7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all


Lack of drawing, copper shells and mixers, as well as lack of storage spaces - tell what solutions in the kitchen can cause inconvenience in the future.

7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_1

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1 No drawing

Sometimes the owners of the apartments want to save on the repair of the kitchen and do not make an exhaust, which they subsequently regret. Today you can really cook and not fry almost nothing on the stove, and tomorrow the taste preferences will change, or after some time the family will become more. Therefore, it is worth weighing everything "for" and "against" before it is categorically abandoning this attribute.

7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_2

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2 Small storage locations

Sometimes, inspired by beautiful interiors on the Internet, which depict empty countertops and there is no top row of storage, people decide to issue interior as well. And after repair, they understand that there is nowhere to store most of things. This approach is justified only in one case: if you adhere to minimalism not only in the interior design, but also in the style of life, so you try not to buy and not use a lot of things. In other cases, a small number of places for storage in the kitchen will upset you.

7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_4
7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_5

7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_6

7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_7

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3 Relief furniture

Relief fillets on furniture and doors are quite popular if we are talking about the kitchen in modern or classic styles. However, the owners of such headlows often suffer from the fact that they are going to dust. Also, the relief does not contribute to simple cleaning: if fingerprints or fat stains appear on the doors, then drop them from such a surface much more difficult than from cabinets with minimal finish.

7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_9

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4 Open Storage System for Service

Open storage is a very beautiful system that allows you to keep things constantly at hand. In the kitchen, this is justified for those items that you use every day. Accessories for cooking, jars with seasonings, containers with groceries, ordinary cups and plates, - All this can be kept on open shelves.

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But you should not put the services and glasses on them that you take on holidays. Firstly, the dust gathered in transparent tanks will spoil all the impression of the collection, and secondly, you will have to move the dishes before visiting guests, even if you cleared it after the previous holiday. It is worth considering that rinse and wipe dry from drops of glasses is not the most pleasant lesson. If you want to boast a beautiful collection, it is better to make a transparent showcase or put the dishes behind the door with a glass insert.

7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_12
7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_13

7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_14

7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_15

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5 Too many rails

Storage on the rails is a wonderful thing, however, with their number you can overdo it. And then instead of the well-thought-out location of accessories on the walls, there is a litable space. But in this case, everything is quickly fixable and do not have to regret it: some of the things can be removed and removed into the boxes, the rails are also easy to remove, and the remaining holes in the wall in the wall are disguised.

7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_17
7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_18

7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_19

7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_20

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6 Ceramic sink

Most often in the kitchen make stainless steel sinks. But sometimes, also inspired by the selections in the network, choose ceramic models. They look very beautiful, however, have several significant drawbacks. Models from ceramics look untidy during contaminants, and are also not very durable: a heavy item dropping into a sink, you can easily get the chick. Change the damaged sink to a new one will not be easy because of the high cost, which can also be attributed to a substantial minus.

7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_22
7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_23

7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_24

7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_25

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7 plumbing from copper

Another material that does not have to choose for plumbing in the kitchen, - copper. Copper shells and mixers look very beautiful and cause delight of guests. But their owners have to be not easy with them: the material is easily dirty, and its cleaning procedure is not very simple. It is impossible to use acids: lemon juice can damage the surface. Abrasive cleaning products are also banned. Even from ordinary water that you forget to wipe after washing, dark spots may form.

7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_27
7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_28

7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_29

7 interior solutions for the kitchen, about which almost all 2420_30

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