in one or two layers.
  • Regular checks of the savory preserved are required. If the rot is appeared, it must be removed in time so as not to infect healthy copies.

How to save tomatoes: 6 ways for your crop 2378_15

We figured out how to store green and red tomatoes. There are many ways. Each hostess has the opportunity to try different and select those that guaranteed the harvest for a long time. Then my own grown red tomatoes will be on the table even in winter.

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