5 annoying trifles in a house that is easy to eliminate the day


We understand why simple little things at home can sometimes cause a large negative, and get rid of them less than in one day.

5 annoying trifles in a house that is easy to eliminate the day 2385_1

5 annoying trifles in a house that is easy to eliminate the day

Most of the things from which the home mood does not apply to global issues like a color range or furniture alignment. Most often, the feeling from the interior kill the accumulated little things, which are easy to fix, but the hands do not reach. Perhaps the motivation will appear when you read our article.

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1 Footwear on the floor in the hallway

One of these annoying trifles is the footwear on the floor in the hallway. It often stands on ugly newspapers or rags, leaves divorce on the floor and in principle spoils even a beautifully decorated corridor.

What can be done

  • Purchase a shoe. You can find cheap models in the mass market or find an ad in which the newslet is free.
  • Write plastic transparent containers and clean the shoes in the hallway wardrobe.
  • Put the bench and place the extendable drawers for the shoes that you wear every day and do not want to remove far.
  • Cut the boxes in which shoes were sold, crafted paper and store shoes in them, carefully folded in the hallway.

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5 annoying trifles in a house that is easy to eliminate the day 2385_5

5 annoying trifles in a house that is easy to eliminate the day 2385_6

5 annoying trifles in a house that is easy to eliminate the day 2385_7

5 annoying trifles in a house that is easy to eliminate the day 2385_8

  • 5 reasons why in the hallway - always mess

2 Dirty windows

Dirty windows for a long time bypass, because they are not striking and no matter how unrest is inside the apartment. Nevertheless, every time you look out the window, mark the diversion on glass and washing hanging in the list of not urgent, but unfulfilled cases. Such cases have psychological pressure, the reason for which we ourselves do not understand.

Dedote a couple of hours to wash windows and feel how the feeling of the room changes and I want to change something else in it for the better.

5 annoying trifles in a house that is easy to eliminate the day 2385_10

  • 7 harmless items in your home from which Bardak begins

3 mold in the closet for dishes

In the closet, where you fold the dishes after washing, mold may appear because of dampness. It can be eliminated by special means. And for the prevention, process the inner surface of the cabinet with vinegar and put an open jar with salt - it will choose an excess moisture.

Plastic pallet for drying dishes, which are set next to the sink, can also be treated with vinegar - this will prevent the yellowing of the plastic and the appearance of fungus. Also can help a paper kitchen towel, settled on the pallet. Just change it every day to avoid the appearance of mold.

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4 outdated things that are sorry to throw

Everyone in the house will find things that are not used and not happy with their appearance, but it is impossible to throw it or give them. It can be old books and services that have taken from grandmother, photos, frames, magnets, postcards - something that has only emotional value.

Highlight one day to collect these things into one box and remove it somewhere in the depth of the big closet. So they will not stand out in the interior, and you will be calm that they have retained family value.

5 annoying trifles in a house that is easy to eliminate the day 2385_13

  • 6 items that are easier to throw out than constantly search for them.

5 small local chaos

Even in the most organized and clean apartment, there will be a place in which chaos reigns. Refrigerator, first-aid kit, chest or wardrobe - such zones take a good mood, because they cause a feeling of guilt and constantly remind themselves.

Spend one day to highlight these sites and find a solution for them. Typically help all sorts of containers, boxes and disposal from unnecessary.

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  • Hyborne Guide: How to achieve perfect order in the apartment in 5 minutes a day

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