6 reasons to clean your sofa right now


Clean upholstered furniture is better than 4-5 times a year. And that's why.

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6 reasons to clean your sofa right now

It is necessary to carry out a general cleaning or dry cleaning of upholstered furniture at least twice a year. If you have animals or small children, frequency increases to 4 or 5 times a year. There are reasons to take up the brush and shampoo at least six, and they are all weighty.

1 in order not to suffer from allergies

If you have frequent allergic reactions, it is a reason to start with cleaning at home. Dust and dirt that accumulated in the upholstery of upholstered furniture, it may well become a catalyst for allergies. And if allergies live in the house, the regular and frequent cleaning of upholstered furniture are needed. The thing is that being a long time in the air, dust begins to attract harmful substances that cause allergies.

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2 not to distribute dust around the house

Dust is not only a possible cause of allergies, but also a potential source of propagation of viruses and larvae of the simplest, which can then get into the organism with air. In a soft furniture, dust is clogged between the weave of the threads on the upholstery. Doubt that you dust? Try to hit the couch on the sofa. All these particles can settle on the surfaces in the room, which means you will have to remove more often. The most convenient way to quickly get rid of dust is thrust. You can use a special narrow nozzle for hard-to-reach units of upholstered furniture. In addition, you can set the surface of the wet sheets and to intensively knock on the sofa with mop or broom. Dust, which will come out of the sofa, falls on a wet fabric.

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3 to sleep better

Nightmall nightmares, frequent awakening and reducing deep sleep time can also be indirectly connected with the place where you sleep. We are not only about convenience, but also about purity - dust and bacteria pollute the air around you when you sleep, and interfere with the body to relax fully. You are experiencing oxygen starvation and stress, so it can even hurt the head.

4 to keep upholstery for a long time

Over time, any upholstery becomes less durable, but extra dust and dirt can speed up the doctrine process. Dust particles are clogged between fabric fibers and it gradually grieves. In the end, the upholstery fills, loses attractiveness and breaks. Update the upholstery is much more expensive and more difficult than to start the extraordinary cleaning of the sofa, isn't it?

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5 To prevent the reproduction of dust ticks

Dust that has been hammered between fabric fibers is an ideal place in which the dust pliers love to settle. The unarmed look did not distinguish them. But the waste of the vital activity of these microorganisms together with dust enter the body and cause allergies and transition to a chronic state. In addition, dust pliers can cause various kinds of rash on the skin.

6 To make it easier for cleaning

As with any other cloth, with upholstered upholstered furniture, a rule is running, according to which fresh spots are easier to delete and faster than the solar. If you accidentally crush the berry or shed juice, remove the dirt at once. In order not to be left of the divorce, pay attention to the entire surface, and not just a place where the stain was formed.

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