7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts)


We disassemble what lawn can hurt, learn to recognize diseases and treat them.

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_1

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts)

The lawn is a hardy grade grade, which covers the soil with a uniform layer and calmly transfers the sun's rays, rains and pulling out. But he doesn't care, like any lively plant, may be ill, so it is important to know the dacket about the lawn disease and their treatment.

What is the lawn sick

Dollar spot

Snow Mold.

Red nichness

Witch Circles


Mossi and lichen

Puffy dew

1 Dollar spot

If yellow or brown spots began to appear on the lawn in front of the house, the correct round shape and a diameter of up to 10 cm, then it is most likely a fungus, which is called dollar spot.

Diagnosis and reasons

Before diagnosing it, make sure that the stains appeared not because of some chemicals and not because of the physical impact. Maybe you splash some kind of fertilizer and it just burned these circles.

Next, you need to analyze the composition of the coating to choose the right treatment. Most often, dollar spot is striking cereal varieties, for example, a meadow, red oatmeal, Bermuda and wilderness. If on your site a rolled lawn, then most likely it consists of a meadow meadow. With the sowing type a little more complicated, since it uses different plants.

Another point that will help make sure that the lawn is damaged by dollar spot - in the ground the lack of nitrogen. It is easy to notice, if there are bad and slowly grow flowers and shrubs, and their leaves are yellow and fall.

In addition, the development of this disease is accelerated into the arid summer months.

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_3
7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_4

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_5

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_6


To combat dollar spot, use a complex of several actions.
  • Treat the soil of fungicides. "Maxim Dachnik", "Tyofanat", "Benomyl" are suitable. Be sure to read the instructions and do not handle the garden more often than you need - fungicides can accumulate, which is also not good. It is usually necessary to carry out processing every 7-14 days.
  • Cut the regular watering lawn early in the morning if the summer was arid.
  • Make nitrogen fertilizers. Most often, they are bought in the form of a solution, bred in a large amount of water and conduct a normal watering.
  • At the end of the summer and at the beginning of autumn, in the affected places, there are aeration. For this, several days spend the active watering for the soil to be soft, and pierce it with a pitchfork or a special hand-made spiked. It is necessary to make oxygen into the ground.


If you have a lawn from herbs that are often subject to this fungus or soil with an insufficient amount of nitrogen, carry out prevention. To do this, make protective and immunizing fungicides, regularly add to water to watering nitrogen fertilizers and spend the soil aeration at the beginning and end of the country.

  • 5 signs that your plants feel bad (it's time to take action urgently!)

2 Snow Mold.

In a different snow mold called fusariasis. At first glance, it can be confused with dollar spot, so you need to be very attentive, since the prerequisites and, accordingly, the prevention of these diseases differ.

Diagnosis and reasons

With a snowy mold, there are also circles of the right shape, but they are more than 10 cm, reach in diameter about 20-30 cm. Also in the morning, when dumping, you can see that blasting brands are glued with a white bloom. The symptoms of this disease is in the photo in the gallery.

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_8
7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_9

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_10

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_11

It manifests itself most often in crude weather, in the fall. But it may appear in the spring, especially after a very snowy winter, which led to the status of water. In this case, the fungus is resistant to cold, survives at -50 ° C, quickly spreads.

Another background of the appearance of fungus is a high nitrogen content in the soil. It can be diagnosed in appearance of colors and shrubs: they grow very slowly, but have a bright, rich green color and unusually thick stems.


The same fungicides are used as for dollar spottedness: "Maxim Dachnik", "Tyofanat", "Benomyl". You can spray the soil "Phytosporin-M".

Since the fungus is developing with an excess of nitrogen, select fertilizers with its reduced content.

It is also worth paying attention to the level of moisture, adjusting watering or temporarily cutting it.


Protective and immunizing fungicides will be needed for the prevention. Do not forget to spend the soil aeration to add oxygen into it. You can also conduct scarification, or, in a different way, combing. So you remove old dumping blades, leaving a place to grow new.

And at the beginning of autumn or after the winter, arrange water ducts to get rid of stagnant after rain or melting of the snow of water.

  • How to sow lawn: useful tips and step-by-step instructions

3 Red Strike

Red nitchness is a fungus, with red or pinkish disputes. He is striking mellite varieties: rags, oatmeal. It happens, as a rule, at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn.

Diagnosis and reasons

The grass begins to stick and pose, the brown stains of the wrong shape appear on the lawn. The disease appears due to lack of nitrogen and potassium, re-securing moisture, low temperature.

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_13
7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_14

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_15

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_16


The best way to defeat this disease of lawn grass is to create comfortable conditions under which she can overcome her. To do this, make fertilizers with nitrogen and potassium, remove the dead grass with aqueous, spend aeration.


In addition to timely making fertilizer and the use of preventive fungicides, a good illumination will help to avoid the appearance of red nitacity. You can cut the branches in the trees above the affected place or transplant shrubs.

Do not forget to cut the grass regularly - it increases its endurance.

  • 7 bad habits in the care of plants, because of which they are often dying

4 Witch Circles

Diagnosis and reasons

Windy circles are formed due to the fact that in the soil there is something organic, for example, the remains of the old stump. Because of this, white mushrooms germinate on the lawn, and they grow in a circle. The mushroom underground takes all the nutrients and because of this the grass in the center of the dying, yellow dried spots appear. At the same time, the mushrooms themselves should not necessarily be large and noticeable, the mushroom may not yet be manifolding for a long time, but the rings will still appeal.

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_18
7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_19
7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_20

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_21

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_22

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_23


From the fungi themselves there is no effective chemical method of deliverance. They will have to be deleted manually, and do not cut, as you do it in the forest, but dig out from the ground with the root.

To what rotates, quickly decomposed and left the mushroom without food, put in the soil nitrogen-potash fertilizers.

After these procedures, strengthen the imune coating system: spend aeration, sprinkle the victim to the sand and cut water.


Before putting the lawn, you need to make sure that there are no swapped stumps, wooden boards and some organics in the soil. Good turn and clean the garden.

  • From diseases and pests: garden treatment in spring

5 Rust

Rust may be a stem and sheet, it always turns from the intermediate owner. A hawthorn, pine and barberries are usually performed as carriers. Therefore, the scorched areas often appear precisely next to these seedlings.

Diagnosis and reasons

The rust looks like the blades dried by half or fell solar rays. But the lawn is affected not all at once, but slices, therefore it is easy to understand that the cause in the disease is easy.

At the same time, the rust does not destroy the lawn, this is not the most dangerous disease. Rather, it just sweat his appearance swelling. Therefore, so as not to pull the entire garden and not to plant a new coating, it is better to carry out prevention in a timely manner.

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7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_26

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_27

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_28


If there is a hawthorn, pine or barberries in the garden, the processing always begins with them. Otherwise, the disease will simply go with a damaged plant on a cured lawn and everyone will have to start first. To do this, remove damaged branches and leaves. They are easy to determine how they become brown dried. Moreover, the blade of the secret before and after use need to be treated with alcohol in order not to move the disease to healthy plants.

It is also necessary to assemble and burn the fallen foliage from the patients, and then process the trunks and branches of fungicides. Cooking, "Knoksat", Bordeaux Mixture and Copper Chlorine.

After that, go to work on the lawn itself. When watering into water, fungicides are added, nitrogen feeding is added. You can use the preparation "Forecast", Propiconazole, Tritikonazole and Tebukonazole.


Since the disease is transmitted from carrier plants, be careful when they disembarks and follow the signs that something is not a taak with them. Buy pines and shrubs in proven manufacturers, with a certificate that confirms that seedlings are healthy and passed all the necessary processing.

After planning on the site, handle new seedlings and earth around them with preventive fungicides.

  • How to care for a lawn: necessary procedures and seasonal work

6 moss and lichens

Diagnosis and reasons

Mossi and lichens easily identify, these are peculiar pests that appear against the background of diseases or in case of improper care. Healthy plants can make them disseminate themselves.

Other possible causes of the appearance of moss and lichen - excess moisture, as well as lack of illumination. If these problems cannot be solved in any way, you may have to replace the rolled lawn on the soil plants, they are better adapted to such conditions.

Also, Moss may appear due to the fact that the grass fed too low that it was weakened. Learn recommendations at the minimum height of your type of grass when having a haircut.

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_30
7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_31

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_32

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_33

How to cure lawn

If moss or lichens have already appeared, it is necessary to treat the land in this place with water from lime divorced in it. This will reduce acidity and make your garden unsuitable for these plants. The level of acidity of the soil can be found out by purchasing special paper paper in the gardener. High acidity with which you need to do something, begins with a pH 5.5 and lower.

If there is too much moisture on the site, perform aeration, if necessary, do the soil drainage, dig dwindwater dwarves.


In order not to have such problems, in time to treat plants from various diseases, follow the level of acidity and control the water balance.

7 Muffling Rosa

Diagnosis and reasons

Puffy dew looks on the edges so that they were shed white paint on them. Most often arises in the shadow and amazes first of all the meadow meadow. Also occurs during a frequent change of weather, transitions from shower to the heat.

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_34
7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_35

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_36

7 diseases of the house lawn (and how to save the lawn with minimal efforts) 2399_37

Increased humidity and oversupply nitrogen provoke the development of the disease and lead as a result of the death of the lawn.


  • First of all, it is cease to cut shortly, leaving a height of about 7 cm, as it increases the area of ​​perception of sunlight and helps to fight the disease.
  • Next, you need to cancel the evening watering the lawn, leaving only limited morning.
  • Make fertilizer with reduced nitrogen and admixture of phosphorus.
  • You can also crop crowns near the trees to reduce the shadow.


In order not to spend the forces on the treatment of lawns, correctly pick up the lawn for shaded places, avoid meat sludge. It is better to use graded varieties. In time, end the crown of trees, spend aeration.

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